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Posts posted by CLofchik

  1. Let me get this straight you want to further NORTH as a vacation in the winter???? Head South my friend but wait till you guys stop sending all of the cold weather down here.



    The Southern Contingency


    Lol, thinking the same thing!


    Right here what you need to do...

    Cheap flight from Buffalo to Costa Rica

    Rent an enduro bike or ATV

    Ride around the rain forests camping or finding local lodgings

    Whenever you hit the coast rent a local panga to go out chasing yellowtail tuna, roosterfish and jacks.

    Come home tanned, full of fresh caught tuna and stuffed with cheap local Central American food.


    1 week of riding




    Toto...we're not in Kansas anymore!




    Forget dropping bundles of cash on a 40' sportfisherman charter, hire a local panga to go out chasing inshore fish.




    Deluxe housekeeping suite...$35/night





    Single guy, working man's Costa Rica vacation, all for under USD$1k.

    It's like taking a snowmobiling ice fishing vacation...only without the snow & ice...and the nightlife is livlier...and the bikini factor is much higher in Costa Rica this time of year than Chapleau :D

  2. Reminds me of my son's grade 2 teacher who argued with me at student/teacher night when I pointed out that she had spelled "mountainious" and "Kamel" wrong in some nifty graphics she'd put up on the wall as a learning aid for the students. I was polite about it - at first.




    My time as an inmate of public secondary school helped me form the opinion that teaching is something you fall into when you finish your first four years of university and don't have a clue which direction you want to go in life.


    Very little since has dissuaded me from that standpoint, including having two teachers marry into the family.

  3. For folks close to the border there might be something like the ship it shop in Massena




    For $5 they'll receive your order for you, not a bad deal when you consider the rates American companies tend to charge for shipping.


    I've used it for orders from the nflshop, worked out great.


    In Niagara the popular one is http://www.usaddressinc.com/

    Be warned, it's not unheard of for Customs & Revenue to stake out these places and write down Ontario plates...so have a friend drive ya down! :D

  4. When I'm actually seriously concerned about my safety no way would I wear one.


    Inflatable PFD's are significantly safer than most PFD's, and almost all that are comfortable to wear for long periods.

    When inflated they behave more like a life jacket than a PFD, keeps your head above water where a PFD might not if you're unconcious.

    Not to mention they have alot more buoyancy, this thing is rated at 35lbs where most PFD's are lucky to have 16-18lbs of buoyancy.


    So not only are they more comfortable, but they're also safer, especially the auto-inflate jobbies.



    That is if they inflate when you need them. And hope those super sharp hooks didn't puncture anything when the hammer handle stuck that stickbait in your vest. Or you didn't hurt anything when you sat on it.....


    Lol you're too paranoid, just have faith dood :D

  5. The 1st Law Of Fishing Tackle.


    The quality of the product declines exponentially to the size of it's marketing budget. Almost all of the tackle I use now come from smaller companies you'll rarely see running ads or paying pro's to promote.

  6. Another vote for Bolle H2Optix. I'm on my third pair and have sworn off Wally World craptastic shades, you really do get what you pay for.


    Only prob is Bolle sold the brand to Serengeti and they're nowhere near as nice as they used to be. Seeing as how my girlfriends damn puggle puppy just chewed my last Bolle pair I might give the Maui Jim's a shot.

  7. A non-operating park like Nagonosh has excellent fishing.


    A little tough to get a boat & motor into most non-operating parks. Hell just finding access to Queen Elizabeth PP for a canoe is a PITA now that there's no overnight parking on Head Lk.


    ...but, have caught some beauty bass at Grundy.


    I always wondered why people concentrate on PP's and not use the extensive tracts of Crown Land around (or atleast for something other than to tear up with ATV's). Grundy is probably the best example, go five minutes down the road and you've got a Gov't launch & dock and 20 miles of the Pickeral River to camp & fish, most is Crown Land and tons better smallie & pickeral fishing.


    For a S.Ont PP Massauga is probably the best for mostly sheltered camping with good fishing. But it's busy in summer and I don't like sticking to a reserved campsite itinerary.

  8. I don't like to go smaller than 15lb. with braid on my spinning reels, starts to give me the mother of all paper cuts on my trigger finger. I'm a fan of Tuf Line, one of the thinnest braids out there so lures run deeper/line straighter and you can really load up the capacity on reels. And it's cheap.


    Line/leader connection I always go for the Albright's Knot, quick & easy to tie and it won't bind on itself or leader. Trim the tags close then put on a dollop of Super Glue, flows the guides easy and won't pick up weed.

  9. CLofchik remember the thread early last June where you raved about the Spro Crank25 Shad? I subsequently bought 6 of them and have yet to catch a fish on one of 'em. :D

    Not giving up on them yet though


    Bwhaa haa haaa

    Feel the awesomeness, it just radiates from this lure :D




    you look in my "x-rap bin" in my tackle box and you'll see the beating these have taken from fish. the only time ive ever seen x-raps get mangled like i see in your pictures is when you slap it on the water when you get cabbage on it or you do a lunatic cast onto some rocks really hard. doesnt seen used but abused. you guys must be doing it wrong or something...


    I've landed walleye, pike and bass on them like no other rapala i've used. I usually am ANTI-Rapala, but for bass and pike they seemed to be magnets when worked properly in the water. I havent done anything spectacualr with them for Walleye but they do work well I know that.


    As for the paint stripping I havent had one problem with this.


    One mans opinion :)


    Okay to be clear, I tore that one apart myself just to show the internal rust buildup if (when) you do get water inside. What killed it was a tiny pinhole on top where a 5lb. pike chunked the crappy finish. It was fish #3 on this particular lure and it was done after that. Even drum are killing these things for me because the cheapo body flexes so much it separates and let's water in, which rusts the cheap rattles, which kills the lure.



  10. Panther Martin's in creeks & rivers, they seem to spin & swing easier. Definitely has to be silver blade, yellow body, red dots. They make others? :D


    Mepps Aglia for lakes.


    Black Fury when I'm feeling particulary contrary that day.

  11. We've all had that feeling, browsing the aisles of the local tackle shop when that one shiny thingamajig catches your eye through the bubble packaging. The luminescent, holographic, flourescent, triple grip forged hook, patented salty feeding stimulant scent....you just KNOW that it will just slay the fish if only given a chance.


    Then you take your new prize home, lovingly release it from the three layers of packaging, a major reorganization of your tackle storage is attempted just to find a suitable compartment befitting it's future status as the unquestioned slayer of all fish. Tackle reorganization is aborted twice after girlfriends puggle takes off with a bag of PowerBait, but eventually accomplished when the beast is finally pacified.


    And it catches squat, gets banished to the forgotten corners of your box and is ignored except for the occasions when it becomes entangled with other, producing, lures. Since it's restocking, daydreaming time and we're all looking at picking up a few things before the sun comes out again, which lures did diddly squat for you last season?


    Here's my three that I had high hopes for, but had my bubble burst by the cold wet slobbering fishlips of reality...or lack thereof.


    Rapala X-Rap, some people manage to catch fish with them but I never had much luck with them. I did okay with them, but my main gripe is with their longevity, these have to be flimsiest piece of crap I've ever cast with. Even drum were stripping paint, flexing the hollow body enough to leak and generally thrashing baits rather quickly for their price point. I even went so far to do autopsies trying to figure out how to extend their life. The internal rattles...they're made out of mild steel, so as soon as you have a leak it's only a short period of time before they rust together into a solid lump of crud. Wasn't impressed for a $10 overpriced bait.






    BPS Nitro Suspending Minnow, I liked the last version as a suspending jerkbait and medium running crank, and basically as a replacement for the crap X-Rap suspending jerkbait niche. Caught a pile of fish from early spring pike to staging Chinooks and everything in between, they were great baits. So naturally as something that's become a bit of a theme lately they had to be "updated" and totally ruined them. They run alot shallower than they used to, the lip is too small to provide much action using it as a straight crankbait and they don't suspend level at all. The paintjobs are tough & purty but other than some dink bass I never caught much on them.




    Storm WildEye Swim Shad, these just ooze fishiness. When I first picked a pouch up I just knew they were going to be deadly, they look really really great AND they were cheap. Never caught a darn thing on them. And they smell. I've got six pouches of 4" & 6" if anybody wants them.



  12. I just can't wrap my head around the inability to turn the key to OFF! :wallbash:


    LOL, it's 2010, there are no keys!

    The family that died in California was in a rental Lexus that had a push button start, drive by wire throttle and fuzzy logic computerized transmission.


    There are ways to turn off the new in vogue push button ignitions, but they are all a universally different sequence then the shutdown used when parking and not exactly intuitive in alot of cases. Hold the brake and push the button three times in 1 sec or hold brake and hold the button down for 3 sec, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGG.


    As a pilot you should be aware of some of the problems that can crop up when engineers try to designs machines smarter than the operators.

  13. This whole mess reminds me of the Audi 5000 unintended acceleration scare in the 80's. Every single case was traced back to operator error, but it still wrecked a car company for years. Only here, apparently North Americans are incapable of operating floor mats safely.


    No wonder there are warning on Xerox cartridges warning people "DO NOT EAT TONER"


    its not just the big three i see


    well its not just the american car companies. the facts are. imports are just as prone to design failure...








    Sorry but that ain't the same ball park, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same sport!


    True, they are North American made but keep in mind...


    The vehicles are ASSEMBLED in Canada and the United States. Still DESIGNED by Toyota.


    In California.

  14. In the mid-range (gah, when did $100 rods become middle of the road!) Fenwick HMX/HMG has an edge over St.Croix Premier/Triumph. Fenwick's are noticeably lighter and have significantly better components. I liked my two Premiers when I first started using them, but the guides on them are just cheap crap. Once I had those stripped off and replaced with Fuji Hardloy's (which are stock on my Fenwick's) they're much better.


    Contrary to Smitter, I've found the St.Croix's to be the worst value for dollar rod out there. Premiers & Triumphs use the same blank, only one is assembled in China and the Premier in the US. I had three guides on two rods lose their inserts, and frankly what are $100 rods using inserted guides anywho? Once you move up to the Avid & Legend it starts moving back towards St.Croix but I'm done with lower end offerings.


    Never had a problem with any of my three Fenwick HMX's, which I found to be the best rod for dollar :D

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