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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. Nothing wrong with a man sporting pink gear... ESPECIALLY if it's a custom Spiel job!
  2. Sorry I'm just getting to these messages now - I was away for the past 3 days and am now trying to get everything going for the Fish-a-Thon. All of the kind words mean more to me than any of you will ever know. Thanks for the support guys - and like I said, I will absolutely keep everyone in the loop! Cheers, Ryan
  3. Hey Gang, We finally have the registration open for this years Fish-a-Thon. It's been a crazy busy spring and summer for my family with everything we have going on but we're finally getting this going in hopes to have another amazing year. Please pop by http://www.fish-a-thon.com/registration.htm to register and get your pledge sheets. Also, we're in need of donations for the prize table. If you're able to donate something please drop me a line. As usual, THANKS so much to everyone for the ongoing support. More details and updates to follow. Cheers, Ryan
  4. Thanks bud - very much appreciated! Thanks man - It truly means a lot to me that you like my work... I've done work for Fanshawe College in London, some lingerie stuff , farming, diesel fuel videos... and tons more so the demo reel should be fairly diversified once I have time to put it together. lol yeah one of her best friends, Allen has his own little tinner with a 5hp gas motor and a home-made casting deck...he even has his own slip down at the lake. So they get to spend their summer days out on the lake fishing... not a bad way to spend your summer holidays at 10 years old. haha Thanks Cliff.... I'm on it.. back to work I go right now.. Thanks Glen... very much appreciated. lol Thanks GBW... I will keep you all updated and like I said.. fishing reports will follow as soon as I find the time to get out! Have a good week guys!
  5. Thanks Dave! Thanked bud, we have to get together before long for another pop or two! ) Congrats on the success Mitch... Love hearing stories like this. Thanks and my best goes out to you and your family!
  6. Hey gang, I haven't been super active the past little while. Truth be told, there's been a lot going on in my life, and our family has recently made some pretty big changes. One such change is that I left my job after an incredible 9.5 year run. The experiences, people I've met and friendships I've gained over the past decade have been priceless. It's pretty scary, making this change now with three kids under the age of 10 at home, but I'm hopeful that in the long run it'll be a good thing for our family. I've decided to start doing corporate and commercial video work on my own, and now that my youngest is in school full time, my wife Ginny has been able to take on more hours at work. Long term, it'd be awesome to find a balance between work and family life so that we're able to live comfortably, but mainly enjoy time spent together. My oldest daughter Averie has grown up on OFC... some newcomers may not know her, but a lot of you guys, who've been members since she was born have literally watched her grow up. I mean got the idea for her name from TJ's boy for crying out loud. ( thanks bud lol ) It honestly seems like the blink of an eye, yet she's going to be TEN this October. Starting a business might seem like the wrong thing to do when you want to spend more time with your kids, but I'm giving it a shot anyway. Some of my fondest memories growing up was time spent at my Great Uncles camp on weekends ( because in Sudbury we called cottages, camps). He owned a plumbing and heating business, and though he was busy during the week, he always made time for family on weekends - and would skip out from the office for one of his kids field trips without fail. I won't be buying a cottage anytime soon, but if I could even remotely follow in his footsteps I'll be a happy father. OFC has played a huge part in getting me to where I am today, with starting my career in the fishing world 10 years ago, to helping raise tens of thousands of dollars at our Fish-a-Thon for a Cure and with making friendships that are sure to last a lifetime. Though I'm super busy with everything I have going on right now, I will absolutely check in as often as possible and keep everyone informed on how things are going. Hopefully I'm able to find that balance between work and family life, so that I can get back to posting actual fishing reports as soon as possible. We did get out for an hour from shore last night and Averie put a pretty good show, flipping for largemouth from the pier. Folks fishing with worms for panfish were like what the heck is this kid doing? lol She convinced me to let her bring a few greenies home for dinner. As for an example of the type of work I'm doing. My buddy Carl from Baitcloud asked if I'd be interested in producing a video for them, and as they're huge supporters of our Fish-a-Thon, as well as just good people in general I didn't hesitate in saying yes. So, this is the type of stuff I'm going to be focusing on. Thirty second to 5 minute corporate vids that'll mainly be used online. Though I have a ton of experience in the fishing world, I don't plan to focus all my attention in that area. I've recently been doing work in the farming and fuel industries, as well as other areas that aren't even remotely related to fishing. You may recognize a few people in this video, most notably, a certain carp angling phenom that we all know as MJL. Thank again bro - I had an awesome time, can't thank you enough, and we will get out on the water before ice-up! Wish me luck - if it blows up in my face, as least I can say I tried! Hope you enjoy the vid and my best goes out to everyone at OFC. Cheers, Ryan & Family
  7. Awesome stuff bud.
  8. Hey boys, My apologies for not being on the ball with regards to the Fish-a-Thon so far this season. I've had some major changes going on in my life and it's been a grind to find time to get things going. I'm hoping to start the big push really soon and I will absolutely keep my OFC family in the loop! Thanks so much for checking in! Talk soon!
  9. Thanks bud.. hope all is well on your end! Thanks Terry! Thanks Bri - I do get paid to make videos for a living so I suppose you could say I'm a "professional" lol My dad used to take hockey team photos and someone told him once that he was a "pro". My dad responded with kind of "not really, its just hockey team photos"... The guy goes, "do you get paid to take them?" my dad says "yes" and the guy tells him. "Well if you're getting paid to do it, then you're a pro" ... haha anyway you just made me remember that story so I thought I'd share it. I'm always learning and trying to come up with new techniques. Thanks! Thanks Woddenboater. I mean I have a ton of gear. Slider, Drones, Ronin ( which replaced my old steadicam... ) and used pretty much all of it for this shoot. I still keep my steadicam around though for backup because it doesn't require batteries or use motors or anything... good old school tech that never fails.
  10. It's a while Simon... Looks like things are well on your end. Brings back A LOT of memories of doing this with my own dad. Thanks for posting bud! Best wishes!
  11. Sorry about the white background on the text... don't know how I managed that! I've been on this board for over a decade and to this day have problems using HTML to imbed videos.
  12. Hey guys! It's been quite some time since I've had anything to post. Truth be told I haven't been fishing since late last summer. With the three kids playing hockey and work keeping me busy it just hasn't been in the cards.I've recently picked up some new camera gear and wanted to put it to the test in a real-world shooting situation so I approached the good folks at the LPRCA to see if I could do a mini-doc on the spring set-up of one of my favourite places in the world - The Deer Creek Conservation Area. I think it turned out well and wanted to share it with my fishing friends. This isn't an ad or commercial that I'm trying to push. I did it as a personal project and am very thankful that my friends at the LPRCA were kind enough to donate their time and park. If you've never been to Deer Creek you should definitely check it out. It doesn't matter how windy the big lake gets, you can always fish this little gem of a lake and it's saved my Saturday plans more than once. Hope you enjoy the vid and have an awesome Mother's day! Cheers, Ryan
  13. Love reports with the kids! Good stuff!
  14. THANK YOU so much Mike! You and Danna have once again gone way over and above and I we truly can't thank you enough! Hope to see some OFC members out next week! This is where it all started! Cheers, Ryan
  15. Your humour is second to none Wayne. Once again, Much Love!
  16. Hey Gang! We're only a few weeks away and have had a tremendous show of support from our sponsors such as Laurie from Dixie Dairy Bar & Tackle Shop in St. Thomas, Sarah & Dave Mercer, Handlebarz, Spiel Custom Rods, and many more. Right now we're sitting below average with regards to registration numbers so PLEASE pass this around and encourage people to take part in Fish-A-Thon 2015. We have some amazing early bird prizes lined up for those who get going on pledges! Registration is done online @ www.fish-a-thon.com Lets all rally together and do our part to support the fight against Cancer. Together we can make a difference. Let's show the world what the angling community is all about! I'm leaving on a work trip this afternoon, until the middle of the week but will add more details when I'm home! Thanks again for the ongoing support OFC! Cheers, Ryan & Crew
  17. Hey gang! I just wanted to take a second to thank you all SO VERY MUCH for the kind words. I wanted to reply to everyone individually but I'm overwhelmed with things around the office, home and with the Fish-A-Thon around the corner. But I didn't want to just let this thread die without at least thanking everyone. You're all friends, and brothers to me and I can't thank you enough for the words. Hope you all have an awesome long weekend! Cheers, Ryan
  18. You know I agree with you on the swimming and fishing brother. The camping sites aren't stellar but the lake makes up for it. I love the people who run the park, and don't spent a ton of time on my site anyways when we do camp out. I find most campsites to be very similar in southern ontario... Thanks bud! 11-16 Tokina adapted onto a Micro 4/3 camera ( GH4 ). I mainly use it for video but it does a fine job of taking stills on our fishing trips as well. One way to easily tell the difference between GoPro and a DSLR style camera is that the GoPro has a wide depth of field... so everything is always in focus, foreground and background.
  19. Hey guys, A quick photo report. This summer has been crazy busy but I promised each one of my kids a solo trip in the boat. Last night a window opened up and I was able to take my youngest out for her turn with Dad. On our way out to the lake we picked up some minnows from my wife's cousins who own Erie Bait & Tackle and am I ever glad we did. I don't often use live bait but they were ALL OVER Claira's minnows last night. I managed 1 fish for 2 casts and Claira fought it for me. lol I was to busy putting minnows on her hook every two seconds. I'm pretty sure she lost 3 minnows for every landed fish.. Hard to get a good hookset in with her ice fishing rod. haha It's all good though because she had a blast. I think it's time to graduate to a bigger rod. First cast, she hammers her personal best Rock Bass ( big deal when you're 4 ) haha. After that she crushed the crappie one after another and wouldn't you know it she catches her personal best crappie several times over! That's how she got her new nickname "Claira the Crappie Crusher" or "Tripple C". lol There were some little largies mixed in as well... Don't worry about the net Dad - I'll just pump him in!!! Okay... GET THE NET for this one!!! Personal best Crappie... and he's heavy... Crack off one more and then let's go for a swim... Okay Kid.... time to go because Mom will be texting me to get home.. not you! haha One more cast on our way in Dad.... Ok. BOOM. Personal best Largemouth.. Stretch those arms out and make him look extra big! lol A night I will remember for the rest of my life. Have a great week folks. Ryan & Tripple C
  20. agreed dude... there's no way I'd chance running all the way to Lake O! Heck, I couldn't even afford the gas to do it! haha
  21. Has nothing to do with a lack of fishing spots... Lake Ontario produces bigger fish than the river. Brandon won the tournament and only got 5 bites some days. But all 5 fish were giants - you can fish the river all day for 40+ bites and still weight less than the 5 you catch on Lake O. It's a gamble, a huge one, but it paid off for him. That said, I'm curious to see what happens with everyone having to stay in the river this year.
  22. Thanks for all the kind comments guys... it's always a good time when I'm on the water with my kids!
  23. Awesome reply! I love seeing stuff like this - good job Tony!
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