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Posts posted by Bitsmith2k

  1. I am looking at putting some seats into my 12 foot aluminum...want to install those release a seat things onto the bench seat and then the swivel I assume just slips into this outfit. Question is...do you simply screw those release-a-seat's down to the metal benches, or would it be better for to put a piece of 3/4" ply down first to screw or put some bolts thru it. Then just use adhesive and screws to secure the ply down?


    Boat is at storage now, so can remember if there is access to under the seat or not...can't remember from last season...lol.


    i'd bolt it down... i was just going to start a thread on this as well...


    anyone have any ideas on how to secure a pedestal base to my deck? i had it on there pretty good with the original wood screws, but i had a buddy over helping me mount some stuff and he was sitting on the seat leaning forward and pulled the screws out.. thank god we were in the garage and not full throttle out on the water..


    i dont have access to the underside of the deck either..

  2. Hi Taper, There was a bit a discussion about it last week on this thread Rice Fishging Lately that might help. Didn't help me a whole lot unfortunately as the cold and winds made things a bit of a mess but we ended up with a nice accidental musky trolling the edge of some weed beds if that helps (if he wants to try trolling small walleye targeting spinners for musky :) )


    always blaming it on the weather eh sean? :)

  3. Sorta frustrated: bitsmith2k (suprising he actually goes fishing with me given how I'm a fishing curse when ever we're out together):


    good point.... you are cursed.. in fact i'm going to go ahead and put the blame for my current situation on you :)

    if only i wasnt planning on fishing with you that day.....



  4. Hello everyone I'm a newbie to this forum and pretty much a rookie when it comes to fishing! My buddies at work took me out for the first time fishing last year and now I'm hooked. Lets say i have a deep burning desire to fish every weekend.

    I'm heading up to Talon Lake (Callender) next weekend so I wanted know if anyone had any insight or suggestions on this lake.

    thanks guys,



    callander was last years fishing trip.. talon lake is rutherglen area...


    and it doesnt matter, you'll still get skunked :)


    Talon Lake

  5. BEER!!


    They have you on the Oxycontin's?




    i took em the day after surgery (got lots left :) ), that was all i could stomach.. some other anti-inflammatory to prevent bone forming in my elbow..

  6. Hows you're arm coming Mike?


    not bad.. hopefully they let me start moving it tomorrow.. the hardest thing is not drinking while on the meds.. thankfully that will come to an end on sunday..

  7. good luck man.. i'll save a spot in the injured reserved section for ya..


    One word of advice.. REST and don't over do it. You have the rest of you're life to fish, Now is the time to heal.


    very true gerritt.. its taken me 3 weeks to come to grips with that statement..

  8. The hype about Piranha's are funny I don't feed them raw meat as it clouds and the water and causes problems. I feed them Fish fillets or shrimp. the odd time fish pellets if they take it. In my old shoal of Piranha's they would have nipped the carp to death.


    your setup reminds me of my old one... though mine would only eat feeders, and it quickly becomes a PITA keeping it clean..


    my first fish was a rhombeus.. got it for 60$.. sadly he didnt survive my move to toronto.. i'd imagine he would've been worth quite a bit at the time of his death

  9. A new guy moved in down the street and I would have to pass his house to get to the corner store . He had the biggest dog /beast /killer I have ever seen . ever time I went past I was afraid for my life all the barking growling etc. I started to pick up a ice cream sandwich (cost about a buck) everytime time i went to the store , i threw it to the dog on the way back . After a few weeks of this, dog would come up to the fence wag his tail and get his treat (i know someone will say icecream is not good for the dog)never barked at me again . Dont know maybe marshmellows will work here too


    i think it's the chocolate that can actually kill them..

  10. had great plans for the tourney and this summer.. a ruptured biceps tendon on saturday, and the subsequent surgery to repair it on sunday pretty much puts a damper on fishing for the forseeable future...


    on that note, anyone recommend a rod holder that will allow me to reel in with the rod in it? at least i should still be able to troll.. :)

  11. You can always use your bank card while you are in Europe. That way you aren't carrying around all of your cash. You only take out what you need. Check the exchange rate with your bank before you go.


    i'd check with your bank though. even then, i'd make sure i had some extra euros... checked with my bank (cibc) and they said i'd be fine in spain / italy.. i took out a whack of euros before i left (thank god) because my card didnt work anywhere over there.. mind you that was a few years ago, so things may have changed..


    oh.. and agreed with the above posts, shop around / haggle for the best rates..

  12. i guess i'll be the devils advocate (read: loser) that bets on Serra.. comeon.. how can the champ be such a huge underdog in a rematch, after he so convincingly won the first match? ;)



    Lutter, Mac, Chainsaw, and the Athlete..

  13. Nope everything is included, was for me anyways. Kinda ticked me off though UPS just left it on the front porch, dang don't they know it's Oshawa.


    anytime UPS has delivered something and i havent been home, they leave it on the porch.. rediculous.. i'd rather just have them call me when its in, and i'll go pick it up at their warehouse..

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