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About beerman

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  1. No problem guys. Once I find out some more info, I will post it. I am thinking that Billy (Polar Bear Express) only kept a few of his lakes.....
  2. No problem Mike.. I am trying to find out what other lakes they got and from who?? One thing I know, they need a bigger plane or a few more beavers to handle all this..... LOL PS... Mike, my party is starting the countdown to Anjgaming Lake...
  3. I guess. I do not think they own them. They have all rights to them, I guess...Just passing on some info...
  4. Hi, I am not sure any of you heard about this news, but from what I gather, Cochrane Air Services have purchased a BUNCH of lakes from the other 2 out-fitters that fly out of Cochrane! One lake is Patridge.... Here are a few others,... Fuzzy, Megan, Chappa, Yesterday, Bounce,Echo, Witigo , and some more... Looks like they will be the main out-fitter in the area! True North is totally now owned by Cochrane Air...
  5. Awesome once again.. The MNR landed on Yesterday lake, Cochrane Air when we we there? They landed on the lake, we motored over to the plane.. There were 2 young guys and a girl. The girl was on a computer, she said she was watching us from the air? I was like, what the hell? She new we had coolers, fish, etc... Luckily we had NO alcohol, as they were looking for it... It felt kinda strange.. But oh, well...... Great report!
  6. Wow, Moose, that is one awesome reading! You my friend, have a god gifted talent! Peace
  7. Oh, man... I bet the BIG pike will be biting! Best time of the year for BIG fish.... We sent our deposit in to Martin. Our gang is really looking forward to Anjigaming next June!
  8. Great Report Mike!! Awesome.. Are you not headed to Hearst this month? Lucky man!
  9. Nice report. We are headed into Anjigaming June 21, 2014... Thanks to Mike.. LOL
  10. Wow, just wow... Awesome report!
  11. Sounds awesome. We are headed into Anjigaming Lake next June... Cannot wait!
  12. Just awesome Mike! The kids are awesome! Our group cannot wait to fly into Anjigaming next year! Hope the walleye are kicking butt on this lake!
  13. Awesome report... Here is a question for you? I know you have used Cochran Air, How would you rate Hearst Air to Cochrane? Better, the same?
  14. I must say, I read ALL reports, etc..... These are some of the MOST incredible pictures I have seen... Great job! Love it!!
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