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Everything posted by Clausewitz

  1. Purely recreational now, but the kids are learning fast and skate a few times a week with their teams. Looking forward to the canal being open in Ottawa, even if it is only for a few weeks it is one of the high points of the winter.
  2. Depending on where people are going, I'd like to give a shout out for Kert Lavigne who guides for Muskie on the Ottawa River. http://www.muskiestalker.ca/ I've gone out with Kert and he is both a great guy and very knowledgeable. Clausewitz
  3. Like anything the answer is going to be complex. We are going to have to encourage catch and release even more. Stocking is a big part of it all, and solid limits that reflect the known amount of fish that are stocked. I'm on Loughborough Lake for a big part of my summers and it is stocked. A lot of people fish that lake and a lot of people enjoy it. All of the local guides and lodges really encourage catch and release.
  4. Dont buy in Ontario right now. With the dollar as high as it is cross into the states and make your purchases there. A Lagavulin can push $100 in Ontario and be $60 in NY. If you are looking for a good inexpensive starter type, I like Aberlore or Delviny. But for the quality go for Oban or Lagavulin. Enjoy the hobby, Scotch tasting is a wonderful way to while away a few years of nice evenings.
  5. Great winter shots, glad to see Van is getting some snow like the rest of us.
  6. I think you are going to have some trouble at those speeds. Maybe go for something that can handle a lower speed and pull it back up for the faster speeds?
  7. Do you have an insulated garage door? As a step before installing a heater, I suggest installing an insulated garage door.
  8. OUCH! Is there no end to the humiliation?
  9. I've taken to collecting nice pieces of wood where I can. A friend was putting in a hardwood floor that is a type of exotic ironwood that doesnt need stain to give it that beautiful red/brown and I snagged a piece of that. A piece here, and a piece there gives a nice collection. Looking forward to seeing the finished product, have you taken pics along the way to show the process?
  10. Hi Nanook, What are you carving the turtle out of? And please dont forget us when it is finished, post pics.
  11. Classic, Was it sent? And can I send it around to others in my email list?
  12. I've gone to water for thirst, and very limited sweeteners. We have diabetes in the family, so staying away from any significant quantities seems to be best. If I use sugar, I go for the sugar pacs so I know I am only putting in a small amount. Stevia has a slight after taste for me, so I use it in coffee, but that is about it. Cutting sugar out of coffee for anyone like myself that drinks more then a cup a day is a significant reduction in calories.
  13. I'll second that is a very scarry accident. Prayers to all involved. Reminder to us all to be safe in all actions.
  14. Great pics, thanks, helps while the winter blues are still around.
  15. There needs to be a balance. Television news coverage is competing for the same viewers that are watching CSI, but the news doesnt have the special effects budget and weeks to work on a story. So the most shocking makes the number one story, grabs the interest, otherwise people tune to a different station. Same thing these days with radio, there are so many choices that each show competes for the listener that will go elsewhere. The thing is, most of my radio listening is done driving in the car, with my kids. And its hard to explain the facts of life to the kid in the back seat who might have follow up questions or missunderstand. When we sit down and talk about it in the house they seem to "get it" more easily then driving in the car.
  16. I've never caught a pup, what was it like pulling that out of the ice? Very interesting looking fish, sort of looks like it should be out of the left side of one of those evolution pics.
  17. Looks like the majority of websources come back to things that relate to the bend of the hook. http://www.answers.com/topic/angling
  18. Nice pics, thanks.
  19. Sounds like a great show, congrats. Sounds like it makes for a fun short vacation.
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