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Posts posted by iFish4real

  1. you shouldn't think about Chernobyl at all :) what happen there wasn't a nuclear explosion as most people believe. Out of control over pressurized steam boilers exploded destroying the reactor and exposing the radioactive contaminated material and spreading it over a large area. And all that was possible cause the comminust russians at the time were in a big competition over technology with the west and willing to ignore any reasonable safety rules and put even human lives at risk. Today's reactors are enclosed in a 2 meter thick concrete housing that supposed to withstand any explosion and radiation spread which Chernobyl didn't have, it was built very much like a coal plant furnace :P and also, uranium used in power plants isn't the same as the ones used in atomic bombs which is much more enriched. An out of control power plant reactor would never explode, would just over heat and melt everything around it, which the one in Chernobyl still does as the reaction was never stopped , they just buried it in concrete :P


    and besides all that, Canadian reactors are the safest ones in the world as they use a less enriched uranium which makes them a little less efficient but much easier to control.

    so really nothing to fear about nuclear power in Canada ;)

  2. I think nowadays with solar panels and a geothermal system for heating/cooling you could get off the grid very easily. I am thinking about it and if could afford a house outside town I would do it for sure ;)

    still thinking to put up solars on my in-town townhouse :P

  3. VWs are at pretty reasonable prices, especially used, thet's why I've been driving one for the last 10ys :P .Benzs and BMWs are lots more expensive...

    But even though I'm not a big fan of American cars, I drove a Ford TDI in Germany and was impressed by it so...they do have the technology, only they don't sell it here :P

  4. well...if we're so upset here about the gas prices, what should ppl in Europe do ? gas is there around 1.5euro = 2.3 can dollars :P


    diesel is the answer :P engine gives you lots of torque for pulling your toys and with a turbo attached to it gives you good speed too, and all that on low consumption...

    Also the real price of diesel should be significantly below the gasoline cause is cheaper to produce...the way it used to be up until a few years ago until monster oil companies figured that they're loosing big money cause turbo diesel engine technologie has rapidly advanced and ppl tend to buy diesel cars being so much more economical and still performant...


    ask yourself a question...why all American and Asian car manufacturers sell diesel engine cars all over the world except North America ??? ...to me, the only logical asnwer is political...the idiots in Texas said NOOOO :D :D :D

  5. I'm in for nuclear too ;) I had the chance to work in a Canadian nuclear plant and we do have the technology to keep it 100% safe and withouth poluting the environment.

    Ontario is actually paying Bruce Power to keep the reactors running.


    "Bruce Power has turned five units off at different times this year to cut supply for a total down time of 40 days. Since the plant is paid about $1 million per day, it cost Ontario $40 million for reactors to idle"

    If that's true, windmills are a total waste of money on taxpayers back...like somenone else said here before, somebody had a big interst into implementing them way beyound the "green Ontario" policy and pocketed huge money...why would you invest in more hydro sources when you already have too much :D


    someone else also said this here, I thought things like this only happen in comunist countries, I live in one and I know how it is


  6. Just wait til you go to buy your groceries this summer. All these stupid fuel price increases are going to drive food costs through the roof.

    everything will go up in cost...except our wages :tease: time to put solar panel on our cars, I bet if that ever happes somebody will invent a tax for using the sun light :wallbash:

  7. Sorry that is not the case you will be issued a citation and then requested to pay it thru the mail . If it can not be paid do to the severity (DUI or reckless speeding etc) you must show up in court then you get to go to town to the magistrate. Same for anyone who drives a vehicle in the USA that does not have a place of residence to live at till the court date can be made.




    happened to a friend of mine driving through Virginia, the cop didn't return his papers until he went to town and pay the fine

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