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Posts posted by Bitsmith2k

  1. well i called and cancelled.. was given a bit of a run around from the customer service rep, which provided some entertainment for everyone in my dept. that was eavesdropping on the phone call...


    mike pike: that pretty much sounded like what he did to my fiance.. its a good thing i noticed that paper sitting on the counter...

  2. sometime last week a sales guy from Ontario Energy Savings stopped by the house and wanted to enroll us in their 5yr Price Protection Program.. I wasnt around and my fiance told the guy that she'd have to talk to me before signing anything.. yadda yadda yadda, somehow he gets her to sign the agreement.. should i cancel this thing? or is it a good idea?


    thanks guys

  3. OMG Dont get me started on the stuff you dont need, We are now on our own,the boys are on thier own and the wife still has to keep every nook and nik nak we ever had. I just say give me a spot to keep my fishing and hunting gear,and Im happy.

    We still have pin wheel crystal from our wedding we have not even open.

    Big garage sale this year.




    My parents just moved and had a basement full of crap that they were affraid to throw out.. i had to tell them 'i havent lived at home for like 8 yrs, havent been in the basement other than to put my rugby or hockey gear down (and bring it up).. throw everything you think might be mine out.. '


    we just closed on our first house on friday, and found it very painless.. probably 15 mins worth of phone calls for all the utilities and rogers and i was set.. though when we move out of this place, i'll bump this thread and fill in my misery..

  4. thanks guys.. was a great weekend..


    Great report man. I was wondering if you'd guys get any fishing in (knowing how those 'get the guys together' trips can be much more about the fun than the fishing). That pass out pic is just dang hilarious.


    Our annual boys trip up north has just fallen from 6 to 4 guys now :angry: guess we'll have to pass on the keg and stick with bottles, maybe you should make the drive up to Thunder Bay to show us how its done :)


    hmm.. i'd make that trip :)


    Great story. I was on the tail end of my trip up that weekend but i was on South Bay....kinda far away. I did however , see a Blue "Sandy Bay" boat around a few times over the weekend out at Buoy EC2. Kind of a haul it seems from Callander. Your weekend looked a bit wetter than mine (meaning beeeeeer lol)


    two boats hit that bouy sunday morning and came up empty handed after a couple other groups had been talking it up.. it makes me feel good inside when someone besides me gets skunked..

  5. im awaiting a bunch of pictures from a couple other people, but this is what i could get my hands on...


    Friday June 1st marked our second annual trip to Lake Nipissing where we stay at Sandy Bay.. Two great years in a row, my hats off to Jeff and

    his family for a well run operation.


    We have a few rules for the fishing.. I have made a 'trophy' to be carried around by whomever has caught the biggest fish.. we also had t-shirts made up for the weekend, and no matter how dirty, or distgusting your provided weekend T-Shirt is, you had to be wearing it in order to qualify for the trophy..


    This year we had a party of 10 heading up. I went up with the first group of four (the lucky guys that had the day booked off work).. We left Mississuaga at Noon, met the other car at BPS, grabbed some grub, next stop the Beer Store in South River, then onto Callander for some fishing!


    I was looking forward to getting up there early and being in a boat with only two people, I knew that once everyone got up there the boats would be crowded...


    Me and my buddy Jay grabbed one boat, my buddies Brian and Kent took another, and I knew in no time we'd be onto some fish..


    So both boats head out to the spot where we had some success last year (it took a little longer to find it, our memory was not as good as we thought).. In no time Brian's got a nice 18"er slot fish on board his boat, and has taken possession of the Cup.. He got a pic and back in it went to make babies..




    Now Jay and I are getting excited, but still havent had a hit.. I tied on an x-rap to try and entice a pike that was crusing by to bite, but no luck.. Kent (on Brian's Boat) is pulling in dinky perch after dinky perch.. this is infuriating myself and Jay because on last years trip Kent caught only a single perch, and that was on the last day.. so we're thinking that we're getting skunked.. i decide to step it up a notch, and in verno & johnny bass fashion, i go skins.. almost immediately i'm rewarded from the fish gods with an eater!


    (brian took the picture from a distance, and i firmly believe that the combination of my fatness and my pastey whiteness, blurred the shot)



    now big jay is starting to get nervous... and i'm not doing him any favours with my whitty banter with the other boat:

    me: hey brian, how many you got?

    brain: a few

    me: hey kent, how man ya got?

    kent: i gotta stringer of perch!

    me: Jay, how 'bout you buddy?

    jay: <silence>


    From around the corner a boats coming and it's another two from our party, big fat stinky steve (yes he goes by that name), and sonny.. they've never fished the lake before, and i was amazed that they stumbled onto us.. it didnt take long before they were onto the fish as well.. and by 'they', i mean steve... right away he's got a couple keeper pics on the stringer..


    when the friday fishing was all said and done, jay and i came in with this stringer:




    by the time we cleaned the fish and got the fry all sorted out, had a bunch of beers, then a bunch more, things got a little wacky.. kent couldnt handle the pace that we were setting.. the end result..




    During the bedlam that ensued that night we arranged the boats for the next day, 2 boats of three and one boat of four.. each boat was given a name, Team No Fish, Team George Micheal (due to one of the guys resembling George Michael), and finally my boat: Team Fat Slobs average weight of 277.5lbs, and we were the 4 person boat..


    Saturday morning we got a late start, and didnt get any fish until around noon.. Sonny pulled in a couple nice pics, one in the slot, just short of Brians fish from Friday... so he's on the board.. me, jay and big fat stinky steve are riding a skunk.. around 5:30 we're running low on worms, and trying to decide whether or not to head in for more bait.. during the deliberations I nail a 17"er that went back in the drink, and we immediately head back in for worms.. took us about 45 mins to get back to the dock, get more worms and get back to the spot.. not bad for a boat of fat dudes..


    here's Team Fat Slobs (Sonny, Myselft, Jay, and BFSS) after the saturday evening: (for a size reference, big fat stinky steve is on the right end, and he's 6'10" 350lbs..)




    Prior to us getting rediculously drunk, i made the cup presentation to Brian, as nobody has topped his fish from Friday..




    At some point in the shenanigans of saturday night, team fat slobs made the executive decison to be on the water for 5am on sunday.. dont know how we came about that choice, but somewhere in the time from the above photo and that decision the first keg of beer fell..


    miraculously we were indeed on the water, very hung over (i possibly was still drunk).. sonny being the least hung over was commissioned to drive.. myself and jay were the only guys onboard to get fish.. a few pics and some nice jumbo perch.. i boated a 19"er and took possession of the trophy.. but here's the keepers from the morning..




    when it was all said and done, one guy out of the 10 got skunked on the weekend.. he was the guy talking the most trash before the trip too.. our network admin, coincidentally a member of Team No Fish..



  6. they seemed to be the only things that worked up there (for us) last year.. i had my luck with the chartreuse blades / beads and three hooks..


    i just tossed on a worm weight and driffted with it..


    and yes PP, panfish and sheepsheads seemed to enjoy them as well...

  7. not including the hardwater, i went from late last july till about 3 weeks ago without a fish.. now i wasnt out every week or anything, so i dont feel that bad.. that said please sticky this so i can easily find it on monday, and i'll feel better when i get skunked this weekend. :)

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