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Everything posted by Cloudy15

  1. Ya i think the big pike actively start to target walleye in the fal. I heading fairly far north the lows in the area have been just above freezing lately. Hopefully i ahve some pics to post
  2. Don't worry it will not ruin my trip, last year we went mid summer bass fishing but my friends booked a lake that didnt have any bass in it only lakers. Little annoyed over that one.
  3. From what i have been reading in the algonquin forum booth has a tone of pike and decent smallies. My Pb SM would be a 4.5 maybe it was 21 " not terrible fat tho. Side note the algonquin forum members really piss me off, they refuse to offer any half way decent advice. So worried about their tourt. Ok fine those guys are pretty sensitive. But they wont even help you out with and decent pike or SM info so worried abou tthem getting fished out. We all fish on waters that have tons and tons of presure. IE rice lake and they are so worried about everyone in the world making the 8 hour trip to some of these lakes and and catching all the bass and pike which are even native! sorry for the rant lol did send you booth lake topo map.. or sending a topo map would never ever fly with the group
  4. Pike Pike Pike Pike Pike Pike

  5. What do you think the odds are i bet my PB pike at booth lake this weekend?? Since its only 8lbs I damn well better! I think the weather should be good and the big pike shallow anythoughts?
  6. I like when im flipping the pads with heavy braid and set the hook skipping a little bass half way to boat
  7. I'm heading to booth this weekend, for mainly pike and bass. I am hopping to stumble into some trout tho. I have a topo of booth thanks to stoty, i can email to you if you like. There is one spot that iw ould assume is good for lakers its is just of shore and falls really quickly to 60ft. Seems like a relatively small hole as well. Sound goofd for lakers or big pike???
  8. Looks like its still alive
  9. Err havnt actually used that line yet, just grabbed it. Only planned on using it for leaders. Sounds like it was a poor choice. for the albirght does it matter if your collies are loose? in the demo's i saw they used rope and collied it very tight before cinching??
  10. Thanks everyone why isnt there ever just one correct answer:)
  11. Hmm never did wet my palomar knot, annoying if thats all it was. if using the palomar not your using some kind of swivel to joing the two lines... is it better to tie the lines direct? thanks for the tip!
  12. no not a float rod, dont have one never tried it. Sounds like i migh tbe missing out. Thanks for the responce
  13. After reading the thread on line choice. I bought stren soinic braid 8lb 300yrds 32 bucks didnt seem like a great price and also bought stren fluorocast 10lb for my leader. Curious how you attach your fluorocarbon leader. I used a barrel swivel in the past with the plamer knot and found i was breaking off alot. I was curious is this line combo would make a good drop shot rig? thanks
  14. After reading the thread on line choice. I bought stren soinic braid 8lb 300yrds 32 bucks didnt seem like a great price and also bought stren fluorocast 10lb for my leader. Curious how you attach your fluorocarbon leader. I used a barrel swivel in the past with the plamer knot and found i was breaking off alot. I was curious is this line combo would make a good drop shot rig? thanks
  15. I have a cottage of the trent and i always do well early season as does everyone i'm sure. My cottage is close to the trent river lock. But i will run all the down by haley falls. I really struggle late season, partly because i'm stubborn and just find my self always flipping the lilly pads. I always get a few, but know i could be doing much better. Caught a 7lb walleye last year really want to catch some more of those guys. I have found i catch tons of walleye on the termantor slow rolling version, actually get everything on it. Its my go to night walleye lure does well for muskie to. But ya any tips for mid/summer into late october tips for small/large mouth baass and walleye for the trent would be great.... Sorry if im asking to broad of a question. THanks!
  16. Cheers thanks for the tips, what time of year did you go up. And how deep where you running your crank baits. I was thinking the pike should be fairly shallow sept 24. this time of year.. it has been somewhat warm tho I hear its a pretty big lake any ideas where to fish, or just any island. I have read the green weeds are the key this time of year do you know where they hide. Hmm actually can you come and just catch the fish for me. Thats gotta be a simcoe smaller eh stoty?
  17. hey all new member here. I am heading up to booth lake for pike with some buddies who dont have much experience. I was planning on looking for weed flats around 10 feet or so. I'm not even sure if this lake has weed beds. Not much pike experience, But the boys are counting on me. Any tips would be great! Trip is planned for 24 of this month
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