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Posts posted by CLofchik

  1. I don`t know what too think I guess Premier Dad`s cupboard is pretty thin he has a lot of ministers jumping ship...


    That's funny, seeing as she was part of the Harris camp getting a gig on the board of Hydro One as a perk for privatizing Brampton Hydro when she was a city councillor. Then when she couldn't get the party to back her for a provincial seat she jumped ship to the Liberals.


    In a nutshell, another 905 soccer mom swivel servant whose qualifications involve little more than public dime patronage. Yay for the status quo in Ontario politics! I look forward to her private members bill advocating the mandatory licensing of dog walkers.

  2. Largest I've seen on a scale was 48lb and change out of Desjardins in June, but this was before the Barrier when the city & RBG were running their carp elimination derbies and hauling away a few tons of carp with front end loaders & dump trucks :blink:


    The Harbour really is just a shadow of it's former glory since the Carp Barrier went up, a study was done a few years ago and they found carp pops have dropped almost 2/3's and all that fish producing potential has gone into......bullheads. Half of the fish biomass in the Bay is now mudpouts, awesome.

  3. we in sault ste. marie enjoy an awesome recreational atlantic salmon fishery. they are awesome to catch, fight harder than stink, and some of you might enjoy them if you gave them a chance to re-establish!


    Naturally being as informed & educated as you believe yourself to be you are aware that Atlantics are only native to Lake O and not the Soo right?

    That pesky Niagara Falls kept getting in the way of migrations.

    Have you any idea what the costs are to provide that non-reproducing put & take Atlantic fishery?

    How greater an impact on recreational fishing those funds would be if directed to much more suitable sportfish instead of using Lake Huron as a private science experiment?



    Heaven forbid the ministry that manages recreational fishing actually put an emphasis on recreational fishing instead of the self serving delusions of a very few appointed public servants. You sir are the embodiment of why that shirt was created...and still don't get it.

  4. I always find that Coho have a redder flesh than Chinook, would the diet be that much different or is there some variation between species? I'm talking fish from out in the lake , well prespawn or staging fish ?


    I never noticed Ho's being that much different than Kings unless they were real small.

    Bows & Browns definitely go for shiners more than alewife so aren't near as greasy, maybe Ho's do the same now.


    Hell I'd eat a bullhead before I braved a Lake O King...mmmmm spewing Mudshark!



  5. I've always been told that their diet of alewife out in Lake Ontario was the reason for their lighter coloured flesh.


    What he said.

    Red in the meat comes from a more protein rich diet, alewife & smelt being oily forage (heh did you know you can light a dried smelt like a candle?) gives fish a white flesh that is not exactly the most palatable.


    The red farmed fillets you see at your local grocer comes from food dye in the pellet food.

  6. Maybe you do have to pay to take a walk in the park, this is getting insane


    Heh nah they can't the risk of bad press making them look silly, but they still want to mug you for cash.

    They've already done it for my favourite Kawarthas lake to camp on for a weekend, the Ganaraska Trail uses the portage to the lake. They can't make you buy a permit to use "their" trail, but you need a $20 permit & reservation to park your car. Beside the road.

  7. ...and in the end you should try to get the regs/law changed, not harass people fishing within the law


    Only we're not talking about laws or regulations, in Ontario we're talking about appointed (anointed?) public servants bending regulations for the personal & commercial benefit of a select few.

  8. here's a fact sheet on the "naturally subsisting" lake trout lakes in fmz 10, and a little perspective on why the proposed regulation changes have been made.




    This the one you meant? Your NetFoo is as weak as your argument, my flying airborne stocking stylee mocks your natural style in the last creel census!


    It's not for nothing the area is home to the MNR's 2nd largest stocking programme, seeing as how they've even abandoned Haliburton stocking.

    I'm all for protecting lakes that are designated as naturally reproducing and preserving their strains, at the same time not curbing opportunities on lakes that are stocked.

  9. if people were hunting on a pond and you put your boat in disrupting their hunt you could be fined. many people dont understand that its against the law to disrupt any hunting activities and scaring birds away would fall under that category.


    Uh, the exact same part of the Act applies to fishing as well. So how dare your hunting activities interfere with anybody that wants to fish the same pond!


    Really common courtesy should just apply to how much elbow room you give a hunter, common courtesy generally being the range of #4 shot from the hunters location!

  10. i hope they go through with it.


    You are aware that most greasers caught in Zone 10 & 15 through the ice are stockers right?

    Lake Manitou being the only lake in the area that has a superb native fishery serves as brood stock for a first rate stocking programme in Zone 10.

  11. Sorry, it's true. Or atleast was, the MNR used to sell permits on the basis that the shows were "educational". Not sure if they still sell them as loosely as they used to but extended season & sanctuary fishing permits are still issued. Many TV shows get permits to allow them to fish areas of the Niagara that are closed to the average angler as an example.



    This is what Italo and Henry got in trouble for.

    They claimed they thought they had permission but the MNR said No!


    They tried to use a specific permit as a blanket permit to fish for anything anywhere anytime. I believe they had a permit for spring trout on Bronte before the season (which they were never charged with), but believed (or atleast argued) that would cover them for salmon, fishing bass, et al. Hank & Italo just got lazy and really abused the privileges given to almost every show at the time.


    Dunno how widespread the practice is now.

  12. Blown? lol.


    We might make the trip up that way.


    I haven't seen pike there.


    Which part of the harbour? The pier? or like, back the other way past the lift bridge bridge in that bay.


    Blown as in dirty, though it should be cleaning up nicely by today.


    There's plenty of pike around the Hammer, though they've been shunning me this season. Massacred the whistletrout this summer though :D

    All the piers & points back in the bay will hold fish at different parts of year, though it takes a bit of footwork to figure out which when.


    Which I didn't yesterday, fished all day all around harbour without so much as a sniff from anything. Water has turned over so there's not even whistletrout to fall back on. Too early for the browns to be showing up, salmon haven't made it to Bayfront yet, and the pike have just up & disappeared.


    Aaaargh, brought the net, camera and the proper card (lol), should've known I wouldn't catch squat!

  13. Havent heard anything about Dalhousie yet. We were thinking of going up there tonight to check it out.


    Niagara is sure to be blown, Dalhousie will probably be a zoo if there's any fish being caught.


    There's pike & brown trout in Hamilton Harbour, and I will catch one of each this weekend. Oh yes...I will.....

  14. Rent a carpet cleaner and wash the stinky carpet with a white vinegar solution, today. Oddly enough one of the better things that soak up odours is coffee beans, in the really foul rooms spread a pound of cheap whole coffee beans on newspaper and in a day or two it will be gone if the source is cleaned up. Works better than baking soda.


    No, don't use them to make coffee after, no matter how cheap you are :D

  15. A large part of crap that goes on during the salmon run could be curtailed if the taking of fish for roe was stopped. In many jurisdictions in the States roe is banned from being used as bait, it's only a matter of time before that happens here. In the mean time if you recognize that your angling skills aren't up to par and you need the salmonid equivalent of a bobber & dew worm to catch a fish, atleast harvest your roe from tribs that rely on stockers (Bronte & Credit) and not natural reproduction (Eastern tribs, GBay).


    ...But like others have mentioned they were originally stocked to keep the alwives under controll, now that they are under controll maybe its just time for the salmon to move on...




    Maybe we should let salmon populations collapse and fix lingering water quality issues so that brook trout will once again dominate the lakes.


    Uh.......okay. :blink:

    All considerations of the mighty dominant speckled brook trout aside, I think you meant lakers. There's gobs of greasers...err...lakers in Lake O. Nobody fishes for them, unless the salmon & trout really aren't biting, they're an inferior sportfish in every respect to salmon & steelhead.

  16. Gah, according to the last fish census Hamilton Harbour is the most prolific pike fishery on Lake O outside of BOQ. I don't know what MNR biologist came up with that but I haven't had an sniff from an esox all year, and I'm out there atleast once a week.


    I'm almost jealous of the fishing that's around what TO calls waterfront...almost jealous that is, because you'd have to go to Toronto to appreciate it :D

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