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Posts posted by CLofchik

  1. has anyone tried to attach those small glowsticks to the spoon or to the line in front of spoon, this would eliminate flashing on every cast or so. just throwing an idea out...


    I've tried using spare glowsticks in a variety of ways (attached to line ahead of Spots, Wigglers, Crazy Glued on the back of spoons), and seen a few others try similar things. None of them worked, don't know why exactly but using plain jane non-glow lures worked when glowsticks couldn't get a hit. Now plastic body baits where you can insert a stick in them worked fine, but having a light separate from the lure just didn't seem to do anything.


    so this doesn;t smell up your house when they are in the oven?? and how much do u need to buy from the online store?? i see the they come in 50 g bottles how many bottles for 30 spoons


    Nope, no smell at all. Unless you burn them, which is easy to do if you go crazy with a torch. Just need to run the fine line between just warm enough to melt the powder and too hot. As a rule it's better to stay on the colder side and keep gently heating the lure.


    I get about 50 spoons per jar, doesn't take alot of powder to coat a spoon so if you don't waste too much a little goes a long way. No minimum size orders from Luremaking.com. I bought 5 jars in 2001 and ended up giving 3 away, just wasn't using that much.


    You don't have to use powder coat, there is glo tape or water based glo paint but they're nowhere near as bright or durable as the power coat. I'm still using spoons from 2001 that have dozens & dozens of fish landed on them.

  2. You'll catch more fish casting artificials than plunking with roe off the pierheads. Besides most of the fish caught by the "liners" are dark boots with half the fight of fresh gunmetal Kings. You won't get too many off bottom on the piers until they turn and start getting the big kype hook nose, easier to snag them that way.


    Don't even bother with roe, anything that floats will snag them, usually better. Styrofoam, ear plugs, hell I've even seen a derby winner caught on a cigarette butt. Browns do seem to have a taste for Berkeley PowerBait dough, but you won't see many when the chinooks are around.


    there's a lot better glow spoons than Cleos... Moonshine spoons glow forever.

    good luck!


    You can make any spoon glow forever with SuperGlo paint, Moonshines cast a mile but are deep sinkers so snag easily and the action isn't the greatest.

  3. There's Grundy Lake up north.....


    The only thing Grundy Lake is good for is to suck up all the people who need a numbered slot to go camping. Drive a few miles down the road and you have the Pickeral River, lightyears better pickeral & pike fishing for people willing to explore out on their own. South of 522 is enough Crown Land with some of the provinces best bass fishing to keep you busy for a lifetime and still not fish it all, but you need a map & canoe.


    It still amazes me all the people that go to Grundy, when literally ten minutes down the road is better fishing for free!

  4. A lot of guys do better off dipsey's than riggers, straight spoons or more often a dodger/fly combo.


    It should be noted that you really need dedicated gear for that kind of trolling, line counter reels with enough capacity, dipsey rods, and baits aren't exactly cheap with each rod pulling $50 of gear. If he wants to go catch a few chinooks it might be worth thinking about taking a charter instead of laying out all that cake just to go fishing for acouple of days.


    Alternatively if you just want to get out for "anything" you could easily flatline deep diving body baits or spoons with trolling weights on them with walleye gear and pickup juvenile salmon and rainbows. There's plenty of those between Port Weller & Niagara Bar 70-150FOW.

  5. I'm more interested in seeing who's able to pick up the pieces at this point, than point fingers at who screwed up.


    I'm more interested, now that whatever excess cash has been squandered during what passes for bountiful times, in who ISN'T going to screw me for my last dollar now that times are tough and every level of what passes for leadership is scrambling for cash.


    blah blah blah happy shiney apathetic sheople blah blah blah.......For instance, paying too much tax is a small price for living here.


    If the Provincial and Federal taxes are harmonized as proposed, people in S.Ontario earning between 36k-80k/yr will be taxed around 60% of their income, and if they take advanage of every possible subsidy and resource will be lucky to see $0.30 on the dollar. Just curious, but exactly how much of your money does the gov't have to steal before you'd say enough is enough?



    They are all crooks but somehow I think we as Canadians will find a way!


    Same as always, cheat. I already do a ton of shopping on native reserves and the US, can't remember the last thing with a $100+ value I actually bought from an Ontario retail outlet.

  6. Food network has a bunch of good ones aswell.... I like food... and tv.... good combo


    Top Chef is probably the best "reality" program out there......it's like Big Brother meets Hell's Kitchen.....only y'know, good :D


    Then there's food & motorcycles, Feasting On Asphalt. Alton Brown from Good Eats gets a road crew together and ride from coast-coast and then up the Mississippi feasting on local, out of the way hole in the wall eateries. I liked the sequel going up the Mississippi best.


    Long Way Round is another good one, mini-series following Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and an actor buddy riding motorcycles around the world. Followed by Long Way Down through Africa (which wasn't as good), and they're in the process of doing another sequel, Long Way Up through South America. Even if you're not a biker it's still pretty interesting watching two neophyte actors riding bikes through Mongolia & Siberia.

  7. If you like cars, Top Gear on BBC canada.


    Hell my girlfriend couldn't care less about cars and still likes the show. Picture a bunch of 12-year olds running a television show about cars, only it is as awesome as you pictured it in your head. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put a 225hp outboard on a Toyota pickup? How many camping trailers can a Volvo 240 jump?


    If you can look up "Generation Kill". Awesome stuff.


    Generation Kill is, um for adult audiences only. Band Of Brothers in Iraq without the sentimentality, lot's of little girls blown up, and a few of the actual Marines from the unit have cameo's. It's worth watching just for a few of monologues, which um I can't really repeat here.


    Nobody's mentioned HBO's Rome yet so I'll chuck that one in there. Possibly my fav TV show of all time, a 2 season drama about the period of Roman history between Caesar coming to power, his assassination and the war between Marc Anthony & Octavian. Beautifully shot, it tries to stay fairly historically accurate, and also exceedingly brutal.


    Battlestar Galactica is awesome, even if you're not a big sci-fi fan.


    And for something lighter, and well fishing related, not alot of people have seen The Fishing Adventurer. Low-budget, light hearted show but fairly interesting, only a single season though.

  8. Charts are not a legal requirement.......


    Guys it's not the marine supply store trying to sucker him into expensive paper charts, it's the crazy stupid marine enforcement that's been going on around Hamilton in the last few years. And there is one line in the boating regs that is beautiful in it's vagueness......"sufficient local knowledge" OR approved PAPER charts.


    Now alot of the marine nazis around Hamilton have latched onto that and will quiz boaters with varying levels of what they feel is "sufficient". The real problem is there are three law enforcement agencies that have marine units operating around the Harbour, and they all have the same quotas traffic cops do, and in addition to that alot of crews from other areas are trained here.......so it all boils down to alot of badges with minimal knowledge all zipping around gung-ho getting up into everyone's face. Record for me is getting stopped FIVE times in one day, twice by two boats with different crews.


    And they are pushing hard to make charts mandatory (really just something else to shake people down for). I give Hamilton Harbour a wide berth on weekends, it just got too retarded. No, I don't need a chart in a sailboat anchored two miles away from it's slip, thank you very much.

  9. I've been, and Bermuda is the last island I'd want to be stuck on for three years. You can live pretty cheap if you "go local", but it does get old & repetitive fast. There's a reason the grumpiest, most bitter guys you find in a bar down there are long term ex-pats.


    And the shore fishing isn't that great.

  10. Just curious ... kayak fishing is becoming hugely popular, and alot of folks are fishing from them. Why are they so much more popular now than fishing from a canoe?


    Well, to be perfectly blunt, anybody can jump into a kayak, flail away and generally get the boat to move in the direction they want without flipping over. Canoes, especially higher end performance oriented boats, take quite a bit of skill & coordination that is very hard to learn by yourself. Canoes also feel alot tippier to n00b's at first, which probably scare off alot of people to kayaks. Also there's not alot of solo canoes made or for sale in Canada. That said, a well designed solo canoe is definitely nicer to paddle and performs better than any plastic kayak.


    Kayaks are significantly cheaper too, but not lighter. A good Kevlar canoe will be less than 50lbs.


    My next question is, if one were to buy a kayak, what are the advantages/disadvantages between the sit-on-top models and the sit-in models. Again, I'm probably wrong, but I would think that I would or could get wet in the sit-on-top models, which would limit me from wanting to fish out of it on colder days, or early spring or later in the fall.


    Well you answered your own question, SOT's are better in the summer, SINK's are better for colder water. SINK's are generally faster and less wind sensitive too.

  11. I assume that's tongue-in-cheek but that's the attitude that keeps Ontario from more convenient beer retailing.


    I think the unionized commies that tell me at 4:45 the liquor store is closed might have something to do with it too.

  12. Did someone say Cohiba B)


    Never a big fan of Cohiba's, if there's one brand of Cuban's that are far too overhyped it's them. Their quality has gone really downhill, there's one or two duds in every box. Their Robusto's & Esplendido's aren't bad, I think their best rollers are reserved for them. Others, I'd rather smoke Honduran Hoyo's.


    Now if you want a REAL smoke, Cuban Hoyo double corona's........still by far my fav smoke.


    Good point. You need to have smoked some nasty cheap cigars to appreciate a smooth well humidifed Cuban cigar. They hang and age the tobacco for months until it is rolled by a master roller......


    It's not just the aging, Cuba is the only place that gives the leaves a special secret water bath during aging. It's very labour intensive, and even places like Honduras & Dominican the specialized labour that it takes is just too costly compared to Cuba. Woot for exploited labour producing exquisite craftmanship!


    If you want a good supplier in the USA their is a site called jrcigar.com.....I am not sure if they ship to Canada but if they do give them a holler.


    +1 for JR, the best selection & prices for a known distributor. Unfortunately it's illegal to mail tobacco or alcohol in the Socialist Police State Of Canuckistan, either mail it to a box in the US or if going on a trip have your order mailed to your hotel.

  13. What is the big hoopla with these cuban cigars anyway, seriously ?


    Comparing Cubans to the rest of the cigar world is like comparing Scottish whiskey to Crown Royal.


    I wholly agree on the Duty Free being absolutely useless for cigars. I found my Cuban connection on a Native Reservation, Montecristo #4's for $250/box, which is downright great. Buying cigars retail in Ontario, get ready to bend over. You'll be looking at $400-$500 easy, where do you think Obama got his tobacco sin tax ideas?

  14. But if you're looking for a reel with similar carbon fiber components, plus the largest spool in the market (means longer casts).

    Take a look at these reels. They're cheaper than the Stradics and imo better:





    There are 3 series, the SX series is top notch.

    I'm personally amazed that more people aren't talking about them.


    I saw them, they looked perfect for a pier & light trolling reel. Had an order in for a 3G to give them a whirl.....got cancelled, and the 3G & PRO's disappeared from their website.



  15. It's not that hard to set up an injection moulding machine and copy products, the money on high end baits come from finishes, tuning & using quality components. That doesn't look like near enough lead to weight it right, I'm going to guess you just paid $12 for a dollar store floating minnow.

  16. Learn to fish the gun metal freight trains off the piers at night instead of the dark mud sharks up little creeks.


    North winds, cold water, glow spoons.............



    Oh and Solo, opportunities, plural. Credit has an even better estuary to fish, with it too small & shallow to really run boats up it pretty much stays untapped.


    Oh crap, where's the edit button!!!!!.............

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