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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. what ever breed you choose, make sure you do your research on possible health risks associated with that breed, for instance, labs are prone to certain health risks like cancer, just because of over breeding. i myself have a cross breed, border collie mixed with golden. was an accidental breeding, dad got loose and found momma. hes a wonderful dog, full of energy, has the herding instinct, and has to know where everyone is in the house at all times. goldens also tend to act like puppies for the first 3 years, and then start to calm down.


    cross breeds tend to live longer than purebreds.


    a good friend of mine had a poodle,he used it for hunting and retrieving. they aren't the french prissy dogs they are made out to be on TV. he would have gotten another if he didn't discover the chessy, chesapeak bay retriever.

  2. Bummer, I stop in the Tonawanda store several times a year when I'm down fishing. It's always been a great store!


    looks like that one will still be open


    list of stores to be closing


    • Alabama (4) – Gadsden, Mobile, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa
    • Georgia (3) – Augusta, McDonough, Snellville
    • Illinois (3) – Champaign, Algonquin, Springfield
    • Indiana (2) – Merrillville, Greenfield
    • Minnesota (3) – Rogers, Mankato, Woodbury
    • New York (1) – New Hartford
    • North Carolina (2) – Raleigh, South Charlotte
    • Tennessee (1) – Chattanooga
    • Texas (10) – Houston, Killeen, Laredo, Lubbock, Round Rock, San Antonio, Sugar Land, Texarkana, Waco, West Houston
    • West Virginia (1) – Charleston
    • Wisconsin (2) – Eau Claire, Germantown
  3. please me if im wrong, but it seems a lot of reservations suffer from a lot substance abuse, especially further north, and a lack or high school/college education. i know from my personal experience, a lot of natives that i went to elementary school with, didn't make it past grd 10 or 11. that was also around the same time that the Dudley George fiasco happened. whether the drop outs were related to that or not, i don't know.



    also, nice truck. too bad it has a bow tie on it

  4. The slicers and dump are Steelheaders.


    The less skilled anglers are there for food. It's true they my not always hook them in the mouth but they take them home and eat them.


    The pitch, net crew as always poacher trash.


    i've seen none english speaking folks do it as well, they eat the eggs, and leave the rest to rot


    at the very least, take the fish home, feed it to your dog, fertilize your garden,do something with it besides leave it rotting on the bank

  5. It is not banned from the dam to the mouth it is banned from joyclin/molson street bridge to Robertson bridge from aig 15 to sept 30


    There is a lot wrong with the fisheries act as well as the FWCA THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED




    Except that above Jocelin st bridge is the sanctuary til the 401 and closed all year, maybe my wording could have been better?

  6. As I understand it, they voted to ban night fishing in Port Hope on City parklands in the downtown so far which is fine. It's banned by MNR regulation on the saugeen, so why the MNR would leave this to council who knows. If they where smart they would ban night fishing for salmon entirely. Other than pier fishing, I've only ever seen headlampers and netters at night anyway.



    yes they did. fishing is banned from the dam down to the mouth from 8pm til 6am from mid august to sept 30. mnr probably left it to council to pass as a bylaw because it was too late to change the mnr regs, since the printed versions were already out

  7. Why doesn't the town rig up CCTV and/or webcams?


    Could help with "contested" charges and for allocating manpower even if the arresting officer didn't see it directly.


    Again, applying the fines they can lay and the wildlife offences when they occur.


    problem there is cost, and being able to cover all the possible angles. unless you're up close enough to see, its almost impossible to tell whether or not is was a legal take, or snagged on the gills

  8. The key problem across Ontario, let alone the Ganny, is a lack of enforcement and deterrence. I applaud the efforts of the MNRF's ground staff, but 2 CO's for a large area just does not provide adequate coverage. More importantly, our fine structure is a joke. Look south of the border where fines start are routinely issued at $500 per offence. In Florida poaching can get you 60 days. Texas levies fine upward of $10,000. And they all just love confiscation of property. You also pay all court costs. Some state fisheries depts . recover 10% and more from fines.

    I just shake my head when I read about court imposed fines less than $200



    hopefully with local police finally being trained to enforce mnr regulations, the number of fines will go up

  9. except i know someone who charters out there ,books motel rooms for clients out there, lives out there and so it sure does bring in community money and tax money


    people that come from out of town might spend money in town.im assuming what happens there is this. client books charter, lives 2+ hours away, doesn't want to get up at 2am, drive 2 hours to get there for 5am. most likely the client will drive down the night before, stay the night, maybe go out for dinner, pick up a few drinks and snacks for the next day, go out for his 6 hour charter, then go home.


    i was talking strictly river fisherman, how much money to they bring directly to port hope. i know for trout, that hotel in welcome is jammed

  10. river fisherman will not spend that much money, not even close. a hotel room for the weekend, stop at tims, maybe lunch/dinner, but thats it. the ones spending money are the charter guides.


    once the salmon and steelhead leave the river, guess how much money river fisherman spend in port hope. will be next to nothing

  11. no, introducing a fee will not deter anything, it will either push people further north up the river, or somewhere else completely. the reason they go to the ganny, is because those bottom pools in town are extremely accessible, with no obstructions anywhere, leaving those big fish in a very vulnerable situation. personally i think the better solution is a make that section in town, a no kill zone, meaning no keeping anything, including the roe, but that would require mnr to be on board and change it, vs making a town bylaw to restrict access.


    signs were posted last season warning of illegal fishing actions, they were posted in 3 different languages, none of which were french!

  12. I spoke with a Durham Police officer about 2 weeks ago and he's an angler too. He said they have more being trained by the MNR to be on the rivers more for this years trout opener. He has been trained along with another 12 or so and they go out and watch in their street clothing, not the uniform. So YEAH the cop's are being trained and are going to be out on all the pressured rivers.


    that is awesome, for years its been a ton of pressure on the 2 CO's to enforce a region. trout opener coincides with turkey opener on the monday. almost impossible to enforce. it only makes sense to join mnr with the local police. would also create jobs for new graduates out of college

  13. there are sections on the ganny that are private lands, and the only to fish them is to either trespass, or pay a membership fee.


    with the way things are going, the farmers from dale rd to sylvan glen, are just going to post all the land anyway and deny access. they are tired of the mess.


    if you've never seen the gong show, head down there on a weekend during the peak of the salmon run when they are fresh in.its stupid, and embarrassing to legal fisherman everywhere

  14. devil's advocate (who has never fished the Ganny)


    are they basically trying to recoup costs (and/or discourage slobs) associated with maintenance and cleanup of the river ? Is it covered in garbage during prime fishing season ?


    but still, $40 is serious coin for one area.


    what they are trying to do is weed out the illegal fishing during the salmon run. if you've never seen it, its a complete sh!t show. there was one there last year, or the year before, he would throw a rope across a pool, the rope had 5 gaff hooks on it. even though there is the availability of a fish cleaning station on the river, people are gutting and chucking fish and leaving them to rot.


    i have found 50lb+ mono on the banks,hooks larger than my truck keys, people using downrigger rods with massive reels because they say 'salmon' on them


    personally, i love fishing the ganny, i really enjoy having an opprotunity to hook into big fish on my fly rod (i don't have a boat to fish lake o with) but i avoid that river at all costs because of all the crap.


    one CO went down there because he didn't believe the stories. was there for an hour, and could not believe what he was watching. That was the now retired Mitch Phinny, his normal territory didn't extend that far.


    This photo is one of hundreds of examples:




  15. been busy with the towns new bylaws... the ganny race is to be held on the 8 with a rain date of the 15 the organizers say the race produces 10 000 spectators 3900 from more than 40 km away with spending of 214000 dollars just on the 3900 people in the area . the constant quote from barry is that it is a moral booster and a economic engine . when you see craft coming to the portage and they have the orange snow fencing and it has to be replaced on the bottom of the craft because it has been worn away, you know they are doing some sort of damage . I have dealt with them for 4 years now , last year his comments were barbaric in my opinion . i have tried to have them move the date to late march or early april with no progress . I have now contacted the Fish protection program for there input . this year instead of helping keep people out of sancturary i will be doing videos of before race and after race on spawning beds. and then i will send to the FPP and have them decide. instead of moving race to late march early april they may have forced the hand that the race can not continue .



    that would be good to see. have them go back to March where they started out.

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