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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. That's right, eh....
  2. So how long will it be before Quebec mandates all passengers in cars wear motorcycle helmets..... On a side note a few years ago while traveling in our New England states I would pass road signs reminding us we must wear our seat belts while motorcycles passed by without helmets.... We are regulating ourselves into bankruptcy.... Give me my 1968 Plymouth Roadrunner and get the hell out of my way... It's Bob, not Billy....
  3. TV Trains (trailer vans)that now have been converted to mostly carrying containers could ship 15,000 containers with about 30 to 37 trains.
  4. That is exactly what I was trying to teach the youngans here...this was copied and pasted from Wikipedia.. "The concept of a canal near Panama dates to the early 16th century. The first attempt to construct a canal began in 1880 under French leadership, but was abandoned after 21,900 workers died, largely from disease (particularly malaria and yellow fever) and landslides. The United States launched a second effort, incurring a further 5,600 deaths but succeeding in opening the canal in 1914. The U.S. controlled the canal and the Canal Zone surrounding it until the 1977 Torrijos–Carter Treaties provided for the transition of control to Panama. From 1979 to 1999 the canal was under joint U.S.–Panamanian administration, and from 31 December 1999 command of the waterway was assumed by the Panama Canal Authority, an agency of the Panamanian government". Much more good learning about this canal.........http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Canal
  5. Years ago we all has our snow tires on extra rims but now we have to have tire sensors in each rim so the cost is prohibited at $100 or more per tire sensor.......
  6. WAY back when the Panama Canal was first under construction the French started the project....of course we had to step in after they quit and finish the job....
  7. Are you originally from one of our southern states like Ken Tuc where their mother is also their aunt and they met at a family reunion...
  8. The real problem with sand in areas that have sewers is that it clogs them all up....the government don't give a hoot about your windshield...they use sand in outlying areas..
  9. For many many years in our household we have displayed CHRISTMAS cards that folks send us...well last year we started a new tradition rule...the cards that say Christmas on them will be displayed...others discarded.... Now think about this... You have a Christmas Tree in the house, not a holiday tree You give and receive Christmas Presents, not holiday presents You eat Christmas Cookies, not holiday cookies You sing/listen to Christmas carols, not holiday carols. If you send me a holiday card, what holiday is it for....Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July or maybe it's a very early Labor Day card... And who enjoys Christmas the most...our Jewish friends as they laugh all the way to the bank...God Bless them... MERRY CHRISTMAS Everyone, Bob not Billy...
  10. "IF" your aunt had balls, she would be your uncle...
  11. My guess is SALT destroy more roads, etc....than studs...
  12. How many of you Great White Guys knew they are building another canal in Panama right next to the one that already exist.....it will accomidate 140 wide ocean vessels compared to the 110 ft canal they now have....they will dig 51 miles across the country AND lower a huge lake in 5 YEARS while we can't even break ground (over 15 years now) on a new Peace Bridge that spans a river you can almost throw a rock across... It's BOB not Billy...
  13. At one time we couldn't go across the boarder if we had studded snow tires.....now they are considering only winter tires during during winter...huh, I guess a LOT of Americans will not be able to spend money in Canada for ice fishing trips...
  14. Christmas Eve I will be shopping in Fairfield, Ohio at the largest grocery store in the world......Jungle Jims...http://www.junglejims.com/ Gonna buy a BIG Standing Rib Roast and treat some Air Force guys who couldn't get home for the holidays a nice home cooked meal.... Merry Christmas (not happy holidays) Bob
  15. As Troy from "Swamp People" would say....I'm a tree shaker....
  16. Well, George the contractor finally called today to see if I would be home in the morning for some outside trim work to finish up....I broke the news to him that I'm not happy with the storm door on the wrong side and he seemed to be prepared for the news...he's going to see if he can only get the necessary parts to correct the problem. I believe he realizes it's his response-ability to correct the problem. We will see how this goes. Bob
  17. LOL....I already live on the USA side...but you have some good points... Bob
  18. Yep, that's what the PM from Newfoundland did when he needed a heart job....
  19. Since I do a considerable amount of cooking for the fire department (150+ men) I spend a lot of time at Sam's Club in Cheektowaga, NY......there are a LOT of Canadian shopping there to a point that the management doesn't give good service there because they know they don't have to as the store in crowded with American and Canadian shoppers. So stay on your side of the border.....you hear...LOL Bob
  20. Erie, PA is about 90+ miles past Buffalo (one way PLUS tolls), NY which of course is right on the border.......what can you get in Erie, PA that you can't get in WNY (Buffalo area)....
  21. Jingle Bells, Santa Smells and I'm sick of this friggin snow every friggen day.....ENOUGH already...
  22. I don't know about Ontario laws, but this would be ILLEGAL in NYS waters as any area could be considered a spawn area.
  23. Wow, they need to re-access the need and qualification of your home inspections process in Ontario.....our's is probably just as bad but I really can't say as I never used one. GOOD LUCK and Merry Christmas, Bob
  24. Two days later since I have had "George the contractor" here and no contact since...owe HIM money so I'm glad I didn't pay him.... BUT the new update on George....he works for my Town Assessor office...Oh, boy.. ....but a man has got to do, what a man has got to do.
  25. Thanks knightfisher for your support.....his son never called today so nothing new to report....bottom line....even if I have to pay AGAIN for another storm door I am leaning very heavy that way for safety sake. Bob
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