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Posts posted by CLofchik

  1. Even more amazing is realizing that fish is probably around 10 years old and part of 500,000 rainbows that escaped a fish farm in 2000. These are fish that are genetically modified triploids that are designed to grow to market size in two years. Certainly a good story & fish of a lifetime, but it's man made genetics really should disqualify it from any formal records.


    What's the Sask record if you ignore all of these mutant fish from Diefenbaker, around 10lbs?

  2. i dont care what anybody else says, im impressed!


    If I raised a genetically modified fish in a private pond, it wouldn't qualify for a record. But as soon as it escapes it does!


    Hunting org's don't recognize captive hogs escaping into the wild as records, I don't think fishing org's should either.

  3. Lots of things that you don't see are paid out of your taxes, eg. civic nursing homes, animal control etc.


    ...Welfare and social services that have been downloaded...


    Lol the reason the subsidized housing folks get plowed first is because those are the people that know how to play the system. Heck one minute past the deadline for snow removal there would be a down right bottleneck of slip & falls from people trying to sue the city!

  4. Lol, how do I ask the guy where he caught the fish now?


    If it's not the river I know still has a run of coho it would be good info for egg collection later on. No really, it's for the greater good of the resource, really really! :D

  5. Should anyone wish to go to the Streetsville Dam through the surrounding lands, they will be trespassing. Kraft owns both sides of the river and will come down heavily on violators.


    I don't know if you put this up to keep people away from the dam, but, uh, no. Kraft retains ownership rights but operation of the fishway & public access is granted to the province.


    If you really really see some crazy salmon action contact Andy at the Ringwood Hatchery and sign up for the egg collection. Every chinook stocked into Lake O comes from eggs collected from Streetsville.





    And before anybody gets some bright ideas, the whole area is a fishing sanctuary and is policed fairly well.

  6. I questioned the record last time,

    Not for being a fake, or any less of an accomplishment, but the ethics of being a tripolid...


    I'm with you on this. While there's no arguing the size of their fish, how they reached that size is really open to argument. I was pretty disappointed that the MNR allowed a triploid to supplant the long standing rainbow record from the Notty. While these guys have stumbled onto a great fishery and have got their game up above others on the same lake, there is definitely an asterisk next to their fish.


    Sure Barry Bonds, Sosa & McGWire have all broken baseballs home run record...but should their pharmacist share the podium with them?

  7. If its the comment i made about the Sunfire having a lack of power ...I also drive a Sunfire... :angel::angel:


    Lol, you also answered his question first.


    Damn THAT'S IT, I'm so tired of idiot question askers ignoring answers they don't want to hear or skip entirely because they're too busy with sand in their mangina's. Put an end to Topic Nazis now, it's killing OFC! :jerry:

  8. I don't know were you get the idea that the fish hasn't eaten in 3+ weeks we were like 2 miles out in the lake and it was caught in the middle of a huge school of bait but what ever makes you feel better :blahblah1::jerry:


    It's basic salmon anatomy, as drastic as the spawning changes are on the outside, there are just as drastic changes going on inside. Pacific salmon are incapable of digesting food long before they get dark, doesn't matter if they are up river or still in the lake waiting to run.

  9. I got one 40 x 27 that was 30lbs on the money. Yours doesn't look as thick, but its prolly just the picture...


    When they get dark with the fully developed kype it's been 3+ weeks since they've eaten last, bucks will thin out and lose over 1/4 of their weight before they spawn. Saw a 44" fish up the river last year that wasn't even 25lbs.


    SHunter is probably safe if he calls it a 35, but if he wants to stretch it to 45 it's a good thing he doesn't bring a scale :D

  10. Wow that's a HAWG, there's been a few real pigs caught off Bronte lately. They lose a chunk of their weight when they get dark but that's still North of 30. Were you the last boat out there, heh now I know why you didn't want to come in :D


    Oh if the last boat out there was you pick up a stern light before you get dinged.

  11. Don't waste your time yet. I checked 11 southern Ontario streams and they are all running extremely low. I did not see any salmon but did see a few suckers and some emerald shiners. We need a continued drop in temps and large rainfall to start the run!






    Uh, the rivers you check must be completely different from the ones I check, all the ones I've hit have had really decent flow to them. My dog needs surgery from chasing salmon in a river and getting blind sided by a big buck, blowing out his knee.

  12. Off bottom or hardware?


    Lol the piers are a dangerous place, come close a few times. My personal fav was in the spring many moons ago off Bronte, some guy brought his kid out who promptly became bored in 30 minutes. Walked where he shouldn't and got a Cleo right in his ear, and doesn't the little ankle biter start screaming and running down the pier. Well buddy just lifts his rod and starts fighting him like a fish!




    Lol poor kid made it almost halfway down the pier before somebody grabbed him and snapped the line.

  13. The eastern tribs support natural reproduction of Steelhead but not Chinook, whose smolts spend even less time in the rivers...


    And how's that working out? How many seasons before the Ganny run is below 3k?


    (and don't tell me that the Eastern Steelhead are primarily strays from US stocking programs)???


    Only about 1/3 of them or so, but even that isn't enough of a buffer to keep bows from collapsing soon.


    The adipose clipping will provide a rebuttal? So you already know the outcome of the study before it's complete?


    Common sense & experience let me have a pretty good guess what the outcome is going to be. Wanna start a pool on the outcome?


    It will be many years before we see the results from the clipped chinnies. All I know is that we caught tonnes of unclipped smolts this year.




    Uh, two years? And was your unclipped smolts in the same run with the ton of Atlantics? :P

    Don't be greedy and pass it around guys, could use a hit off the same bong you guys are smoking.

  14. I think a whole bunch of people need to chill out on the whole Atlantic Salmon topic….I mean it has already turned the Credit into a true year-round fishery, me and a buddy were catching Atlantics in Mid-July this year, how cool was that!!! I think it’s great that they’re stocking Atlantics again, great fun, people need to shut up and fish for them…. Let’s face it, the original lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon is long gone, this is the next best thing, enjoy it as it develops right before your eyes!


    Seeing as how there were only 54 returning Atlantics recorded last year I'm assuming you were hitting a school of stocked yearlings before they returned to the lake. For every Atlantic you caught I'd take 100 returning bows or 200 returning Kings for the same investment in hatchery space & stocking power. THAT'S the next best thing. Chinook salmon will be gone from Lake Ontario in a few years, a casualty in a political war that has been waging for many years. Nobody really thinks that Atlantics will provide a viable angling opportunity, but while there are many agendas at work promoting Atlantics, angling is at the very bottom.


    Atlantics are closed year round in the Credit River. :rolleyes:B)


    Game, set, match.


    Clofchik, there are more wild chinnies than you would think :)




    You do know there's a big question mark with the reliability of Scale Pattern Analysis, somehow in a decade we've gone from a 2% reproductive rate to 50%. Not to mention the bios that authored this now infamous and oft quoted paper are balls deep in Lake O's Atlantic program, hmmmmm :rolleyes:


    Either way there'll be a rebuttal to the wild spawning argument in a few years with the mandatory fin clipping going on.

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