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Posts posted by Jen

  1. I have to admit, reading your posts puts you there... Well done, Nice Fish, and my gawd, you kept on fishing... that says love of the sport right there... But then so would I ...


    Well done!


    Keep bringing us your awesome tales of fishing and adventure...




  2. Jen good to see you had a decent outing on our side of the border thumbsup_anim.gif


    Not trying to split hairs here but your title is a little misleading, Southwest End of Lake Erie usually means the Port Clinton/Island/Toledo areas of Lake Erie also known as the Western Basin. Cleveland is more Central. You think you were fishing shallow water where you were well it gets shallower the farther west you go, I think I read somewhere that the means depth on the Western Basin is 26 feet. No need for downriggers on our end lol


    The water looks very flat and with the temps yesterday I'll bet it felt warm.


    Congrats for getting out on the Big Pond!



    I wasn't sure what to call it... I just know I drove a long way south and then west to get there...


    Thank you so much for filling me in and wow... more shallow than that?


    What are the waters around Put-In-Bay like?

  3. After spending the previous weekend with my little sis out on Lake Ontario and Lake Erie I decided to head down to her place to see what Walleye fishing was all about on the American side of things.


    We got out on the water late in the day and still managed 5 for 7, four lines out - two rods running inline weights and two rods with dipsys, all with harnesses in shallower water than I am used to for sure. (In Ohio there is a slot size of nothing under 15")


    Here are some pics of a very very hot day out there!










    The fish are definately smaller than I am used to but what a great day on the water...


    Thanks to my family again I had an amazing time out there!






  4. This past long weekend my Sister and Her Husband came to visit from Cleveland. They fish for Walleye mainly on the south west shores of Erie and were hoping to get out fishing for Salmon on Lake Ontario. The weather held... no wind, no waves (as I am not thrilled taking the boat out unless conditions are perfect). We fished Sunday and Monday, leaving from Port Weller in the Legend heading towards my brothers way points from last year just off the Niagara River close to the US border.


    My first time out on my own in the boat without Sonny for salmon I wasn't sure how the day would go...


    2.9 miles per hour, in 204 fow, Two Riggers, one 70 ft down 30 back with a green ladder back spoon, the other down 100 feet 50 back with a pink lady spoon. Two larg dipsy's 2 setting no rings on boards, green dodger with e chip and a white fly, green spin doctor and a black fly... we were hitting fish on everything... The fleas were horrible , specially with running braid, but it made for a busy couple of days.


    Lyn and Ed get out once a year for Salmon and were thrilled to take home fish to smoke and freeze ... and what great family time.





















  5. Anyone who can write like that and makes "the worlds best shortbread" must be an amazing woman.


    You are lucky to have her in your life... how thoughtful the whistles were!


    ( can I have her shortbread recipe?)


    Thanks for sharing John...





  6. This weekend came with many things to celebrate. My youngest son Zachary's (little jigger) 13th birthday and Fathers day all in one... Asked what they wanted ... a day of fishing for Salmon was the answer. So we booked all day Monday with Steve (fishmaster) and off we went... Here are some of the fish we caught.




    I couldn't have spent time with a better bunch of people... Thanks to Steve, Dad, and Zachary for hanging out...




    We went 20 for 27 in 100 - 180 feet of water... Catching fish on Riggers down 48 with Moonshine spoons , wire with NK's, leadcore with Michigan Stingers, and braid with dipsy, flasher and cutbait... The fish were not being picky at all.
























    Dad and Zach had an awesome day... Thank you so much Steve (fishmaster) for taking us out. I heard nothing but compliments on how you run your boat from my dad on the way home.



  7. The warm months have been somewhat bittersweet for my family and I , the fishing being the Sweet Part.


    On the weekend of June 4th, 5th and 6th I loaded the boat and the boys and we headed off to fish and enjoy the Mudcat Festivle in Dunnville.




    Here is a summary of the entire weekend... The kids had a blast, the fireworks were amazing and if you ever need a place to camp... Fishmasters rents out an awesome trailer right on the river at a great price!










    Perch, silver bass, walleye, sheephead and the occational out of season smallie...


    What a great weekend with Steve and the boys. !


    Can't wait to get out again..

  8. Granted that newbies should do some practice before attempting to launch a boat, how many with a new boat have patience to do that? They want to get it in the water asap. Instead of crabbing, why not offer some advice or even offer to get in and show them how it's done? Some will get defensive but a lot would accept help graciously and what would it cost you? Things would get done faster and smoother and a whole lot of folks would be grateful. Charge by the minute? Gimme a break! Grow a little charity.



    Very well said... I have watched so many people launch their boats and as often as possible if I note they are having difficulty I will offer my help. Be it a suggestion or physically jumping in to offer assistance.


    Boaters Cards are great , they teach people safety on the water but there should be a course out there on launching your boat.


    It is a stressful time for beginners and not once have I had anyone grump at me. (being a woman offering to help out a grown man you would think that would happen more often but fishermen and boaters in general are a happy bunch) ...


    So next time you are standing there waiting to put your boat in and you see someone having some troubles walk down and give them a hand or advice. Some people don't even think to get everything untied and set up before putting the boat in the launch... and gawd forbid, do not undo your crank before backing down a steep launch... Thats just an accident waiting to happen.


    Making a bit of an effort will not only get you in the water faster it will make you feel great inside for helping out and maybe adding a new fishing friend to your life!

  9. I have spent some amazing days on the water... With fish coming into the boat so often you can not grab a sandwich and then gone out with my Brother and Nothing... Absolutely nothing... Odd, we laughed about it often. He was just a fish cooler if there is such a thing. I could call him up and say hey Sonny come down and help us catch bait... the water is rolling with it. He would get there, put the net in the water and we would come up with almost nothing. It was always too funny. We had many laughs over his ability to scare away the fish.


    In saying all of that, when he was out on his own or with someone else he always did really well and we had our good days, but the jokes and razzing never ended... It always made for an awesome day!

  10. If that was for me I'm a Realtor in Ontario and have been registered and working for 35 years. Nowadays I don't sell so much as my time is pretty well taken up with running an office, developing training and mentoring programs for our company and teaching aspiring realtors their pre-registration courses along with some continuing ed for the industry. That's why I asked Cliff for a little time on this. I'm kinda tied up teaching a course in Hamilton right now. Oh yeah, and I know quite a few lawyers. I've worked with some of them building the legal forms we use throughout Ontario as well as doing research for a few for real estate litigation. I may be fooling myself but I like to think I know more than the average Joe about real estate in Ontario. Any questions?


    And I've bought a house or two in my day. wink.gif




    Having been involved in real estate for my entire life, first through my family and then joining the industry as a realtor myself, I am aware of the amount of education it takes to make comments like the ones John has posted here. I would be thrilled to have an eight of his knowledge and experience.


    Well said...


    I hope the kids make out ok in this Cliff... Hard on anyone doing renovations not to mention adding the stress of horrible neighbors...


    Good Luck.

  11. It was a nice flat day on the water forsure and with a Great Ladie that loves to learn ...hey bern what ways out lol... motor is all prime now just waiting for the coupler today and then back in it goes ...and off hunting Kings i will go ...



    Ok Ok, so I had a little trouble with my north and south... You are just saying that cause I have now beat you twice while out on the water... On big fish... hehehe... I do learn well!


    Thanks for a good day out there... I love running my own side.




  12. It was a great day on the Water on Sunday with Fishmaster ( Steve) We did 6 for 8, after searching for the fish for a while we found them in almost 200 feet of water. On a day when everyone was slow at catching we were managing to keep the lines peeling out on a fairly regular basis. 40' back 144 ' down running moonshine bloody nose did the best on the riggers for me this weekend. Wire didn't hit at all.


    We headed back in at around 3:00 to gas up the boat and unwind for the day... no such luck... left gas dock and a coupling went on the starboard engine... We had to haul the boat home...


    A full maintenance check and she will be back in the Water for Charters this week...


    Thanks for a great day out there Steve ...

    However early a start it was!



    All fish today were released!


    This is the first time I have personally seen an Atlantic caught on Lake Ontario.








  13. Any help would be appreciated...


    Dad and I are heading up to Hay Bay Quinte next weekend... since I usually do this trip with my brother this year dad is filling in for him... However, dad prefers to not travel far and thinks if we target pike instead of walleye we will have a better chance...


    Any advice from you guys would be greatly appreciated as I am after all a walleye fisherperson mostly...


    And if you are up that way... Eastman, Myself and a bunch of other guys are staying at pickeral park... stop in for a drink or just to say Hi...




    Jen ( Bernadette)


    we have officially named this weekend our " 1st Annual Santo Amalfi Fishing Challange" ( the six of us will compete against one another to see who wins big fish)

  14. The weather has been so beautiful lately no wonder the catfish are already on ...


    Our first day out on the boat was Thursday April 1, 2010. Thanks to Fishmaster, Sherry and Steve


    for a great time and awesome catch out on the Lower Grand ... We fished from 6:00pm


    till 9:30 pm landing 15 fish all on cut bait. The biggest fish was just under 16lbs!


    The pictures will speak for themselves.














    Again from all of us, thanks Steve...


  15. Dumb question....what date is the season opener...what kind of equipment do we use that time of year...downriggers? I have never fished Quinte. Thanks Rick


    May 1st, and usually you troll... worm harness's, body baits, and my favorite go too... a twister tail...


    Weather is usually cool, and windy so bring lots of warm clothes


    It is a great time, a ton of people and a fun competition





  16. We do not often get away, but this year we both needed a break so Steve booked us a little cabin at Windemere Resort just outside of Haliburton Forest.




    We went for two nights... Snowmobiling and fishing, a very relaxing way to unwind.










    The trails were awesome with some of the most beautiful sceanery I have ever had a chance to enjoy...


    There were many lakes to choose from, so we picked Black Lake... close to the tea stained open water ,yet still 6 -8 inches of good ice.






    Steve managed to find a drop off from 3 feet of water to 32 feet of water, we dropped our lines in at 9".






    It wasn't a long wait before we were catching fish...









    Slippery fish to say the least!



    Buckshots seem to work everywhere, however I caught first fish on just a minnow head and Steve caught his on a minnow... so we were never sure what the fish were preferring as we quit tied 2 to 2 , going 4 for 8.


    We met some great people, Steve and Terry, and had some fun times...


    Thanks so much to Steve for taking me away! Even when my sled broke down twice and he had to tow me 10 miles he managed to stay calm and patient! Not only was it the best way I have ever rung in a New Year it was a great way to let go of 2009!!




    Jen ( bernadette )

  17. I couldn't wait for the ice to be good enough to fish. From the moment that there was a skim on the Marina I wanted to get out there and here we are, December 19, and there is a good 3 inches plus of ice. If it can hold Steve, his buddy, and the 200lbs of gear they drag out there I knew it would hold me no problem. So at 3:00pm yesterday I headed out with Steve, Ed, James, and two other guys from Windsor who were also dying to get in some ice fishing.




    Steves friend Clayton was running the river on his quad to see how the ice was down further and reported that it is good however there are still some open sketchy areas so we stayed put just in front of our place.




    We were not set up five minutes with the vex in Steves hole,(he never shares his vex) when he says there are fish down there... My buckshot is sitting flat on bottom, fresh minnow wiggling around, because of course I am doing something else... I pull up and there is weight... This one is not a snag... lmao


    At just over three pounds it made for a very delicious dinner.








    As you can tell, three pictures means I am very proud of this fish... It took me forever last year to catch one and this looks like it is going to be a great year.


    We both hooked up several more times but lost the fish right at the hole. Make sure you set those hooks, the bite is very light!


    It appears the fish are biting, just after first light till around 10:00am and from about 3:00ish till just before dusk. However we were marking fish when Steve insisted we call it a night... so I am sure they will bite after dark.




    Jen (Bernadette)

  18. and if you really want to be warm buy yourself one made out of fleese... I have one from giant tiger and let me tell you , it not only keeps you warm but it wicks any moisture away from your skin, so if you need to hike to a spot or get a little warm on your walk out to your spot under your float suit you never get cold and clammy...


    Oh and it does have the little flap... lol




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