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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. ouch atleast you got home ok... my mornings are always the same... at work wishing i was fishing
  2. I bougt it for exactly that reason.... my car wont fit the 2man clam flipable hut so this was my best other option. I was able to mount it on my front rack lastnight so that might be the best way to travel on the ice with it... Now I have to figure out how to bring all the rest of my gear with me....auger,chairs,rod/tackle/flasher,portable heater & my GF/buddies sometimes Its gonna be Bungee madness on my atv
  3. Hi all, Does anyone have the Clam 2000(not the flip up style) portable hut ? My gf bought it for me for xmas and was wondering if its ok to drag behind my atv.. any tips or suggestions would be appreciated
  4. Very nice !! its a catchy tune !!
  5. sweet ! cant wait till its safe to head out on simcoe.. gonna be a while !
  6. moronsssss ! you have to be dumb in the head to go on the ice this time of the year... i wont be testing the ice till late january
  7. my bro went on friday and it was basically UNFISHABLE .... lots of gas wasted..... not even 6' visability
  8. just bought my first atv and trailer and a clam 2000 for xmas
  9. I was also thinking about the Jap knockoffs but after some investigating i realized i better just go with something bigger and stronger and safer.... Dont forget that the resale value on the no name brands is crap compared to the top brands like Honda / Yamaha etc
  10. all over it ! great site !
  11. Hi all, Looking to take out my new atv a couple times on the trails before ice fishing season Can anyone recomend public areas where atv trail riding is permitted ? thanks all !
  12. thanks for all your great tips guys ! gonna make a trek over to BPS and compare
  13. A little tight on money considering i just bought an atv .... ice fishing gets DAMN $$$ lol I hope to get out 5-10 times this year and the last couple years sometimes i didnt even use a hut so basically ill use it on COLD COLD windy days or when i go out with the GF ..
  14. Hi all, Im going to buy a portable ice hut for this upcoming ice season. im looking for a 2man that can be pulled easily behind my atv. BPS has a couple on special this week. Special OfferHi-Tech™ Polar Escape Magnum 2-Person Ice Fishing Shelter $249.00 http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.Tex...p;cmCat=3337633 OR Fish Trap® Guide® Flip-Over 2-Person Ice Fishing Shelter $399.00 http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.Tex...p;cmCat=3337633 Is the clam worth the extra money ? all i can see is that it has built-in seats thanks all !!
  15. you didnt even invite me ... Ill be in niagara... no quinte for me
  16. ill show you when i get home ... same as before ,.. very simple
  17. did you purchase a emergengy manual shifter ? if not what did you use if the ES stopped working ? how many km on your atv ?
  18. well i have a honda 450 es and I just went through the same questions you did.. there is a post a couple weeks back..... I went with honda since they are SUPPOSED to be the most reliable.... We will see I also have Electric Shift on my atv .... hope i dont have the problems listed above !!
  19. i was thinking about getting a snowmobile to BUT i also went with an ATV.... Can use it all year long.... hunting/icefishing/trailriding/haul in a small boat to backlakes
  20. good job woood..... how many you get ? I shoulda been invited ! !
  21. i cook for me and my gf most of the time.....i love creating new dishes and playing with ingrediants ... i told her " i have no problem with cookiing but I AINT CLEANING" then i spurted out " thats a womens job" ( trying to be funny ) ..... she didnt like that much ...lol
  22. id go to the doc right away... dont risk it !
  23. Yup thats the actual ATV. I gotta take a good pic when i take it out for the first time .... came with front and rear bumpers, windshield,winch,2upseat/storage, almost brand new mud bug 25' tires and the front brakes & front wheel bearing were just changed.
  24. let me ask ....... Yup he does
  25. just over 4 grand... not sure if i got a good deal... but i think so
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