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Posts posted by Cast-Away

  1. I really can't stand when some of you guys get so negative on these positive posts about the event and some even getting off topic about car salesmen. My parents used to say if you don't have anything good to say then keep your comments to yourself.


    Go find another forum where people like all of the negativity because OFC is not the place for this.

  2. I just found out today from another website that the license for my boat has to be renewed every 10 years even if I did not change addresses. Not sure why the Federal Government requires this?


    There is no change for this other than the stamp. You can download the form at the link below. You have to fill our section A, B, the reason, D and F.




    The fine is $250 if you are not compliant.

  3. I canoed down it one year from the highway and out into the bay and back up 12 Mile Bay. My buddies and I did the first leg to the Moon Falls in about half a day. We decided to go to the Twin Rapids because it was only one portage instead of two going the northerly route. The portage was brutal up and over a very steep rock cut. We should have shot the rapids instead but were in a borrowed fiberglass canoe and did not want to chance it.


    There are quite a few Massasauga Rattlers around Moon Falls so be careful if you camp there.


    We did not fish anywhere along the way, however I do fish the Basin on a regular basis and recommend camping out in Iron City Bay. There are plenty of Islands to explore and it is well protected from GBay. The bass fishing is quite decent there. You can stay on one site and do lots of exploring.

  4. Oh Wayne, you had to show an aerial shot of 12 Mile didn't you! A tease for the warmer weather:)


    My pick would be GBay all the way, Sure, lots of water to cover but pick an area and work until you know it well.

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