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Posts posted by Cast-Away

  1. Reporting this was a good idea Dan. A friend of my records police stats in a database with a mapping system and the police do step up patrols and look at the type of crime pattern taking place, so if there are break and enters into vehicles they look closely in peoples driveways.

  2. I modified my old Springbok to have a floor, livewell, lights, bilge etc and when I repainted the boat the word Springbok was gone so I had to give the boat a name of course. I called it Cast-Away because I am always one cast away from the big one! I now have a 17 foot Legend called Cast-Away II which you might have seen on Hwy 400. The first time I used this handle was on the old Toronto Zoo Board. Then I came over the first second and third generation of the OFC board!

  3. I've never been a big poster here, just a daily reader but like Lew have been around for all 3 versions of this board. I remember seeing Diplip on the 400 once because of his licence plate, so i pulled up beside him, honked and pulled on my lip. He laughed and we ended up exchanging PM's the next day.


    Does anyone remember the old Toronto Zoo board?

  4. My wife and I went today for the opener and were probably 2000 people back but got in within 20 minutes. The place was fully stocked and there were some decent deals and some real quality products. The store is more geared to the hunting community than the fishing and boating community.


    I visited the Michigan location and was far more impressed than I was with this location as far as the static displays and size of the building goes. It is worth a visit and closer for many OFC members than going all the way to Bass Pro.

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