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Posts posted by Bitsmith2k

  1. I have a chance to go fishing Friday to Sunday with a friend who has never fished the Kawarthas.

    I've fished Pigeon with mixed results, fishing mainly the north end. Good numbers of bass, a few pickeral, and a musky or two. (I'm likely the worlds worst musky fisherman.) I've never been to Stony.

    My friend is mainly a pickeral guy who jigs the shoals on Nipissing alot.

    That being said, we have the gear to fish for all species. I have GPS maps for both.

    Which lake would you prefer to spend a weekend at?

    Thx. Andy


    i've got a preference for pigeon.. we'll be out there friday, and i might try to slip in another day this weekend..

  2. Sorry to hear that man i also have had the same problem but i let it be and left the boat right where it sat and nothing ever came of it just the one letter that i got in the mail.

    The way i see it you payed for your house you can keep what ever you want on it and around it.

    There will always be a few people that have nothing better to do with there time but complain.


    Hope you find a spot for the boat.


    you serious? i see a bunch of boats in driveways within walking distance of your place..

  3. Plenty of places in the GTA to get a kit Mike but are the gaskets in bad shape or will they tear when dissembled. How is the spark? pull the plugs and ground them, turn the engine over and check for a clean strong spark. Also make sure the exhaust is not blocked. Before the seafoam spray the jets and passages with carb cleaner and check the float level.


    i'm going to assume that the sparks good, i got a good jolt off it when i pulled the boot off the plug..


    i'm beginning to think that i might have to find someone to take a look at it.. the carbs not the easiest thing to get at, though i'm positive i can take it apart my confidence goes down considerably when i think about putting it back together.. i dont want it to end up as a box of parts, which is what usually happens when i take things apart..

  4. there's a product called sea foam that will work great at getting rid of gum and varnish run this through the engine, get some fresh fuel and that should solve the issues, but being an 89 it could be due for a carb overhaul


    thanks for the help guys..


    ive got a bottle of seafoam, should i just add it to the fuel or dump it into the carb?


    for a carb overhaul, i take it i need a rebuild kit? is there anywhere local (mississauga / gta ) that i can grab one?


    thanks again guys...

  5. hey guys, i'm hoping someone can help me out here..


    so i picked up a boat in the spring.. due to my arm injury it has only seen the water once in early june (and i didnt even get a chance to drive it).. we noticed the motor sounded a little rough (and slow) on full throttle.. i figured i wouldnt worry about it until i was healed enough to use it again.. this friday i'm hoping to get it out for the day so today i start to get it ready..


    i tested the compression on both cylinders (was good), changed the plugs and fired er up.. starts on the first pull.. it'll rev really low for a couple seconds and then, what i can only explain as a backfire, happens and the motor dies.. i ran carb cleaner through it and that seemed to help, if i give it a fraction of throttle it will run fine..



    is this something i should be worried about? any ideas of whats happening with it? i'm not a mechanic by any means..


    the motors a '89 25HP Yamaha 2 Stroke 25LF..


    thanks guys


  6. Wire Dipsy definitely needs a snubber...


    Braid Dipsy should get one aswell or , splice on a piece of mono to act as a shock absorber...


    if using a mono dipsy, then make sure you check your release tension... you don't want to be reeling in a loaded dipsy with 300feet of line...


    Note: Don't pump the rod when walleye fishing, it aint a salmon, and you'll pull the hook out...


    hey UB, learned that one last week on erie, didnt even know there was a fish on. there i am reefing on the rod trying to get the release to err release.. reeled up alot of line only to see a fish on the end too..


    any tips on setting that release properly?

  7. How close are you to Baptiste Lake? That area is good, well it was 2 years ago...


    its good if you want lots of pike.. we've fished that lake tons and only seen one dinky walleye.. that said i've seen reports on here with some good walleyes from baptiste, so we're more than likely doing something wrong.. :)

  8. Hows the arm doing? won't take much to get the wacky going - just say when (hell you got me hooked on the worms in the first place)


    slower than i could've imagined.. i'm pretty much healed, just working on the flexability and strength.. i've lost pretty much all my strength..

    sometime in the next couple of weeks i'll make a comeback.. i'll shoot ya a pm.. when you headed up for your big trip?

  9. i like forrest too.. and after that shogun fight (regardless of shoguns condition pre & post fight) i wont ever bet against forrest..


    i think rampage brings too much to the table for him though.. though forrest has an edge in that he's in the best camp around..

  10. I betting the dawg........ He hasnt proved himself much though but griffen seems to drop easy at times and other times he has a chin of steel :)


    Like to see griffen win though..........He's great for the sport


    anyones chin looks like steel when its being hit with wet noodles...

  11. And greencoach as always your wisdom and grasp of the english language are great, with 5,867 posts and a 3rd of them telling someone they are an jerk I feel kinda warm all over that you would take the time to grace one of my posts with your time, after all it does say your a FISHING GOD, but like the Woman Bassmaster who a couple of weeks ago wouldnt take the time for you to teach her how to catch fish next to a dam,LOL, I to feel at this time have nothing to learn but if ever the need ariases I will ask, but please stay at your post, so you can inform us all when the next jerk (OTHER THAN ME) shows up, or better yet refer to POST5 of this thread AND TAKE ANOTHER LOOK IN THAT MAGIC MIRROR OF YOURS


    might be a good idea to proof read something like that before questioning someone elses grasp of the language..

  12. You have to take your wife and kids out and all catch about 20 perch each... Then you will have enough fish to practice on. You get the least squeamish of the children to play the game by telling them how much fun it is to take the skin off....


    Then after 50 times of doing this when you will NOT LET them do them the filleting part they will be begging you to do it Saying they can do it so much better than you. You let them and agree right then and there that they are so much better at it than you. Suddenly they are doing all the work and you as the dad never really have to learn how to fillet them properly. That is how it worked at my house anyhow. LOL


    that might be the greatest idea i've read on this board... just gotta sort me out some kids

  13. i'm another member of the comp. sci group.. almost went the cop route when i couldnt get a job out of university.. did all the tests and the day i recieved my certificate from ATS (dunno if they're still around) i got a job offer doing custom software in niagara.. i took it, crappy pay but i was doing what i wanted to do..


    eventually i ended up in toronto, where i am now, doing development for a finance company..


    i'm goin to agree with tbayboy and say dont burn any bridges... i've gotten a few opportunities 'on the side' because an old boss screwed over clients and they've hunted me down to do work for them..

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