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Everything posted by Patches

  1. A truely great day on the water. 18 Walleye all 3lbs-9.5lbs and 3 Rainbows 5-10lbs. Running Spoons off riggers and dipseys. More Details here if interested. http://www.bluewaterbridge.com/viewtopic.php?t=578
  2. Got out from 4:00pm til 8:00pm on Tuesday. Same spot as Sunday. Landed 22 Smallies nothing under 1.5lbs, largest 1oz shy of 4lbs. And broke a pricey rod. The upload isn't working for me below are some pics, but the rest can be seen here with lure info. http://www.bluewaterbridge.com/viewtopic.php?t=565
  3. That looks like a logperch.
  4. Was able to get down to LSC for a couple hours of fishing on Sunday. Good action on bodybaits and soft plastics. 13 FOW (due south of the party sand bar) Thanks to Dennis at basshaven for the tips (and low cost gulps).
  5. My biggest beef is people killing fish for spawn and leaving them to rot on the shore.
  6. Bluegills, panfried in butter.
  7. I'd love to get an MP3 of some injured baitfish or something and try playing that with an underwater speaker.
  8. Got a late start Sunday Morning went out with my oldest son and Drifted from 9:30 til 11:00am. Only four boats doing they Canadian Drift and we were all catching fish in 40 to 60 FOW. Would have fished longer, but I snapped a new rod on a hookset and packed it in. Great Day on the Water (expect for the 40' Carver that didn't care about "right of way" and nearly swamped as with a 15' swell under the Bluewater bridge )
  9. The only problem with letting a bear on your boat...... They'll drink all your beer and they never chip in on the gas. Also they always want to change spots, even if you are catching fish, they know somewhere else to try. ;-)
  10. Don't take any chances, only use bait that came from the same waterway. Better safe then sorry. Besides catfish will eat lots of other things besides minnows. Try Jumbo Shrimp.
  11. I believe an important part of healthy fish stocks is to catch and eat. I try to only keep the small and mid-size fish and always release the big breeders (unless the are injured or came from very deep water). I always also keep stocked fish (Chinooks, Coho and Steelhead) as they're are stocked for us to eat and not breeding (sucessfully) in the wild. With Pan fish and Walleye I always keep the "eater size" For bass, I try to kept a limit of under 2lbers each trip, and all the big guys go back. I wish more people would use this method. It's good for the fish and the future fish would all come for bigger genetic strains.
  12. My son took this last week, I've entered it for a OFAH award (he'll be surprised when it arrives)
  13. Check the link in my signature.
  14. Nice to hear the Sturgeon and finally doing something about the pesky PWC 's.
  15. I wonder if they took this bonehead's gear the first time as well. And what does the Crown due with seized gear?
  16. It was a very successful day for the Muskie Opener on Lake St. Clair. I can't post the pictures here (because they're not mine to post) But have a look. http://www.bluewaterbridge.com/viewtopic.php?p=751
  17. On sunny days, I like the darker colours. Our water is gin clear to 35 feet, so the metallics are working very well.
  18. Picked these guys up before work. Rig shown as well.
  19. I should should clearify, It's my Dad who is my nieghbor. We have no idea who this guy was.
  20. Here's the story. Yesterday I caught a dozen nice big rockbass to have for lunch today. I didn't have time to clean them so I put them on a stringer to bring home today. Anyway, went to my boat this morning and the stringer was empty. So I figured maybe my Dad or a friend grabbed them up. No worries. So I talked to Dad this morning. It turns out that yesterday evening while at the Marina my Dad saw someone hanging around my boat. (he's a few slips over from me) So he went to investigate. And the guy said "Bass are out of season and I don't want the police coming around and causing trouble". So my Dad explained Rock Bass don't have a season or limits. Then the guy asked why my Dad cared, and Dad explained it was my boat and fish. Then the guy became quite embarrassed because he had released all my fish (or was caught doing it.). Dad thinks he was either a little on the loonie side or a animal rights wacko. I just can't believe the nerve it would take to release someone else's catch. Opinions?
  21. Thanks guys, he's on the smoker (with a couple small salmon) as we speak.
  22. Went last evening and went 2 for 5. Landed 1 Coho (2-3lbs) and 1 Laker (4-5lbs). 55 to 65 FOW.
  23. May 2-4 with friends in Algonquin, Very Canadian!!!
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