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Everything posted by jat

  1. thanks for the info...
  2. I am looking at getting a 12 volt battery for the Traxxis 55 lb thrust transom motor from minn kota. Can I use any make battery with this unit? I will be recharging this unit at home since its for my canoe. I will be getting the MK 110p charger for it, comes from Minn Kota. I'm new to all this stuff so any advice is appreciated......thanks
  3. I am looking for some small hitch pins etc for my canoe outrigger but Home depot and the like stores don't have what I need. Any ideas where I can find a good range of pins? Thanks........I'm in Richmond Hill area by the way.
  4. if it doesn't work out then definitely go to the CRTC..................you should see how fast they move when you tell them about filing a complaint, funny how a little fine gets their attention....hope it gets fixed.
  5. I need to find some jigs for the larger style swim baits that I want to use but I can't find any jigs that have the gap size as well as the length (don't want them too thick either, otherwise I'll be fishing for shark). Any ideas?Thanks
  6. did I spy a bettlespin during one the vids?
  7. Cliff one of those shore spots you told me about is gone, the one by your house - its under new management and the new owners will not allow fishing on the property.
  8. http://www.nrsweb.com/shop/product.asp?pfi...pleft_NRSGigbob I'd get it if it were a little cheaper....
  9. Hey all, was wondering if anyone has an extra spot on the boat for the walleye opener this Saturday. I'll split the gas and whatever. Let me know - thanks
  10. if yours has an open eye so that the line slips out easily then here are two ways to shut the door on slippage. It comes from secretweaponlures.com (not promoting site, just giving credit for image)
  11. Thanks for the tips. I'll post as soon as I get out on the water.
  12. I will be trying some splake fishing soon and was wondering if anyone had any tips for the few weeks after ice out...thanks
  13. wishing you, your families and friends a peaceful and joyful weekend......God bless
  14. I was looking at the ones from Spring creek and was wondering if anyones knows where to pick them up in our neck of the woods. 2.tiff
  15. what color and size of Foxee jig? How was he fishing it?
  16. thanks for info.......I'll pass it on
  17. hey all, my bro just finished school not too long ago and is looking for work in the field but in this economy its crazy tough.......does anyone have any leads or know who might be hiring?........thanks for any help
  18. do you have a pic of your minnow setup?...........what type of floro do you use? thanks
  19. I was at Innisfil beach today and marked fish but none bother taking a swipe. I was using Williams wabler, foxee jiggin minnow, shad rap, jigs, dead minnow near bottom, etc...using 8 lb trilene...any thoughts, everywhere I moved to day it was the same story. How did everyone else do?
  20. I was heading out toward innisfil beach area and was wondering how it is to walk out a few km's.thanks
  21. MOst places in GTA are sold out do you guys know of any other stores that have good prices and some in stock.thanks
  22. I am looking to get a decent reel for ice fishing and don't want to pay too much (max $60). I have my general use reel but they seem to stick during the winter. What do you guys suggest? Thanks I was looking at the Cardinal C104.
  23. so I finally bought a stradic from all-american and I missed the parcel drop off but I did get a notice that I owe around 12 bucks to Canada post - WHAT THE HECK IS THAT ALL ABOUT???????? Have any of you paid the post man?
  24. I was curious to know of recycle depots that offer good cash for scrap metal. GTA area. Thanks
  25. my grandfather is in the hospital and he is not well .......can you all please remember him in your prayers....thanks Jat
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