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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Interesting article....... http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130102/CITYANDREGION/130109934/1010
  2. For now, I guess most of us are tied......
  3. Why would anyone want to catch a MUSTY Fish..... HAPPY REDNECK NEW YEARS Bob
  4. You still aren't going to catch any fish.....
  5. Oh yea, that right....if it was a colder winter shipping would be reasonable as they could just drive across Lake Erie...
  6. 3 - 4 feet of snow is called just snow fall here........ Beat this storm if you can...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blizzard_of_1977 And finally...check out this website...... https://www.google.com/search?q=Blizzard+of+'77&hl=en&client=gmail&tbo=u&rls=gm&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=nk7gUITzGIqx0QGR1IDgBA&ved=0CEkQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=653
  7. And being a Cabela's Card Carrying member I also get FREE SHIPPING on ANYTHING......
  8. Just repair it right the first time...trade it in on a TUNDRA.....
  9. You need to remove the carb and get some carb cleaner through it...it's clogged with varnish...or at least remove the bottom of the bowl, and carefully clean out the main needle and jet with a tooth pick... As far as the muffler being so hot...my bet it's because you are leaving on the choke to keep it running and it's getting too much raw gas into it...so burning too RICH...be CAREFUL. HAPPY REDNECK NEW YEARS, Bob
  10. The first point was about the State giving the Bills 135 million but would make it back in taxes the players, workers and owner pays in income taxes...I believe that has now been established. And for the second point you brought up....well you already made it for me...Because 15% of the season tickets are CANADIANS....
  11. Since MANY bas here are SPORT BARS, having the Bills MAKES money for them...these places are empty other times of the week..but come Sunday they are filled to capacity...you should be seeing the same thing with your hockey team...oh, that's right...no hockey this year......
  12. I believe the point was made that the tax payers get all of their investment back in taxes....
  13. What also hasn't been address is how much the OWNER makes....he will also be taxed to death.....so now that 135 million doesn't look to bad after all, does it....
  14. GREAT MINDS...think alike....
  15. I CONCUR.......a NETWORKED unit on the bow and console is the VERY BEST you can have...while you punch in a way point on one unit, it also gets entered on the other unit...when you make manual adjustments to one unit the other also receives the commands...and you can SHARE either transducers on the boat...front mounted or transom mounted transducers...so there is no interference whatsoever.....networked Lowrance units are the best of both worlds.
  16. A ON-BOARD charger is MUCH better because it's a SMART CHARGER and maintains your batteries ALL YEAR LONG while the boat is not in use...it's best to keep the batteries in the boat and have the ON-BOARD charger plugged in during the winter if at all possible....but if it's stored outside...and you have extreme weather conditions, then that's might be a different story...but who would do that to their boat.
  17. Mike here's what you need to do to find the DRAIN on your battery.. With the help of someone else as it a lot easier to do that way....hook up a VOLT METER on the battery......write down the volts...it should read somewhere between 12.8 and 13.5 volts just sitting there without ANY THING running...including dome light, hood light etc..if you have to remove those bulbs during this procedure...... Now while your little helper is WATCHING the volt meter....take out one fuse at a time and have your help let you know if the volt meter starts reading a higher reading....so for example you are showing a even 12.8 volts but as you removed the fuse for the radio it jumped up to 13.3 volts...there one drain on your battery that should be corrected....now actually you will have a VERY small drain on the battery from the radio because it keeps the time of day on it, but that will be maybe a tenth of a volt...I just used the radio here for convenience...but you can see where I'm going with this....RIGHT Now repairing the drain is a whole another story depending on what it is...maybe it's something you can leave the fuse out for the winter...bottom line is you first MUST find the drain on the battery before you or someone else can fix it. GOOD LUCK and MERRY CHRISTMAS, Bob
  18. The total salary for the Buffalo Bills PLAYERS ONLY is $78,911,125...there are also many coaches, GM and others...some of who also make over a million per year....and it doesn't make any difference where the Bills play each week because their residence during the season is in WNY...so we would get ALL of their income tax money...but even if what you're saying is true (but it isn't)...we might even collect MORE income tax money because the visiting teams are more likely to be paid even more the the current roster on the Buffalo Bills...so NYS would collect their (visiting players) income tax money... But as you have said and I concur....the money put into the stadium (135 Million) is a wash....and don't forget...if they were to leave the stadium and all it's improvements would still remain here and the property of Erie County. For the current roster salary reference see here..... http://www.sportscity.com/nfl/salaries/buffalo-bills-salaries/
  19. Without the team there are 53 less MILLIONAIRES living in Buffalo, NY....so that's pretty easy to figure on....
  20. I think about 75,000 other fans feel the same way you do....
  21. Go to a Sam's Club or similar store if you have one and pick them up there...you'll get the best price and just as good of batteries....just double check on each battery for a DATE...the fresher the better...and as someone else said...WAIT until Spring.... But don't forget to install a good ON-BOARD Charger in the boat to maintain the batteries YEAR round....depending on how many batteries you have will determine how many banks it should have....3 batteries will require a 3 bank charger...(2 for the deep cycle batteries and one separate bank for the starting battery.
  22. Yes....that's what I have been saying all along...and as far as the one game played in Toronto....they would still be paying NYS income taxes because of their residency here.
  23. Actually the accounts for the state and county prove they pay over that amount. As my father use to say....figures don't lie....but Liar's do figure.
  24. YOU should think about it a bit more...you have 53 players all making well over a million dollars paying NYS INCOME TAXES...if they leave NYS, then NYS loses all that money....BTW Buffalo Bills are the ONLY NFL team to pay NYS income taxes......and then you have 53 players spending LOTS of money in the Buffalo area for HOMES and cars, etc....believe me, Govern Cuomo cut a pretty good deal considering many teams hold ransom over the city/state for a NEW 1-2 BILLION dollar stadium....
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