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Posts posted by Jen

  1. We do it for the love of the sport.

    Women have there shopping we have our fishing :whistling:



    I Hate Shopping , LOVE FISHING, so maybe you should be a little more careful with the statements... :P:D:rolleyes:


    I am jealouse you get to go , specially with Irishfield... but then work comes first for me, as I look outside and see how beautiful the day is I wish you all a ton of luck...


    See you guys this evening!

    Good Luck out there





  2. A friend of ours in Ridgeway had a pug for 9 years, he is an avid hunter and had no concerns about letting his dog out to go to the bathroom in the morning, however beginning of summer he let it out and watched as a coyote ran by scooped it up and took it away... When hungry an animal will eat what is available.

  3. In the early 90's I was camping with friends near Hanover and we had about 12 wild dogs show up at the camp, these animals are not afraid of people and if hungry enough they will attack. All it took to deter them was one shot from a 22, however in saying that everyone was nervous the rest of the weekend.


    Once reported to the local authorities we were informed that this pack of animals had already been reported as they had been attacking and killing, not for food, the area farm animals, mostly sheep. It took local hunters a week to find and dispose of these animals. It was in all the local papers as a warning to farmers and residents to not let their dogs run lose or drop pups that are unwanted on the sides of the roads.


    I can understand how you felt as you watched these animals... all regulations aside, being a dog owner and lover I still would have taken a shot if I felt that I had no other choice to protect myself.


    I have no fear of wild animals, domestic animals that have gone wild are a totally different story... Keep in mind that when hunting your safety and the safety of others should always be your first priority...


    Glad you managed to keep warm out there ...





  4. How can I resist... I like that song, but do remember there are those of US (the female gender) out there that just don't fit the bill...


    However I am not sure Fishmaster would agree but ... lmao


    Congrats on your up and coming marriage VMAN - That sounds like the perfect honey moon.

  5. I am not exactly thin but find that Fleece Longjohns keep me not only warm but dry, I wear them and then another layer of clothes on top them my Shimano Suit and I don't get cold. If you are finding that you just can not get warm enough try a down filled vest just under the last layer.



  6. Being a Real Estate Sales Person I know about people and them finding their dreams...


    You know right away when you walk into a place if it fits you... What is meant to be will be! Good Luck on your offer this weekend!


    Congrats on finding a place you like and I hope you enjoy every minute of falling in love with it...


    Sounds wonderful!




  7. People have paid to take a charter with you Steve and posted their day here... what's the difference??


    The difference is we didn't think of having a sign on hand :(.


    What a great idea to have clients hold up a sign, tells a story about how happy they are with their Charter Captains services...


    Way to go guys, those are some nice fish...





  8. One of the things on my list of to do's is Moose Hunting... Someday soon, but in the meantime I love seeing others with huge smiles on their faces as you pull up beside them with one of these on their trailer.


    Don't know these guys but boy were they ever happy.


    Job well done I'd say!



    It is atleast a moose ! LOL





  9. LOL Jen....Thanx allthough i am thinking i may have to extend to another room.......So much stuff and i am running out of spaces in my den. I just noticed the empty blooming laundry basket on my couch. :oops:


    & MY FISHING WALL OF FAME is not in those shots......


    As for memories i have plenty i caught my 1st toothy critter with my grandaddy on the Grand actually. I was about 5 or six yrs of age and i remember being scared half to death of it because of the teeth. But was not long before i was holding my 1st ever pike. Some things you just never forget. I remember that day like it was yesterday.


    Hope you had a great summer hun & thanx again.


    It has truly been an amazing summer for me... Lots of personal bests and memories made with my kids and family... I love beating my brother in fishing competitions... Right now it is duck and goose hunting season so that is the focus. My 13 year old is hunting with me this year and his enthusiasm is refreshing to say the least.


    Glad to see you are back and posting... Missed all your adventures.


    Cheers, Jen

  10. I don't know to much about hunting but have thought about takin a course. Not sure i could shoot a deer though. Yeah i know sound like a right wuss....lol..


    Last month we had three does behind my property . We have alot of deer where i am, just a few weeks ago there were four deer just down the street and around the corner standing in the middle of the road in broad daylight. Thats not normal is it?


    A few weeks back comeing back from Niagra falls on a backroad saw a big stag.........& IT WAS BIG......So big i laughed at my aunt cuz she said...WOW did you see that big thing on its head.....I allmost wet my knickers from laughing so hard.....lol :canadian:


    You will know during your first hunt if you are able to shoot a deer... I shot my first last year, an 11 point buck... after letting many jump over me in awe and a little fear... Putting food on the table and accomplishing something I had been striving for made all my studying and hard work to obtain my licence well worth it.


    Go for it, you will find in it the same passion you find for fishing.

  11. It being the end of September almost, today's weather was beautiful.

    It would be the “Trollinators” last trip out on Erie in search of Eyes and I was invited… There was no way I could say no. Both Steve and Bill in one boat and all that experience to learn from… I just had to go.


    However I am not certain that Bill will be pulling this beautiful boat just yet after such a wonderful day.

    Steve still has a couple of charters on the go so as long as the weather holds out one never knows…It was not an opportunity to pass up.

    We left the dock around 9:00am and headed out of Port Maitland Piers till we reached about 70 feet of water. You could tell by the fishfinder that the fish were spread out and at all different depths.

    Lines were out by 9:45 , six rods in total - two riggers, three large dipsy’s and one lead core. Fish today were caught in the ranges of 72 fow , 84fow and 97fow with mixed results. Lead Core 10 /Big Dipsys 2 1/2 setting 240 back. Lots of yellow perch and white perch out there so make sure you keep checking your rods… they love to steal the worms…grrrr.

    Thanks again to Bill and to Steve (Fishmaster) for including me in their day… They are long days and they didn’t even mind the little sleep I had …lol. Instead they found me a big fish to reel in the moment I woke up.



    The fish are obviously still there if you are willing to look and the waves co operate. Colours that were hot today were orange/copper, neuclear green, yellow/gold, and black and green.


    I look forward to perch off the pier next!



    (p.s there is a sale at my favorite tackle shop at the moment... you may want to check it out)

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