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Luke V.

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Everything posted by Luke V.

  1. What do you use to protect your rods? ie. Rod gloves etc. My boat does not have a designated rod storage compartent and I am wondering what the best options are. What do you like? what have you tried and dont like? I have rod holders on the sides of the boat, but i find on long trips the vibrations can wear the rod blanks. I use small bungies to hold the rods from flying around the boat but this may be leading to the wear. Thanks in advance for the responses. Luke
  2. Thanks, Family is number one. Thanks, it was a ride to say the least. Anything thats coming this way will be slammed right out of the park. Thanks for all the welcomes.
  3. Thought I would give everyone a little intro on myslef. Im 21, Live in Niagara-on-the-lake for the past 5 years. I grew up in St. Catharines. Currently working at TRW Automotive as a Mechanical Engineering Co-op student. I also work part time at Bicknell Racing Products. Fishing is my main hobbie and has been for the past number of years. I grew up with a fishing rod in my hands spending summers with my parents at different cottages and camping all the time. We still go camping every year as a family for two weeks to Cedar Lake in AP. In 2005 my Mom was diagnosed with MS. Over the year long diagnosis she came to a point where a walker was her best friend and she was wheelchair bound. Dealing with this reality really changed my outlook on life. In less than 12 months my mom went from being an energetic outgoing person to someone who was so limited in the things she could do. Walking became the most difficult task for her. Which ultimately lead to the wheel chair. This forced my dad to either reno our entire house or move. We were fortunate enough to be able to buy a peice of land in Niagara on the Lake and build a custom home the suited all of my moms needs. From a roll in shower to appropiate countre heights and an open concept that made getting around much easier. Shortly after the construction began my moms health greatly improved! The Drs had been trying all types of different drugs and we stumbled upon one that brought my moms life back. Slowly she transitioned from the wheel chair back to her walker and then back to being able to walk all on her own! This was truly amazing. She continues to battle with her MS everyday! We thank God for the miricale that happened in my moms life with her regaining her mobility. Fast forward to 2011. As moms health is continually increasing to get better, my dads health began to diminish. In the spring on 2011 my dad started to become extremely tired day in day out. Being only 49 this was totally odd for him. With some visits to the dr's and trips to hamilton (which everyone in my family was familiar with) the Drs began to diagnose my dad. By Novemver of 2011 my dad could no longer work and we still didnt have a diagnosis. The Drs knew he was producing some form of canerous protien but where it was coming from was unknown. Finally after a kidney biopsy it was determined that his kidneys were producing this protien. Upon further investigation it was determined that my dad had Primary Amloidosis. This disease is pretty rare with only 3000 diagnosis's every year in North America. Game plan was to have my dad go through a bone marrow transplant early in December. This would hopefully stop the growth of the protien and maybe kill lots of the protien. With the transplant being done right over christmas it was a little of a different christmas for our family. My dad was admitted to hospital on the 20th on december and returned home on the 5th on January.(one day before his birthday). The recovery was a slow and long process but my dad is back to work now full time. His body continues to make the protiens and they Drs cant seem to figure out why. He has been taking chemo by pill everyday for the past 2 months. If you wish to know the full story on my dads journey please read the blog I created for him. (Edvisser.com) I know this post seems a little depressing, but the past 7 years of my life have taught me more then I might learn in the next 20 years. It has certainly brought my faimly closer together. My two brothers and I learned what real responsibility is taking care of our parents and providing the income for our family for 8 months.( along with many gracious donations) Fishing has become something that I charish even more now. The time I am able to spend on the water with my dad means everything to me. All I know is that I live everyday to its fullest becasuse you never know what is around the corner. Here is a pic of my dad Tight lines. Luke
  4. Cedar lake is great for bass and lake trout. Little cedar lake (west end of Cedar) is great for bass. Radiant lake has some good fish in it aswell. Hopefully you have some electronics for your canoe. Will make finding the schoals and holes easier. My only tip for walleye on cedar lake is that they are deep in the summer. Lake trout, jig with spoons. Looking foward to your report. I will be going to Cedar for the 16th year in a row for two weeks on July 14. If you want to find out the hot spots look for Jake and Bonnie. (they run the brent store) Also look for Gantry he is the park Warden. (his wife runs the gate) Tight lines,
  5. Joeytier, Fish were handle in a respectable manner, and released quickly.
  6. more pics
  7. Started the day off a bit later than I wanted. (Fishing partner worked until 3am, so he had to get some sleep). Launched on Erie just before 8am. Fished until 1230. We only boated 6 fish alltogether. We fished in 14-8 FOW were using drop shot and tube jigs. All and all was a great morning. Matt got his PB smallie at 4.85 lbs. Here are some shots from the day
  8. PigeonTroller, Ill be at the launch same time hopefully. (14' starcraft, 20hp Merc) Looking like the wind will be co operating with us for saturday!
  9. That's always a pleasure about bass fishing. You see it and then its gone, going back to get even is what its all about!
  10. Sounds like a great few days. Im sure you will not be disapointed!
  11. Nice report! Do I see a Ling on your stringer? Stink bad to clean, but thems some goood eats! Nice walleyes and trout! I wish I lived where you do
  12. So with Bass opening on the 23rd, where is everyone going to be? I will be on the Upper Niagara River insearch of the 7-8 lb smallie that has been evading me for the past year or two. Tight Lines Luke
  13. Hey Bob, Are they moving in shallower now? or are they still in 35-40 FOW? Thanks Luke
  14. This is how we do our fish. Eat the first half of the bag, use the second half for the crisp. The bag even saves a dish because you use it to hold the crisp.
  15. For cranks I am running a 7' MH Quantum Tour PT with an Okuma Helios 6:2:1 ratio. Hope this helps
  16. This truck got my vote. Excellent work!
  17. CCMT, Yes this is my first post. But I have been lurking here before joining. Love your report. AP is am awesome place! Cedar Lake is an excellent spot to camp as well as fish! My family has been camping at brent for more than 40 years. Personally I havent missed a summer in the past 15 years. The campsites are fairly close together. I would recomend staying on sites 2,3,4,5 and 6. There is a sand beach where you can keep your boat right beside all of these campsites. The outhouse and water tap are right up the hill. There is even a grass feild there to play games if the kids and family went up. Sites 24 and 25 (known as the small beach) is also a great spot if you have a small group. You are nice and far from anyone else in the campground. We go for two weeks in July every year. Its a great place if you like small mouth fishing, the lake trout fishing is excellent as well. Trolling with lead core, to flat linning to jigging spoons all produces nice eating lakers. The white fish have become harder and harder to come by every year. (not that we spend much time fishing for them) There are two great rivers to fish as well. Pettawa in, Pettawa out. Both produce decent bass fishing, along with the odd catfish and even a Walleye or two. There are numerous walleye in the lake, however they are hard to find in July. I would strongly recomend going there. Its by far one of my favourite spots to camp and fish, you wont be disapointed. As far as the lake being busy. You might see two maybe three other boats while you are there. Max horse power for the lake is 20. It is fairly large in size with many options to fish having others around on the lake wont be bothersome at all to you. Tight Lines, safe travells.
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