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Posts posted by iFish4real

  1. besides that...I'm guessing you live and plan to shotgun hunt in southern Ontario, if you were north ofTo you'd be probably hunting rifle ;) ...and down here, with a shotgon you'll be hunting one week/year whereas bow season is 3 months...


    and I'm not trying to convince you not to get a shotgun...I got 2 of them :P

  2. Sitting in a stand is not hunting either. when I hunted moose, caribou, bear, duck, goose, rabbit, or grouse back home we always walked the bush and bogs looking for the animals. If you were lucky enough to peak over a ridge and spot a few ducks or geese down in a pond that's where the easy part ended. then you had to sneak down to the pond, with no tree cover, and try to get close enough to get a shot. one or two ducks was a good day. 3-4 fantastic.

    :P right...that's why all the TV hunting shows are about pushing :D ...again, all a matter of opinion ;)

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