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About mikeymikey

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  1. big carps in there.
  2. It's from 1993, this rock group was in search of a new vocal and found the singer of this voice. Whom made a one demo recording only but sadly died the very next day in auto accident. When the album was released in tape, exact recording demo was used too. Song became extremely popular and is one of the all time hit song. Yes I know this is in Korean but regardless of the language, music is music, right? Nah~ who am a kidding, like many? most? of you I just can not stand listening to noise? i mean music of certain language/culture. hehe
  3. Hi, I can't find your thread about making your own glow in dark spoon.

  4. If you want to use a LED flashlight... search ebay for UV LED Flash light that is 3Watt or higher. As for Fortune spoon, you would want to give it a clear coat spray as outter layer (glow) can chip off.
  5. I am guessing you the end user have to pay for both way shipping? How much in shipping did it cost you?
  6. I also broke my Rapala rod tip. I guess a proof of purchase is a must have when visiting for service? If so, I am out of luck. Also, can someone give me their Oshawa service center address/?
  7. Google Android
  8. Asian carp may have breached barrier http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/techno...article1371407/
  9. Check out all the video from this user... This kid got some skills
  10. I recommend Lumix DMC-LX3 It's got a wide angle lens & image quality is excellent. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/PanasonicDMCLX3/
  11. Hello, Is it too late to visit Algonquin Provincial Park for scenic viewing? When was/is perfect time to visit? Anyone visited the park recently? Thanks.
  12. Do CO's call you guys back if you make a report? Because I was at the damn about 2 weeks ago too and called to report some snaggers by the dam during the evening hours. Today, i had a voicemail from a CO lady saying thank you for calling to make a report and if I ever seen illegal fishing that I try to get a license plate number and etc... and said that they are visiting humber river more often than before and such. it's good to get a callback from them. now i feel that everyone should call whether or not authorities will come or not.
  13. Any light source will work for charging, including leaving it out to sunlight (if there are any these days). It also doesn't have to be a LED but it can be a lot more brighter + longer battery life. My 5500 lux @ 1metre led light sure can charge up those super long glow spoons very well. The best method is to get yourself a nice powerful UV LED flashlight. If you really want those super long hour glow spoons to last long time, you should atleast let it charge up for about 10 minutes. Don't bother with those small finger size UV LED lights as it does not produce enough light. I forget the location but thtere is a flashlight store near Kipling & Rexdale and i believe they have one of those flashlight with like 13 UV LED emitters on it. I personally use a 1watt uv led flashlight. I don't think I have ever seen salmon caught on a full bright glows before... also remember that cooler temperature discharges the glows much faster too.
  14. 29 minute point and on of the video is funny. thanks for the link.
  15. yet another new member who experienced a bad start to the forum... hope he/she will still lurk around
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