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Posts posted by Hooked

  1. At first, I thought for sure a Fox, mainly due to the trot it had. But the size, fairly long legs, the distance between its chest and the ground seemed too much for a Fox, I'm kinda leaning towards a coyote. But if people here experienced Foxes that size before, I would have to say a Fox. I just haven't seen any that big.

  2. Nice going Cliff. I was thinking Kia, but heard some bad stuff bout them in the past. Glad to hear they have improved the quality of their products. While my car was being fixed last year, my curteous car was Kia Optima. I must say, that thing was almost too smooth. I didn't realize how fast I was going kinda fast. Perhaps I will look at Kia when its time. Again, congrats, its tough to let go of ol' faithful, well kinda, but best of luck with the new vehicle.

    BTW, did you get a hitch for it yet?

  3. i've got a soft sided box and would never switch back...


    main reason is you can buy a whole whack of plano boxes and load the ones you will need, and leave the ones you don't...

    ex. you don't need bass tackle when going salmon trolling...


    the shoulder strap is nice depending on how much stuff you load in... the more you load in it, the more soar your shoulder gets...


    this is the one i have and it can fit 6 3700 size planos in there, and i have another 15-20 at home...





    Wow Goran, I remember that 1 tackle box you would bring to the pier, now you got 20+ planos, dam, you don't waste time.

  4. Not sure what to be more enormed with? That glorius new fence, or those slabs! Guess either is a nice job. WTG!! I did dig how that livewell kept filling up, and up....nice, however, just doesn't seem fair given its insanely cold here! You dawg!

  5. A little light humour here:


    Government Job Interview -


    A guy goes to the Post Office to apply for a job.


    The interviewer asks him, 'Have you been in the service?'


    Yes, he says. 'I was in the armed forces for three years.'


    The interviewer says, 'That will give you extra points toward employment,' and then asks, 'Are you disabled in any way?'


    The guy says, 'Yes, a mortar round exploded near me and blew my testicles off.'


    The interviewer tells the guy, 'OK. I can hire you right now. The hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 'You can start tomorrow. Come in at 10:00 A.M.'


    The guy is puzzled and says, 'If the hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, then why do you want me to come in at 10:00 AM?'


    'This is a government job,' the interviewer says.


    'For the first two hours we stand around scratching our balls. No point in you coming in for that.'

  6. I’m surprised to see how everyone flames the guy without even knowing him, now I don’t say that being late is good, but I think it’s up to headhunter to decide if this employee is beneficial or not for the company. If being late and getting 15 min more sleep makes the employee work at 120% all day, who cares I would even buy him coffee. I’ve seen some guys coming to work on time but doing “email checking” for half an hour, taking smoke breaks every hour or so and chitchatting with colleagues. And there is this one guy who comes in late, but turns into work the moment he sits down on the chair and does same amount of work if not more than two of his colleagues.

    But like I said headhunter its up to you to decide, not someone else, cause only you can do pro’s and con’s. Don’t be too harsh ;)

    p.s. being late is always good excuse to avoid the raise



    I have to agree here. Perhaps HH you should speak to him why he is late on a regular basis? Does he do his work very well? It maybe irritating for you, but it maybe a beneficial to you to speak to him on a regular level. Give er a go. Mind you, he could just be a slacker?

  7. I got this in an email recently, perhaps your employee got it too? A tad long, but....


    No need to resort to tea leaves


    Some tips to help discern if you are to be sacked


    Howard Levitt, Financial Post Published: Wednesday, January 16, 2008


    With the crack in the economy increasingly get bigger, many employees have reverted to reading the tea leaves, attempting to


    divine their job security. They need not do so.


    Here are some signals you are about to be dismissed: - Your managers find fault with you for matters that before barely merited


    comment. When your employer turns on you, managment will find virtually everything about you irritating. However, a pattern of


    this behaviour may give you grounds for a preemptive strike -- a lawsuit for constructive dismissal or negligent infliction of mental


    stress (vernacularly called harassment); - You are shut out of decision-making. Having decided to fire you, your employer


    appreciates you will not be around to implement those decisions. As well, for the very reason you are being dismissed, the


    employer has developed little regard for your input. Like many of the "signals" below, reducing your responsibilities and


    involvement are the classic indicia of constructive dismissal. If a case for cause is being built up, many employers mistakenly do


    such things in advance, giving the employee the opportunity to pre-emptively resign and sue. The employee transforms an


    inevitable weak dismissal case into a strong constructive dismissal one. - Your superiors avoid you. You are not invited to


    meetings and are no longer in the e-mail chain. They even avoid you in the hallway. What discussions you have become more


    formal and less spontaneous. - Small talk with peers is less frequent. Employees intuit who is out of favour and avoid them. - You


    are not provided with new long-term assignments; - Your duties are stripped. This can take many forms including, some of your


    duties being allocated to others, not receiving assignments you formerly would have, having assistants brought in to learn your


    job, or being transferred to a less important position. In addition to suing for constructive dismissal, the court may well react by


    awarding bad faith, or punitive, damages to the employee. - You receive poor performance reviews, bonuses or a below standard


    raise, if you get one at all. This invites law suits for monies that should have been paid. Ostensibly bonuses and salary increases


    are at the employer's discretion, but such decisions must be made in good faith. - Managers become abusive. Those who have yet


    to become aquainted with the law of constructive dismissal, still try to harass staff into resigning.

    --- - Howard Levitt, counsel to Lang Michener LLP, practises employment law in seven provinces and is author of several texts, including The Law of Dismissal for Human Resources Professionals, recently released.

  8. WOW, that was a stellar and a half post! Were there any mosquitos out there, or similar irritating bugs like them at night? Perhaps ones that can take yer freakin finger off? Can't believe how freakish those bugs looked, and HUGE! I bet a 2lb fish out there fights like a 20lb salmon here, what a treat all that musta been. Looked like an awesome time.

  9. I hear ya Rick! Went through similar scenario the week my wife was due. They kept telling me it was something inside.....a tech came, didn't find anything, left....then they insisted I troubleshoot what the tech should of found...turns out, it was a line in the main box for the neighbourhood. They replaced that 5 days later, bam, phone working. Too bad I'm changing my ISP and phone now. Can't go with Gogeco for my ISP since they throttle torrents too.....but am going VOIP with cogeco. Btw, is there an echo, I heard that is common with the VOIP?

  10. HOOKED Ive got the Stampede brushless its crazy, I run the same batts I run on my EMAXX and it moves great and lasts a very long time ,get your boy the emaxx I love mine 4 wd 2 speed tranny and fast and very durable ,ive also got a new Savage and its a great truck but finicky at times dammm nitro I like electric ,quite and fun



    Hey 2 Tone Z71, is the EMAXX much more $ wise? I know my son mentioned that one before. BTW, where did you get yours? My son found some sites where I was gonna order them from, not many hobby shops, or none that I could find, around my neck of the woods surprisingly. Anyways, thanks for the heads up.

  11. Picked up a couple of those AirHog Heli's for my son this xmas, pretty cool. I keep it interesting by chasing the cats with them and landing them on my ceiling fan. But gonna pick this bad boy for my son, who is really getting into RC'n. Starting him off with a Traxxas Stampede (electric). Man, I can't believe how fast some of em go, 70+ mph, crazy. But heres a pic of the one we are gonna get:



  12. 7' shimano crucial med action, got some good backbone and still has a very soft tip to detect light bites, and talk about sensitive!



    I may second that choice, pretty good one at too. I personally think something a little longer though, like 7'-4" - 7'6". Crucial are awesome rods.

  13. I decided to get my wife pregnant and have a baby. Timed it perfectly, I get sleepness nights, moody all day, and totally doesn't interfere with my fishing. Mind you, I don't fish during the winter months. But my time is occupied! Just an idea for ya.

  14. I caught one last year, around this time too that was full of eggs, let go of course. I guess some just get a late start? Heck, I caught a chinook last week, still in good shape, took around 15 minutes to land kinda shape, and was clearly in its spawning form. BTW, nice fish Shaun.

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