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    Durham Region

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  1. Any chance a cat would do the same thing??
  2. "Genetically" your statement may be correct BUT breeding plays a huge part in intelligence, maturity and health issues. Back yard breeders dilute the quality of the breed and since Chocolate is the preferred colour it is affected the most. Outside of a perfect world colour absolutely DOES matter.
  3. Not all Labrador Retrievers are created equal. [in general] The chocolate are the slowest to mature and the black are the smartest. The yellow is somewhere in between. The chocolate for some reason also seem to have the most health issues [again in general] usually allergies. The "Golden" is not a Labrador Retriever colour and is actually a Golden Retriever. The best thing you could do is run your requirements through an online breed selector such as this one. Breed selector Everyone on the forum will have their own bias, including me. Another option is to rescue an unwanted dog. Good luck in selecting your new family member.
  4. I certainly hope I got it wrong.
  5. Best wishes and prayers to you and the family Wayne. Take as much of my karma as you need.
  6. As an avid dog lover and rescue volunteer I was quite saddened to read of your plight until I got to the part that said "will take the best offer". This is a self proclaimed "family member" not a used car. Sure you have an investment in her as she has an investment in you (and the rest of the family). But she has no options and depends entirely on you to look out for her best interests. That's the deal when you take on the responsibility to share your life with a dog. Blaque has provided many good ideas to keep her in the family. If none of these are feasible then your first priority is to find the best possible solution for her - not you. Cash is not a part of this equation.
  7. [quote name='Bernie' date='01 September 2010 - 06:10 PM' NEVER disconnect a battery when a vehicle is running. This was something we could get away with in the 60's and 70's and sometime beyond - but with the advent ECM, fuel injection, etc, etc, this is no longer possible.
  8. No experience with BRP but a bit with Yamaha, Polaris and Honda. Considering the amount of abuse the owners of these machines (not me) gave them - they all survived. The Polaris in particular had the crap beat out of it on a weekly basis and while it needed gorilla strength to get it to run straight - would not die. The Yamaha owner managed to break both front axles (two different times) by putting too much tension on the front end. There are limits to how much they will climb and at what speed!! If I had to choose it would be Yamaha followed by Honda. This is largely due to the amount of time I spent on a Grizzly, working it big time and then taking it to the trails and track. Solid machine and no complaints with what you threw at it. Buddy bought a 2010 Polaris Sportsman 500. Factory tie wrapped (tight) the tank breather tube. This caused small problems due to the use pattern but could have collapsed the tank had it been used for speed runs. I know you are buying used but one indication of quality is the length of warranty - compare and see for yourself which manufacturers don't have faith in their products. Just my opinion YMMV.
  9. What Lew said.
  10. Funny no one mentioned Carp! If I won't eat it, I won't target it... Favourites are Perch, Crappie, Pike, Salmon, Lake Trout, Rainbow and sometimes Whitefish. I will supplement a camping meal with a freshly caugh Largemouth bass - but wouldn't bring them home ordinarily.
  11. Return them to the lake..
  12. Have you tried listing it in the "free" section of kijiji? Worth a try before landfill and could save you a few bucks (disposal fee).
  13. I thought I had all the bases covered until I saw your suggestion on the collar. Great tips.
  14. Did you pickup the geocoin?
  15. I suspected something was odd when the line was breaking so easily. Did some tests and sure enough each package I bought was over rated by 2lbs. The actual weight rating was determined by the real line diameter and not the package marking. Wasn't a big deal in the end as I used 4lb "marked" line for Perch rather than the intended Crappie.
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