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Everything posted by valerie

  1. Thanks Charlied i'll have to give it a try oneday
  2. Nice fish and pics . If you dont mind me asking where is sherkston shores? :Gonefishing:
  3. Welcome aboard bryce i am also new to OFC and i know you'll get alot of great info from these great fisherman and fisherwomen. There are other canadian teams in the NHL then the leafs, great choice with the leafs.
  4. Nice pics nothing wrong with them keep'em comming.
  5. Well got there at around 7:15 very cold water was very muddy after about an hour i decided to try humber bay park very windy with big waves tried a couple cast but went back to the bridge after another hour i tried for some carp the corn wasnt working . Then had another fisherman come by and tried for some pike he said best to use was live minnows not lures to many snags. Well didnt have anything to show for my 3 hours spent but none the less had a good time hope the other fisherman had some luck when i left.
  6. thanks guys ill try my best to have somthing to report on monday.
  7. It was alot of fun that is me in the middle
  9. What and where is that misfish?
  10. Thanks snog love the pics last week made my brothers and i very jealous great work i live near high park so i usually try grenadier pond for pike and bass but i dont think there are pike in there or maybe they are just very hard to catch have you tried there.
  11. Thanks snog im going to try and get out there at around 7 am and i need to get back at 11 my niece and nephews birthday party and my wife would have my bobbers if im not back by then. Should i try dead minnows or just lures/spinners/spoons. Thanks again snog
  12. Good morning everyone its friday and i cant wait to get outta work. I have a question for ya'll has anyone fished under the big white bridge on the lakeshore where the humber river runs into lake ontario. I should be heading out there saturday morning i was just wondering what bait or lures should i be using and what would be the best species to target ?. Its the last day for pike so i might try for them maybe also carp anything else ? Any help will be greatly appriciated thanks rob
  13. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  14. Its new to me very funny.
  15. Another good joke keep'em commin
  16. Good One i'm sure my wife will like that one.
  17. That was a great report i could almost imagine being there myself . thanks
  18. Hello everyone i was just wondering if anyone has fished a lake called story lake in cloyne, from what i have heard it is a very small lake .Well this was the cottage we decided on and here we go. Any info would be greatly appriciated thanks
  19. Nice Fish, caught most of the show i liked the double netting didnt know who you were but you sure did look like a pro.
  20. Very true alot of the lures i was using were new and now i know how they swim good point thanks steelcat
  21. Probably the worst repot but very hard to report when nothing is caught. A bad day of fishing is better then a good day at work very very true. thanks for reading my report.
  22. Well here we go . Saturday morning met up with my brothers at 7:30 am grabbed a cab at 8:00 got to the ferry dock at 8:20 and we were on the water by 8:30 . Very Very cold and windy the rain didnt start till we made it half way accross. At the island it was very quiet so we decided to walk the shore to find some good spots the east side by the closed down concrete dock was frezzing and supper windy with to much ice to fish off of so we went back to the west side of the ferry dock and tried our luck after about an hour with no luck we kept on walking west along the river where we tried but nothing either as we kept on treking the rain got worse and wind kept comming we decided to have a coffee and lunch at the cafe at 11:30 . After lunch we tried a spot where the river entered the lake for about an hour also no luck so we went back to the side of the ferry dock which seemed like the best spot also with no luck. All in all we didnt have any luck on saturday the 24th but we did get to have a good day of bonding which we hadnt had for a while. The weather of the day was won of the worst i have ever fished but still alot of fun i guess that is why we didnt see anyone else fishing throughout the day untill we were leaving when we spoke to a guy that was fishing off the dock. I guess i'll have to try again on saturday which is the last day for pike have a great day everyone happy fishing.
  23. Very easy all i would want is 3 weeks on any of ontario's great fishing lakes for pike , muskie , walleye and bass. With a good size fishing boat that can hold me my wife and brothers my daughter is still to small to hold a rod but her time is comming.
  24. I agree with you both i have also been a leaf fan all my life and i dont know how much more my heart can take. I just dont understand how they can get skunked by washington but can play a great game against new jersey.
  25. Thanks to everyone for your warm welcomes no one interested in fishing at work so its frustrating not being able to ask anyone questions or advice but now i have all of you here at OFC. thanks again
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