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Everything posted by bigredfisher

  1. Interested to see the answer to this question considering I live in tottenham. I heard there're bass and The odd spec
  2. Sorry I am leaving at 4 am and coming back around noon
  3. I'm heading out to Simcoe tomorrow morning, in search of Lake trout. Been fishing in hard for the past two weeks, with very very good success. Havent been skunked yet. I have a vex and a hut. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in fishing for the day. planning to leave around 12. all I use is tubes, I can show you a very successful technique. If you're interested please Pm me or call 9059090609 . I'm from Tottenham I can pick you up on the way or we can meet somewhere.
  4. Especially when u see the garbage is full. Take it home
  5. i was at.... well you will know from the pics. I have been doing ok. Hitting fish everytime i go. i was out today for 30 min and lost one. The ice is getting really unstable and we are loosing it fast. torrmow it will be unsafe. I was very frustrated when i got there and the pictures will show you why. this one is crazy. i saw that someone wanted a pic of the killer hill so here it is with some pics of the unsafe ice: and here is a pic of one from last week, which went back down the hole: tightlines and stay safe
  6. Pm me ur number , we can ice some lakers
  7. Send me a pm I'm from tottenham. Maybe we can get out .
  8. there was about 8in where i was
  9. Looking to go out this evening if anyone is interested
  10. Ice was good ( for the area I was at) and hit nothing. Had one hit all night .
  11. if anyone has some free time tonight, i was planning on hitting either scugog or rice. I know them both really well. i have minnows, hut, heater and spare rods if your interested. ,my buddy backed out and dont want to venture out alone. Pm me or call 905 909 0609. If your in oshawa or along the route from oshawa, i will come get you .
  12. Planning on hittin some Lake o tribs. Pm me ur number and I'll let ya know where I am lol.
  13. Hows it goin??? My question is rather than me killing a fish for roe, would it be legal and more ethical if I were to find a fresh dead hen and take those eggs??? I just hate keeping fish and I thought this might just be the best bet. Thanks
  14. ****** sucking right now. Don't really know why there were that many cars lol. I was one of those 22 and got nothing. Seen 2 move only
  15. Yep I have seen a couple but nothing much at all. I have also been there everyday to see if a good push has come in . Well not yet lol and I mean I'm down there EVERY DAY
  16. Go to the mouth of pine on notty and ask for erine . Hes normally down there pretty early (4 am) every day. Very nice man. You can also pick ur pass up at the hardware store
  17. Just came back . Rain yesterday killed it really dirty and VERY SLOW
  18. Where might be a launch around wasaga beach ??? Any that are public and I can launch at like 5 am??? Thanks
  19. It's a longshot but I have a set of keys that I found at the whibty launch. If you think there yours pm me
  20. Send me a pm with ur number
  21. this question has been asked many many times, the answer to your question is ........drum roll....... NO
  22. planning on hittin bronte or bluffs heading out about noonish
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