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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but come on, now all kinds of gas stations are running out of gas!!! Last night on the way home from work 4 out of the 5 gas stations in my general area in Oakville were out of gas. Only Sunoco is keeping the pumps from running dry. It's a joke. How big was this fire?? Did it shut down the refinery completely?? Early reports were it was a minor fire and full capacity should have been back on line in a week to 10 days. Now they are talking about weeks. Give me a break!! Good old Dan McTeague, the MP from Scarborough/Pickering USED to moan and complain about big oil and how we the consumers were being hosed, now he's an apologist for big oil. I wonder how big his villa is down in Grand Cayman??

  2. Lew, Big Cliff said it very nicely, I'd like to add that if you make one good solid friend who you can count on to be there for you, you are lucky, any more than that, consider yourself rich. I have 2 such friends and consider myself very fortunate, we don't see each other that often any more because of family, work, distance, etc... but when we get together, it's like no time has passed since we saw each other last. I hope things work out for you, you seem like a stand up guy and I don't like seeing people down.

    Musky season needs to get here quick, a good workout with a 50+incher should perk you up.

  3. Thanks guys, at the Fishing Show over the weekend, no one knew where to get them here in Canada. I took a look at theringlord.com and found them there for about $68 Canadian delivered to my door with no surprise taxes/duties.


    Jeez, I got replies from the Musky King of the North (Lew) as well as the Musky King of the South (Pete).


    I'm hoping to spend some more time on the water this summer and my preference is to hunt Musky. Bass is fun, walleyes are great but Musky reigns supreme. I caught my first last summer up on LOTW and it was a snot rocket only about 22-24" but WHAT A FIGHT!!!! I thought my St.Croix was going to go in the drink.

  4. There is NO defence for speeding. Yes, I go over the limit by a bit when there is no traffic but when there are a lot of cars around, WATCH OUT FOR GRAMPS!! Saving a few minutes is not worth it, it only takes a split second and you could kill yourself or even worse, KILL OR MAIM another person. Every time I got a speeding ticket, I never argued with the officer, I just took my medicine.

    And speaking of moron drivers, I just saw a guy in a blue Lexus soccer mom-mobile drive off after getting pulled over by the 401/DVP area, takes off like a bat out of hell, leaves me standing (I'm doing 105), and by the time I reached Avenue road, guess who got pulled over again?? What a Moron!!!!

  5. HOPEFULLY, we'll make it up to visit the in-laws up on LOTW this year but I doubt it. It's going to be some day trips here and there (Muskoka and Rice Lake) and hopefully a guided Musky trip (I need to learn some techniques). You can only learn so much from magazines and tv shows. I need to see it done right in front of my eyes for it to truly register. I'd be willing to kick in some gas cash for some of our resident musky hunters for a day trip sometime.

  6. I ended up dropping about $80 or so. 300yds of 50lb PowerPro, a couple of Strike King Spinners, a Dick Pearson Grinder Musky Bait, a Storm soft bait, and a couple of the metal sparking fire starters. It was interesting watching Italo up on the stage. The guy is sooo smooth, he's been at it a long time. Gord Pyzer and Big Jim were great talking about musky and Mercer was fantastic to watch as well. An afternoon well spent.

  7. That's great news for sure!! I haven't met you or pretty much anyone on the board BUT, your family and more importantly your little guy are in my thoughts every time I log in. There are some good people here.

    Kids are pretty resilient, I pray that Chris gets through this and your family can go on living a normal life.


    Good luck.

  8. Jeez, I didn't want to start a war on the board.

    Slowpoke, it depends on what kind of debt you are retiring. If it's a mortgage, put into your RRSP and use the income tax savings to pay down the mortgage. Over the long haul, you'll win with this strategy since you have equity in two forms, your house and your RRSP as opposed to only your house. If it's high interest consumer debt, my advice, take out a line of credit either secured or unsecured to pay off the cards and/or loans. Don't carry balances on credit cards, the interest will literally eat you alive.

    For Irish, what you are in for your RRSP makes sense for your situation, but it's not for everyone.

    My free advice is this, talk to a financial professional and make a plan and stick to it come hell or high water, it may hurt in the short run but come time for retirement, it's the difference between fly in fishing in a nice Northern resort or the creek behind the government assisted housing you'll be living in because with what the gov't pays in CPP and OAS, you'll barely be able to afford hooks and bait.

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