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Everything posted by Remo

  1. My family has your family in our thoughts Wayne
  2. I will be keeping good thoughts and prayers for her Wayne.
  3. That sucks Wayne, I can certainly understand that it must be quite draining when forward movement is haulted unexpectedly. I will be keeping good thoughts that things go off with out a hitch on the 7th.
  4. I'm really gald things are progressing well Wayne, I hope you have a great Christmas.
  5. Thanks for posting, Done!
  6. Awesome news Wayne, positive thoughts and prayers out your way.
  7. So sorry to hear Wayne, we will be keeping positive thoughts for you and your family.
  8. Awesome stuff Wayne, its wonderful to see her progress.
  9. Well done!!!! Thats great to see Wayne, your not kidding about that spin either, that was quick.
  10. All is well here Wayne, thanks for asking
  11. Smiling in every shot, thats just awesome!
  12. Awesome news, thats great to hear!
  13. check your PM
  14. Could even be a broad winged hawk.....I get them in the back yard during the spring and fall migration....and the sharp shinned that usally hunts my bird feeders is now where to be found.
  15. PM sent
  16. Horseshoe does have Lakers but they are far and few between, there may also be special regs regarding Lake Trout, not sure though. Like most lakes in that area its a good pike and smallie lake...they have stocked catchable rainbows in Horseshoe but I dont think they faired to well, may explain why the pike are so healthy though.
  17. From what I gathered of Master of Baits post both those pics are of the same fish. Perhaps he can clarify as it looks to be the same fish to me. Forked tail, no spots on tail and the tail has a thin base my guess Atlantic. Be interesting to get it confirmed.
  18. You can contact Chris Robinson at: [email protected] or Credit River anglers at: [email protected] Great catch by the way.....was it acrobatic?
  19. I'm so sorry to hear of your losses Kevin. My deepest condolences. Remo
  20. Maybe we should ask the Norwegians, Finns, Swedes and Eastern Americans & Canadians about the acid rain debate....that was suppose to be fear mongering aswell, and its real cause was suppose to be changes in land use that caused acidification. It was given nick name "The Great Acid Rain Flim Flam" by Dr. Krug and was a debated heavily for fifteen years before most governments would agree that it existed. Not to say that Al gore is on the money with this maybe he is or maybe he isn't. If he is wrong and manages to "fool" people into reducing emissions by saving energy etc....Oh well, at least there would be other environmental benefits that would come of it that I'm sure no one could deny. If he is right and doesn't mange to convince anyone well then that could be a pretty big problem. I say good on him, IMO its a good thing when the peace prize goes to an environmentalist. Just a note there are still alot of people who still contest the acid rain theory, and the first observations of acid rain went way back to the late 1800's. Just my $0.02
  21. Hope you get better soon Dave
  22. Awesome photo Dave!
  23. Here is an updated list of participating stores which will have the bags for distribution. Thanks for the interest! AL FLAHERTY'S, 2066 Dufferin Street, Toronto, 416-651-6436, www.alflahertys.com/index.php ANGLING OUTFITTERS, 577 Dundas St., Woodstock, (519)539-5494 ANGLING SPECIALTIES - 2104 HWY 7, Concord, 905-660-9707 ANGLING SPECIALTIES - 325 Central Pkwy W., Mississauga 905-275-4972 ANGLING SPECIALTIES - 3251 Kennedy Road, Unit 4, Scarborough, 416-609-0804 ANGLING SPORT, 317 Adelaide St. South, London, 519-649-7429 BOB's BAIT & TACKLE, 308 Lauzon Road, Windsor, 519-944-7111 BRONTE OUTDOORS, 2544 Speers Road, Unit 7 and 8, Oakville, 905-827-4009 CALEDONIA BAIT & TACKLE, 192 Calthness St W, Caledonia, 905 7653215 FISHIN NIAGARA,197 Niagara Blvd, Fort Erie, On, 905-871-3888 www.fishinniagara.com FISH ONLINE CANADA. - 1705 Jane Street, Toronto, Ontario, (416)-242-4310, http://fishonlineca.com/new/index.php?opti...p&Itemid=26 FISHING WORLD 2411 Barton St. East, Hamilton, 905-573-2288, http://www.fishingworld.ca/ FISHMASTER BAIT & TACKLE, 312 Main St East, Dunnville, 905-701-6874, http://www.mountaincable.net/~fishmaster GAGNON SPORTS - 385 Bloor W., Oshawa, 905-725-5798 GILL FINIGANS, 4400 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, On, 905-357-5293, www.gillfinigan.com HOOK, LINE and SINKER, 380 Eramosa Rd., Guelph, 519-766-4665 JC TACKLE, 22 Sims Lock Rd., Caledonia, 905.765.8336 NATURAL SPORTS - 1572 Victoria St., Kitchener, Ont. Floaters' Tackle Retailer (519)749-1620 http://www.thefishingstore.ca PETERS BAIT AND TACKLE, Secord Drive, St. Catharines, On 905-934-2512 ROCK AND REEL OUTDOORS...5oo King st w unit # 12, phone #905-576-2626, Oshawa, ON SIMCOE BAIT & TACKLE, 250 Innisfil St., Barrie, On, 705-737-4818 TALL TALES BAIT & TACKLE, 310 King St. East, Cambridge, :(519)650-3465 TIGHTLINE FISHERMANS - 1050 Broock, Pickering, 905-837-0544 WITHAFLY TACKLE SHOP, 1224 Dundas St. West unit 105, Mississauga, 905-949-9359, www.withafly.com
  24. Well if where you fish if there aren't any public trash cans about, I guess you have to make the call whether or not it will fit into your two bag limit at home. Sorry, I know its not a not a very good answer, its all I got though. Remo
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