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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. Yes, he could have got out and shot the animal, however, hes in a residential neighbourhood, where there have several complaints about coyotes killing pets, the dog was over 20, deaf, with dementia, it was dark, say the officer tries to shoot the animal in middle of the street, and misses, and hits a bystander? what then? the officer i believe was trying to both maim/kill the animal by running it over, so that the risk of a miss when the animal was shot was not there

  2. Well it's balls to the wall time. Gotta let all out from here on in.


    The good news is that were down 2-0 against Texas. Nothing more dangerous than a team fighting for its life.


    Not making excuses but EE and Tulo don't seem 100%. Osama (sp?) and Sanchez seem to be hurting too.


    Ok, KC poked the bear let's see what happens tomorrow.


    Go Jays!



    EE has a sprained ligament in his finger, Tulo, cracked shoulder, Sanchez has a blister on his pitching hand, Osuna has a cracked finger nail and is unable to throw his slider without pain

  3. I hope im wrong, but i've never seen so many balls find a hole.


    wasn't it the Yankees that embarassed the red sox in game 3 of the alcs 19-8to take a 3-0 lead, and then lost 4 straight?


    I'd love to see how many of KC's hits are ground balls

  4. How about those Blue Jays...............................LOL



    Jumping off the band wagon already? ah well, less weight to carry. 1 bad inning in game 2 where all KC did string together base hits off of good pitches. They didn't commit any errors.


    , a pitcher throwing the best game hes thrown all year in game 1.


    2-0 is not a death sentence in a 7 game series........look up 1985 KC vs Toronto, Toronto went up 2-0, and lost the series

  5. I scared the dog when Bautista hit that homerun. I have honestly not felt that nervous excitement since I stopped playing ball competatively, I miss that feeling to be honest.



    The ruling was correct on the Martin throw though, they originally had the rule confused, but they got it right, doesn't matter that the ump called time, the runner would have scored if he hadn't, and that was the ruling, Donaldson had no shot at throwing him out, even if he had reacted right away. it sucks, but thats the way it is.


    I commend the umpires in this game, they did a great job given the circumstances and high stakes, the throw out at third, the foul ball down the left field line, the non intentional interference, and the slide by pompey, which was a legal slide, he was well within reach of the base, did not even leave the running lane. The strikezone was tight, but consistant.


    I feel sorry for Andrus though, he was part of all 3 errors in that inning, thats a horrible feeling on its own, but to then have it lead to you losing the series, is worse

  6. Dickey went around after the game and high fived anyone on the foul lines that wanted one.


    You don't have to like the guys play on the field, but you have to love the guys class and attitude.



    I have a lot more respect for the guy now after watching this video. The guy tried to end his life, and almost died on another time, not to mention the abuse as a kid



  7. chris ... playoff game ... it will.


    I've been to jays games, THIS YEAR, that you could hear a pin drop. but that's regular season.


    these are the types of comments that drive me insane....bandwagon jays fans rippin on the leafs (or leafs fans).



    up til the trade deadline, yes, after that, no way. you won't hear the acc that loud, no way.....too many suits and not enough true fans of the game unfortunately. Its too bad that Fox has the crowd volume turned down, unlike sportsnet games where you can hear the crack of the bat, and noise of the crowd.

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