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Everything posted by dodger1414

  1. welcome to the board..great pics..
  2. Beatiful fish..that is all i have to say.thanks for sharing
  3. congrats on the musky man..they are always fun to catch no matter the size and also great pic..thanks for sharing
  4. awesome fish..awesome pics..thanks for sharing
  5. great report man..thanks for sharing...great pics and especially liked the vid
  6. nice report. and great pictures..thanks for sharing
  7. hey there...welcome to the board
  8. those are sweet man..i'm sure i don't speak for myself when i say u gotta respect a talent like that
  9. congrats looks like a great day you had there
  10. congrats on the PB
  11. sorry to hear that..get well soon
  12. the ultra light should be fine for your pickeral and crappie but u will need alot heavier gear for the muskie for sure..i would almost suggest getting a baitcasting reel to fish for the muskie with heavier line and that could work for your bass as well..i personally use a baitcasting reel with 20 pound braided spiderline on it and it works fine for bass and for the muskie..20 pounds may seem a little extreme but i have lost way too many lures to muskie because i was unprepared so i fugure it doesn't really hurt to be ready..
  13. congrats man...looks like a great day
  14. nope actually headed up north for that..never really fished down east for the walleyes although i would really like to....
  15. there it is now..couldn't figure out how to put it up but it's all good now
  16. seeing as how i am new i just thought i would put this pic up of a walleye i caught last year
  17. i would just like to say hi to everyone on this website as i am a new member. i was previously a member on the old website but took a little beak over the winter and then came on the other day and realized the format of the site had changed. i look forward to contributing lots of pictures and hope to see many as well.
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