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About poobah

  • Birthday 03/03/1975

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  1. Here is a great flyfishing site to waste your time on. It has alot of info on flyfishing, I especially like the videos. http://www.midcurrent.com/
  2. Welcome to the community, and great report.
  3. I have one of these, got it at WallyWorld (Walmart) It combines the compartment abilty of soft sides, with the tuffness of a traditional tackle box. However, I still use my soft side more than this thing, Its just too awkward, unless your fishing from a boat.
  4. Great Job!! Fly tying is alot of fun, especially in the off season. Here's a link you might enjoy, hundreds of patterns, and all with step by step pics. http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/fotw2/archive.html
  5. Hope these help you out... http://www.midcurrent.com/articles/techniq...mes_muskie.aspx http://www.fishontario.com/flyfishing/index.jsp
  6. Marko, Visit Grand River Troutfitters in Fergus. Take your time on a purchase, I know I bought a kit rod for my first fly rod, (St.Croix), but since then I have spent more on better rods, and what a difference it makes when casting. Good luck, and welcome to Fly Fishing, it will consume you.
  7. I would have to say that if it truly is a World Record contender I would harvest it. There is nowadays too much controversy over "record" fish, even the current record held by Louis Spray. To prevent any detractors from saying otherwise it would have to be brought in to be verified by reliable sources, and not some Joe, at the Marina.
  8. I agree with the others its most likely nitrates/nitrites. I would add some live plants, and get a bigger filter, the aqua clear line of filters, are easy to maintain, and are realatively inexpensive. I recomend on your tank (20 gal) a Aquaclear 70 especially with Koi, they tend to "poop" alot.
  9. Also fished there last weekend, 6 guys went up and only got 5 fish, and all pretty small.
  10. I have an Olympus Stylus 770SW It's 7.1 meg, has image stabilizer, waterproof to 33 feet, crushproof up to 220lbs, and freeze proof to -10 C. I've had it since, March, and I have no complaints. http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...4717&catid=
  11. Rosedale.
  12. The books put out by Creative publishing, are excelent, and you can find them at most Walmarts, and Canadian Tire stores. I have most of them, and find them to be quite informative. http://www.creativepub.com/hunting-and-fis...asp?subtopic=12
  13. Binbrook is actually pretty good, any where AWAY from the main boat launch. Try heading to the dam, or take the path that goes along the left side of the main road/ lake. I've caught some decent sized smallmouths, and largemouths. Also go to the Tyneside Road entrance. A bit more of a walk to the water. You can also rent canoes at the main gate, its a big lake.
  14. Thanks for the charts Zamboni.
  15. Here is another link with videos. http://www.winstonrods.com/winston_channel.html
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