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Posts posted by Cast-Away

  1. The plane actually has a deployable parachute but you have to be at a decent elevation in order to deploy it. https://www.iconaircraft.com/a5 Wayne is right they are appealing to a young market with this product.



    Here is a link where people were recording his flying and sadly the crash. There is also a promo video that his wife and him recorded for Icon. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5062213/Roy-Halladay-fly-Icon-A5-crash.html

  2. I remember fishing and camping near the lodge back in the 1980's and it was certainly remote and not easy to get to by boat. You either had to traverse down the the French River and Bad River and shoot the rapids or take the rough boat ride out the Key River and through the open bay. Fishing the bay was tricky because of all of the shoals and with the open water it was often too rough to fish or if it was cloudy you couldn't see the shoals.

  3. I would launch at Honey Harbour and head out to the islands around Minnicognashene Island. Troll around them with crankbaits until you find where they are hitting and then drift that area with live bait. If you can find a place where there is a quick drop-off into deep water you will usually find the bigger SM Bass. As soon as the bait goes out of sight they will hit with a long slow pull.

  4. Wow Drew, another adventure of a lifetime, wait until your kids are older and want to tag along. The memories will be even better!


    The rock formations have a real vertical striation to them like the lake was at one time the centre of the mountain. In central Ontario they are almost always on an angle indicating that the rock formation is out from the centre of the mountain or volcanic activity when they were formed.


    Thanks for sharing your latest adventure bud!

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