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Posts posted by Victor

  1. Is there a season on carp? I don't see it in the magazine. And I'm taking it you are allowed to use corn as bait?



    Nope, carp is open all year long at places where they dont' close fishing for the winter (examples would be ... rice lake, little lake, etc).. and Yes corn is allowed as bait.

  2. some good links thier. I have just started using a hair rig and jsut want to ask when do you set the hook? I haven't got a bite on it yet so I don't know wheter to expect short tugs or one big one. Any advice?


    it really depends on how the carp takes your bait ... but i find it's more often that they give you a strong tug rather than short small ones initially. Once the carp sense that it's being hooked, it will make a run for it for sure ... i have never had one that just sit there after it gets itself hooked. This all happens within like 5 seconds or so.


    you might want to talk to cliff (ccmt) about this. he doesn't like to use bite alarms/indicators as he likes to feel all the action (nibbles, bumps, takes). I use my alarm all the time so all i hear is beeps ... he can give you more insight.

  3. Never fished that side, do you park the car in the park and WALK all the way over?


    I like the idea of having another one a few weeks later... summer is only that long, can't waste any of it.




    Sounds good capt bruce ... looks like a great swim from google map. In fact I work a few minutes away so i might have to try it one of these evenings. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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