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Everything posted by RDR

  1. Those were the days Dave! Rare to see Joe play in a club anymore.....let alone as a 3 piece. Spring has sprung and it’s time to go outside and “Weed” ? Here’s a good version by the originals
  2. Sell it to me Dave
  3. Who knows Dave? Maybe they will dedicate a song to us "Peach Pickers" A festive atmosphere for sure!!! Kudos to those who put it on. Decent sound and visual had Main St. rocking pretty good! Nice to see the community come out and enjoy the event!!!
  4. HAPPY HIP DAY !!! Time to celebrate "The Band" that entertained and more importantly spoke to a generation of Canadians! I know that I linked this tune earlier in the thread, but you had to be there....... Right Steve Crank it up!!! A rare pic of Gord standing still....LOL.... Enjoy the show tonight it will be EPIC!!!!!
  5. This tour they are doing the album Drama and sides 1 and 4 of Tales from Topographic Oceans. They added in a few gems like And You and I, I've Seen all good people and Siberian Khartu. They encored with Roundabout and Starship Trooper finished it up. Awesome show!!! But sadly no Canadian dates at this time. Jump on those Box tix!!
  6. Their pleasure CK Glad you liked the Joke! While it's still fresh in my "Head" from seeing an incantation at Artpark last night you asked for it.....LOL And for those who were wondering, Billy Sherwood did an outstanding job filling in for the late Chris Squire You're up Spiel!
  7. Wakey, Wakey................https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtrwaPPyTV8
  8. Been WAYYYYY too long for someone this good................
  9. Atta boy Jeff!!! Great report! Eat'm up yummmm.......
  10. Tragic and so so sad! I'm going to miss your smile with my morning coffee Angel RIP Kiddo Some things just don't make sense..........
  11. Took in a friday night show with 54-40 in Oakville. This time around they are doing an "Unplugged" version of their catalogue. Always an interesting night listening to their music and hearing Mr. Osborne's witicisms on life. Without a doubt one of my favorite lyricists and voices! A great show!!! Catch them if you can Brad Merritt leading the Ocean Pearl sing-a-long
  12. I had an audience recorded bootleg of this show, don't recall where it went One more tribute to David and yes Brian it was, all things considered, a great time to be a teenager LOL Epic drum solo by Dennis Davis in this version
  13. I'll help you out Dave. Classic live
  14. Creative to the end..........Sad news indeed!!!
  15. Nice tune Chrispy But this is country "Redneck" to me......lol Never missed the show when it was on
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