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super dave

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super dave last won the day on October 4 2018

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  1. Thanks fisherman. I'll take a look
  2. An update. There are 2 lines coming from the power pack to the coils. I decided to put one the line going to the coil that is not sparking to the good coil and there is no spark. So now I think it's either a power pack issue or stator or something else. Looks like I need to research further.
  3. So I got it out but at the expense of the plug wire. So I'm doing an ohm test on the coil. On the Positive and neg posts I'm getting 0.7. From negative to the coil socket I'm getting 962. Looks like I should be getting 1280 to 1480. So is this coil junk? Sorry for all the questions. Really appreciate the feedback. Just try g to learn here
  4. Here's a picture with the cracked coil. From what I've seen the coil and the spark plug wire are 2 separate pieces. Thanks for anyone that can help.
  5. Thanks for the replies. So looks like I'll have to get a new coil. Still can't figure out how to remove the spark plus wire from the coil. Any thoughts? Am I just not yanking hard enough? Thanks.
  6. Hey guys. I recently picked up a 90s Merc as another motor project to pass the time with this covid. I knew it wasn't running, great. Hard to start and if it did it would misfire and studder. Changed up the carb gaskets, needle, float(had some gas in it). Thought it was the float was being weighed down so it was not getting right amount of fuel. Diaphragm was a bit stiff and the plunger was leaking gas. So all that was changed but still won't start. Checked for spark again and the top cylinder no longer has spark. I guess it was going which could explain the misfire. Had it running good at one time but it just cut out with no warning so I'm assuming the spark cut out at that point. So looking for a bit of help for any of you Merc owners. I want to om test the spark wire but I can not for the life of me figure out how to get it out of the ignition coil. Johnson's are much easier. I also noticed the lip of the coil where the spark plug wire attaches to is cracked and a small piece of off. Would that affect spark? Any suggestions? Electrical is new to me. All my past issues have mostly been gas related. So any tips would be appreciated. Thank you in advance
  7. So did a marvel mystery oil treatment on the top cylinder and I'm getting about 112 psi in that cylinder now. 😁 Just put some in cylinder 2 and let's see how it goes. Haven't started it up again so I'll update tomorrow. Thanks for all the help from everyone. Hopefully this thread will come in handy for someone else.
  8. Thanks old man. Was trying to figure out how to get the recoil off. This helps a lot
  9. Hi dan Thanks for the suggestion. I did do that with new gas and the issue was still there. I think it is a compression issue as Dave stated. it doesn't have enough suction to pump up gas even with the choke on. I was getting about 70 per cylinder and doing something to address that now. I noticed the flap that closes when the choke is on, has a few holes so I plugged up the carb vent with a shop towel and it started by the second pull. Appreciate all the input from everyone.
  10. Hmmm. Not with the throttle open. At least 5 yes. I'll try again. Thanks all. This is my new covid hobby. Buying broken engines and trying to fix them. If this is junk I can at least get rid of it for parts or I'm out 300 bucks. Not a big deal. But would like to get it in good running shape. I figure best way to learn small engines is to actually do the work.
  11. Update. Compression is low. I'm getting around 70 psi in both cylinders. I got some marvel mystery oil hoping it will free up the rings. I can hear air escaping somewhere in the prop area to confirm the low compression. Once I dump the oil in the cylinders, what position should I be resting the motor to allow it to soak?
  12. Makes sense. Thanks.
  13. Hey Dave. I'm assuming if it's reeds compression would be low? There are no other symptoms of bad reeds.
  14. I do. I should test that. But it starts extremely easily after I get it going. So starting again isn't an issue just first start. Thanks for your input old man. If you have any other ideas I'm all ears.
  15. Primer bulb works. I took off the gas line to the carb and it shoots gas when I pump it. I can smell gas after pulling with the choke on. After it starts I can start it by just half pulling at a much slower speed.
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