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Posts posted by CLofchik

  1. Rick O'Banion can give you the details... but like most any crown run program the issue with the "volunteers" was insurance didn't cover them as a non-crown employee. We ran into this in the aircraft building inspection program during the same time frame that the fishing "Guardian" program got toasted.


    Police forces can some how still have Auxiliaries & Cadets, if the MNR was actually interested there would be a way to make it happen.


    I am a member of Metro East Anglers. We operate the fishway at Milne Dam in Markham. I know a few years back insurance suddenly became an issue with the fishway and any other activity that we were involved with. It may be co-incidental, but that is when the Guardian Program was cancelled. I suspect that insurance issues did play a part in the demise of the program.


    This was also after the OPSEU strike, I suspect it had more to do with the MNR guarding it's turf for dues paying employees than any legitimate insurance worries. Let's not forget we're talking about unionized swivel servant culture here that just got done picketing volunteer fish lifts out of spite during the strike.


    Talk to a few Halton cops that are now patrolling Bronte on how much fun it is trying to deal with the MNR guarding "their" turf.

  2. Got out later in the morning, the breeze was good to add some ripples to the water but all the rain made it too murky. Fished for an hour without a touch then tried a few other spots around the harbour looking for some brownies but came up skunked.

  3. ignorance is bliss


    Irony behind that comment is truly staggering.


    I bought breathable waders after a big male ripped my waders at the '07 collection (hey! what's that tingling?? UH OH! had to get outta the water fast!), and since then haven't been able to get in the water with the electro-shocker...on the list for sure...




    They bring extras, no excuses for the Ho collection :D

  4. Yup!... it's the full moon!



    ... if they're not biting in the middle of the night, they aint biting!!!


    Sowry again Dawg, but the full moon is bad for the salmon bite.

    It's been too bright & calm off Bronte & Burlington, the darker & stormier the better the pier fishing. The next night there's a 20knot breeze will be good in your usual spot Utyma.


    Then again there's always some fish around, was one of two caught off a local spot.



  5. As some may or may not know, the MNR got out of the chinook salmon business. Faced with the very real possibility that salmon fishing could come to an end in Lake Ontario a volunteer group offered to take over the operation of Southern Ontario's last hatchery that raised King Salmon. Metro East Anglers took over the operation in a deal brokered by the OFAH, aye they be a motley crew but if it wasn't for them there wouldn't be ANY Kings on this side of the lake.




    This week is their 3rd annual egg collection, and as usual was a blast with the river stuffed with tons of ripe fish.


    How they are collected is fish are zapped with an electroshocker (Taser for fish), then netted and put in pens.




    Milt and eggs are collected from the fish.




    There's always a wide sampling of different groups that all have salmon in common, from trollers on Spoonpullers to a Chinese anglers club showing up to help out. Heck even a senior MNR biologist can come down and be educated in proper lake management & welcomed in our special fashion :D




    Eggs back at the hatchery just after insemination, a small number of the crew. The tall stately looking gentlemen with the beard is Andy, whose done an outstanding job operating the hatchery, heh I guess his retirement hasn't exactly panned out how he planned.




    Finished eggs in incubation trays after a long days work, rest up future 30lb'ers :D






    They'll hatch in a few weeks, get transferred to tanks and start feeding like wolves, until they're stocked as fry in March. Hard to beleive that every 20lb. King caught started out as these little guys getting put in a lake.





    And now y'all now how salmon get into Lady O.


    Oh and coho collections are done in October, but without any Ho's stocked for a few years finding numbers of ripe fish can be hit or miss. If anyone can PM a line on where there's some decent Ho #'s it would be appreciated.

  6. There's only one reel worth it's salt... and it's name is Shimano!!!



    ... always remember that!!!


    Heh, why am I not surprised the Dawg fishes Shimano reels spooled with Vanish. Hell he probably drives a Ford too!

    Just couldn't pick a winner in a one horse race.


    A Shimano reel is to fishing as Honda is to cars.


    Actually more like Chrysler.

  7. Which number was it btw?


    It's an unofficial tagging program that's been going on for a few years to track chinook migrations in Lake O, go to Spoonpullers.com and they'll let you know when & where your fish was caught, how big it was then, et al.

  8. If it's attached to the lure, it's part of it, and legal.


    If it's separate from the lure, i.e. attached up the line, then it's separate and illegal.



    I've seen all sorts of light stick uses, never seen any of them work except two. Drill a hole in the back of a Lyman, insert glo stick, catch fish; and inserting a glo stick into soft plastics, it lights the whole twister or shad bait up.

  9. So it seems that fishing for those species is permitted up to HWY 2 as opposed to CNR bridge south only, until Dec.31.

    That seems new to me and is a lot of open water especially on Duffins and Oshawa. When they changed the zoning i guess this changed as well :dunno:


    It's been open to Hwy. 2 in the fall for almost twenty years.

  10. Thankfully they enhance and promote native species and ecological restoration, not just "enhancing" an introduced species utilized by a special interest group. Chronz called...he wants his selfishness back!


    Splake, they're native right? How many years, money & hatchery space got burned in that dead end program?


    Heh selfish special interest groups? You mean a small group whose only interest is advancing their narrow agenda? Are we still talking about Great Lakes fishermen or provincial bio's who've drunk the Atlantic Kool-Aid from their million dollar wine glasses?

  11. Ho's run & spawn later than Kings, the coho's up the tribs now are the early runners equivalent to early August chinooks.


    All this talk of license fee's, money, blah blah...you guys do know the MNR spends zero money stocking Kings in Ontario right? All the provincial stocking efforts on Lake Ontario is either trout or the useless doomed to fail Atlantic program. The only reason there are still salmon on this side of Lady O is the efforts of volunteer groups to keep a viable chinook fishery in Ontario.


    Hmmm swivel servants focus all of their efforts on useless fairy tales like Atlantics or the near useless Lake Trout, but actually go out of their way to shut down the premier sportfish in the province. And you want to give these goons MORE money to burn? Newsflash, the primary focus of the MNR isn't enhancing & promoting sportfishing.

  12. Sorry to hear that Mike, P line is short for piss on this line!!!... you shoulda bought Vanish!!!


    Note To Self: Although I've always suspected the Dawg really doesn't have a clue, today at 00:36 Zulu Oct.02/09 my suspicions have been proven true.


    Vanish??? really??? wait... that was a joke right? :P:whistling:


    No...I think he really meant it....shudder.............

    I tried Floroclear this year, and it was okay. Nicked & frayed like a IQ challenged though, I went back to Tuf Line brain with 15' of PLine Flourocarbon. Floroclear is still light years ahead of Vanish, shudder.

  13. A true UV or blacklight is the best, but really it doesn't take much with the new generation of super glo paints (Moonshine et al). It got to the point where I was zapping my spoons at home in a glo box (tin foil lined tackle box with a decent blacklight in it) and they would stay lit up for hours. Unless the water is really coloured, I like a duller glo, but if the fish are really fresh & aggressive a bright spoon might work better.


    i took the lid off a pop can and used the reflective inside to hyper-charge the lure. way better than the palm of your hand i should think.


    Heh I've monkeyed around with all sorts of contraptions, the one that worked the best was wrapping several layers of tinfoil around a camera flash to make a "pouch". Drop the spoon in, ZAP, blind everyone on the pier with your glo brilliance. But again with the new super glo paints I don't bother anymore. If you're using stock glo spoons they could use an extra oomph, but Super Glo's work better with a longer light soak than a single bright zap.

  14. Zero option added.

    Please explain your choices. All license fees do go to the MNR. Has been that way for a long time. The MNR used to be the biggest Ministry in the province. It is now a Junior Ministry...


    Actually our license fees go to the MNR SPF. Has been that way since 1995. All fines collected via resource violations also go to the fund.



    I work for the OLG..we have lots of our own cash...lol.


    Heh you must work for a Crown corp. if you buy into that smoke & mirrors poli-speak. Oh yeah sure every license dollar goes into the MNR (not necessarily fisheries, no matter what crap they say in a press release). But for every license dollar going in the province has withheld $1.25 from the MNR's budget, to the point where adjusted for inflation it's half where it was in 1994 before there was even a license.


    The whole question is moot anyways, CO's will never increase in S.Ontario in the foreseeable future. Hell it's more likely the MNR itself will be dissolved and it's parts divided between other ministries. Heh Department Of Lands & Forests anyone?

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