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Posts posted by CLofchik

  1. I wonder how many wolves are actually killed by hunters in Ontario per season? I bet not that many. Not enough to make a difference on populations, anyways.


    Tell that to the cougars.


    I'd say it takes a lot more skill to kill a wolf, than most other "critters".


    Not much skill in hunting over bait from a stand.

  2. Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter, he roundhouse kicks the cows and butter comes out.


    Chuck Norris is suing NBC, claiming that "Law & Order" are copyrighted names for his left & right legs.


    Chuck Norris once shot down a German fighter plane by pointing with his finger and yelling "BANG"


    In the back of the Guiness Book of World Records it states that every record is held by Chuck Norris, those listed are only the ones that came in 2nd.


    Chuck Norris's tears can cure cancer, unfortunately he never cries, EVAH!

  3. Well weather we like it or not it looks like the Atlantic fisherie is here for at least the near future...


    The Atlantic programme is here for the foreseeable future, not fishery. There is no Atlantic fishery in Lake O and there never will be.


    Hell if you've got four in the last ten years you're doing better than anybody else, what's your secret?

  4. Comparing wolves to yotes is like comparing muskies to pike (or gobies).

    Darn it, I hate when the lakes I fish get muskie in them and they just overpopulate thinning everything else out. Yeah, I see that alot.


    How many happy smiley faces would there be here if somebody dragged a 40lb muskie back to the dock for camp scale glory shots?

    After all there's a limit, they must be sustainable right?

  5. Basically, the OMNR has switched to a "SUSTAINABILITY" approach to fisheries and wildlife management. That means, if something can not SUSTAIN an open season, there will, under no circumstance, be an open season. The wolves are currently open to harvest because they are... SUSTAINABLE.


    Uh huh, so there's no spring bear hunt because it was found to be unsustainable? There's as much "science" that goes into hunting regs as there is in Atlantic salmon stocking.


    How many years has it been since wolf howl gatherings in Algonquin have actually heard wolves?

  6. Bayfront is coughing up perch fairly steady, with the odd small pike & trout.

    Ice has been good since it froze over, 4"-6" right now.


    Can't really say what the hot baits are, I don't fish down there just stop by walking the dogs.


    P.S. Whomever was in the blue Clam that had a hound dog pee on them, sorry about that.

  7. On an almost related note, has anybody taken over the farm on the Head R.?

    Been in that area during the summer and the old couple there would let you park by the river fairly cheaply, but finally got a little long in the tooth to carry on. Now they turned the area into a Provincial Park but won't let you park overnight at the Head L. launch.

  8. Years ago camping on the Bad River my buds and I cleaned a mess of walleye for dinner.


    Lol, canoe tripping always produces some strange concoctions out of necessity. Some winners, most losers :D

    Smallmouth bass coated with Red River cereal I could have done without (tasted like bass rolled in birdseed, the chippy's loved it though).


    The Magnetewan Sunrise was a winner though (equal parts red wine, rum and Tang).


    heyyyy we did have some bud light lime!! no shortage of beer :P

    might have to give that a go next time!


    If all you had was Bud Light Lime you had a severe beer shortage :P

  9. Right, here's what you do:


    1) Everybody wears waders for a reason, whomever can wade out the deepest in a pool has dibs. Whenever you can find guys standing on the bank, if you wade out into the middle of the pool infront of them and call "SHOTGUN!" you get the hole. Another plus is wading in the middle of the river will herd all the trout into a tight pack. Really.


    2) Eventually you'll find an experienced hand that you can't edge out (or you both find yourselves standing on the opposite bank :D ). In this situation it's imperative you stand as close as possible, preferably downstream. It's polite and a sign of respect to stand downstream of other anglers, bull flowing down river and all. You'll want to time your casts together, if possible have your float land as close as possible to other anglers, 3 inches is a good target to aim for. That way the fish see each bait at the same time, it's the fairest way to fish a hole. Always apologize when your lines tangle, if you're fishing properly this should happen every other cast.


    3) Don't feel shy about keeping fish, afterall there's plenty of natural reproduction (just ask anybody!). Now here's the cagey part, you don't want to let all the tricks out of the bag so keep the hot colour secret. Put an 1 1/2oz. Cleo on your line, occassionally start talking to other anglers about steelheads habit of swiping at lures with their tail, be sure to talk loud enough so everbody at the pool can overhear.

  10. [/u]

    What are you talking about


    To get your papers you need a certain amount of classroom time (varies by trade). Some trades that are unregulated you can skip and later on apply work experience in lieu of book learnin's...but those trades like machinist, tool & die, millwright are not very attractive in this country.


    Another option is to take a good course in college. To pay for it, apply for an osap loan...


    OSAP won't cover trade courses, unless that's changed in the last few years. Modern art history at a university, yes. 3 year HVAC course at Sheridan, no.

  11. actually both of them pretty well look the same as my hot steel xrap... kinda.... i think its called hot steel, haha.


    Ha the Hot Steel has an aquamarine back with a subtle transition to the gold with an eggshell undersides........

    Uh....(manly voice), blue back, light belly.



    Heh that's the one colour usable Xrap I still have left. No love in Steeltown for Hot Steel, forget pike even the drum wouldn't touch it.

  12. Apparently there is a way of checking the transom for rot with a multimeter something to do with the conductivity of water. I have taken the motor and reefed on it with no flex seen. However I was by myself and may not of had the best perspective to check as I worked it.

    Does anyone here know the multimeter procedure?


    You're confusing two different hull problems. Osmosis (water blistering) and a moisture meter is only something you need to worry about if the hull is constantly submersed for long periods, like a sailboat.


    Aniceguy was talking about the wooden structure rotting, in your hull there's a lattice work of wood ribs. The glass itself can be fine, but if water is left in the bilge for awhile those will rot out, and if they're done so is your hull. You'd be doing body work on a car with a rotten frame.



    I'll leave the hull crack for somebody else...

  13. Aww, what do you know about tackle anyway..... :lol::whistling::whistling:

    A private schoolin' by JP himself. I'd be listening.


    I've bought two sets of Road Toads for riding a motorcycle. 1st set worked fine, then my g/f's dog ate them when they were drying out one night. 2nd set didn't last ten minutes before it started disintegrating. Granted the speeds were a little higher than you might see on your average fishing trip but I'd be leery of the quality.


    If you're not going to splurge on higher end breathables you're better off just getting some sturdy rubbers and limiting your exertion when wearing it.

  14. Pick up a copy of Backroads Mapbooks for whatever area you're interested. Lot's of fishing info on out of the way lakes and alot of them the only way to access is with a traditional canoe.




    Pick your weather right and there's no limit to the size of water you can fish out of a canoe.





    The golden rule to fishing out of a canoe....




    That's how you flip them, weight one gunnel and you can flip even a Sportspal.

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