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Posts posted by Cast-Away

  1. Glad to share guys, no point in asking questions of people and not taking the time to share the results.


    Tupelo, I've also been there many times in October and had nothing but the odd pike. Try fishing the islands out by the main boat channel for SM bass, you will have better luck.


    Farsider, it is only the second time getting walleye in the last 25 years. Both times there had been rain on and off for the previous few days and cloudy the day of the catch. The guy I was fishing with said that he heard the walleye are making a comeback on GBay.

  2. Back from the Moon, I was up there with my friend Warren (aka The Worlds Greatest Fisherman) who has the same name as me.


    We went up last Friday and set up camp just before some morning rain. In the afternoon we went out to the open bay and caught a number of average size smallies in fairly rough water followed by a really nice 4+ pound SM in 26 feet of water. After supper we went to an old walleye spot where Warren caught two, one was about 1 pound and the other was about 2.5 pounds. We had a few bass and pike as well.


    Saturday was sunny, not too warm but windy so we decided to try some of the back bays in the basin before lunch and started with an old bass spot that used to produce when the water was high like it is now. We had no luck so we trolled a pike/muskie shoal and had a few. After that we moved onto another high water bass site where Warren proceeded to nail a 5.5 pound walleye!


    In the afternoon we moved back out into the open water again and moved from island to island catching smallies. In the gallery you will see two pictures of Bald Eagles, one adult and one fledgling. As it turned out there was a nest on the island containing two immature birds plus the adults. We did not catch a single bass around that island, no surprise there.


    On Sunday once the morning rain stopped we packed up our gear and headed out to the open water again to my "Platinum Spot" to round out a great weekend of fishing. Warren was busy baiting his hook and turns to me and says; "so this is your best spot eh" and I said yes as I set the hook on one of many bass. We had double headers, other fish following the one that just got caught and there were many in the 2-3 pound range. What a great way to wrap up a weekend of good fishing and good friends! This was Warren's first time fishing there with me and he said that I called it on every spot i took him to except for out of about 12 places.






  3. Thanks for the tips guys, I have never spent much time in Iron City other than the campsite on Sharpe Island. I usually further out towards the open bay and of course in the open water when it is calm enough.


    This year I am fishing with a different friend who has fished Iron City a few times and uses different techniques than I do so it should be interesting!

  4. Heading up to the basin next week and wondered if anyone has fished there in the last week or two? With the water being cooler and higher this year I am wondering if the bite is better? I plan to try a few spots I have not fished in about 20 years since the last time the water was this high.

  5. Amazing report Bunk, you should be a writer, oh wait, you are!


    Good thing you don't smoke if you were belching gas. :devil: How long was the boat ride from the marina to your campsite?


    Nothing like a waterbed on a camp site and no air mattress, well until you find the patch kit on the last day!


    One lost lure in a week is pretty incredible.

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