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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Go pike! I would be out there now if my motor was running
  2. Ive been trying but the email link hotlure.ca/ doesnt seem to b workin Maybe theyve gone under??? The lures are pretty cool though
  3. H.O.T. Lure company. Swamp donkee
  4. Cool markings on her Nice fish
  5. Nothin wrong with fishin alone:)
  6. Hey irishfield, do you have a pic by chance? Id love to see it. For that matter any pics of big pike from anyone would be cool to see thanx fellas
  7. here is our biggest chinny from the salmon derby on lake o this year. she came in just under 30lb
  8. when we got her in the cradle she shook her head and one of the hooks grabbed the side and popped out. i use all barbless for pike so when she thrashed in the cradle i think it got her very unfortunate because she did not have a scratch on her before
  9. as you can tell i was pretty pumped the fish hit the lure and came a foot or so out of the water and the splash alone had my buddy burnin his lure in to grab the cradle. my pb before this was 38 in and 17.5 lbs out of the same area of the lake about 100 yds away
  10. heres another pic
  11. hope this worked not the greatest pic but she was way too slimy too get a good grip!
  12. Hey guys, im a newb on the site so i thought id share a quick intro. My name is john i live in keswick on And im a diehard angler. I get out as often as i can in any weather or conditions. My favourite is pike and i got my pb this year at 44 in and pushing 25 lbs. After a couple pics i let her go( i got it on a debarbed double jointed storm) when i figure out how to post a pic i will. I also fish salmon on lake o and have started to get into muskie. I am happy to share what i know and am also not afraid to ask myself. This seems like a great site and i appreciate the help ive gotten already. Thanx a lot and tightlines
  13. Im going to the french next weekend and that pic is gonna have me sleepwalkin. Good luck on your trip!
  14. Hey migs ill either b in my 12 ft tinny w a merc or my buddies 16 ft with a 70 vro. Look for two big boys and a skinny 1
  15. I would like to get a 50 myself, my pb is a 46 out of scugog but im trying to get the other guys a fish each. As long as we get at least 1 it will b worth the trip. Sounds like there will b quite a few boats out there hopefully theres some left : )
  16. Thanxs for the help fast. Ill try to pick and choose my spots. I was going to try a good bit of trolling big cranks and stopping to cast at goid lookin spots
  17. Thanks for the tip. I have a #10 vibrax black blade and skirt would that work as well?
  18. One more thing i forgot to mention. Every muskie regardless of size will be released from my boat. I have watched my favorite pike lakes be demolished and i would never keep a large pike or muskie that can help restock. Thanks
  19. Hey guys. Im heading up to bryer lodge on the 12 for my first time on the french. I have done some muskie in scugog and the kawarthas but i would like to see some better numbers. Myself and some buddies went to the moon river basin the last two years for 3 days each time and we did not SEE a muskie. I have 2 guys in my boat who have never caught one. I have a cradle, cutters, gloves, and pliers and a small assortment of lures. I was wondering if you guys had any tips on lures or depths that you could help me with? I would like to get these guys on a ski no matter the size. Thank you for your time. Tightlines
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