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Posts posted by Jen

  1. Hey Guys, I just wanted to bump this post up...


    Please come out and have a beer with everyone to Celebrate the life of My Brother and a friend to a lot of us here "Sonny"..




    $10 gets you food and live entertainment if you have nothing better to do on a friday night... Cash bar though...


    This is the way he would have wanted us to remember him... So you have my personal invite to come and make a few toasts and laugh a little at his expense...


    Look forward to seeing whoever can make it out...





    If you need directions you can give us a call at 905-902-6326

  2. I called my sister in law - Jennifer last night to let her know the amazing support and generosity that has come from OFC and she was beyond words... THANK YOU so very very much on behalf of Sonny and his Family!


    You all are amazing, not only in these moments but during the everyday!


    Thanks TJ for setting this all up!


    Bernadette (jen)

    and My Whole Family

  3. Well back from a week in tamagami with my father and a couple of his longtime freinds,,,they've been going up to camp tamar for 25-30 years.Fishing started off slow the saturday night we arrived and just picked up from there!! The breeze was blowing all week keeping the bugs down to a minimum which is always a plus!


    Together everyone caught fish but my father and i did the best out of the bunch,,,aprox 12 lakers boated along with countless walleye a bunch of pike and to many oss bass!


    Oh ya now about the rocks,,,,seems i just did it again,,,yep the skeg on my boat needs a little touching up as well as a new prop!! So here is my question to all the mechanics out there,,,,where can i find mercury parts at a reasonable price?? Looking to replace the propshaft as well!!


    Anyway i haven't received pictures of the two biggest walleye of the trip (camera is broke) yet but will post them as soon as i get em!! 1st walleye was caught by my father 26.5 inches weighing in at 8.3 pounds,,,the 2nd caught by myself came in at 29 inches and a weight of 9 pounds even,,,


    It is always a great time with the ol man and his freinds!....can't wait till next time!



    while going through sonny's posts we realized that these pictures were not posted..here they are.




  4. A huge thanks from all of Sonny's family...


    As I said to TJ earlier today when he called to ask me if this would be ok... Sonny left his family well taken care of. It has been a shock to us all as we never expected anything to happen to a man of 40. Many people asked us what they could do... and wow, this one is huge... Domenic and Emma have a long road ahead of them but a family that loves them very much... from them and Sonny's wife Jennifer... Thankyou for making that road a little smother.


    There was a video made of him that was played... I don't know how to include it here but if you go to our cousins blog you will be able to see it and him in many of his fishing moments...




    Santo loved to fish, OFC was a part of his everyday, from checking out who was fishing where to bragging about what he caught or didn't catch... Time and time again I am amazed by all of you...


    Thank you so much




  5. My family is going through one of the hardest things a family can face...


    For me losing my brother leaves me at a loss for words... (if you know me you know that is saying a lot)


    He was part of my everyday, the strength of a god in my eyes... A part of who I am and who I will always be... we shared so many moments, competed in everything we did...We just loved one another unconditionally...I just don't know what I will do without him...


    Sonny grew up with three sisters... a hard job for any boy, yet together we were strong!


    He will be missed in every moment...












    Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers, I will ensure my family reads every one of



    Steve and Sonny's friends will be arranging a benefit in his memory for his family... We will let you know when that will be happening.


    He was 40 years old, had a wife Jennifer, son Domenic, and daughter Emma, all of whom he adored.


    The funeral arrangements will be made today and all information will be posted here when we know it...


    Again Thank you



    Jen ( Bernadette)


    When you get a chance today, tell someone close to you that you love them!

  6. Saturday as you all know was unseasonally beautiful...


    After a morning of helping Steve Shrink Wrap a huge boat we decided to grab a couple of hours fishing before our dinner party... Everyone was to arrive just after dark... Got on the water by 2:00, a 20 min boat ride and we were there, on the fish...










    It was the most beautiful day, as soon as our rigs hit bottom we started catching fish... non stop... Till close to sunset when we had to call it a day...


    Get out there and fish guys, there are some amazing fish to be caught!

  7. Run chicken run!!!... how can you call yourself a true Canadian if you run away from the ice fishing and huts???... isn't that a big part of being Canadian?



    ... hopefully you at least took a case of Maple Syrup with you! ;)



    You beat me to it... I was just going to say... WAIT>>> you will miss the ice fishing!


    Be safe and enjoy every moment!

  8. Hey Girl good to hear from you again I thought you moved south to catch Sailfish full time.


    Those boys are getting taller.


    Have a good hunting season Bernadette!!!!!! :canadian:



    Now who wouldn't want to move south to Catch Sail Fish full Time! Maybe I should do a job search...



    I can't believe it is already time for you to store the boat away... the summer went by too quickly that is for sure...

  9. This has been one of the longest years of my life…


    Being off eight weeks from surgery, bed rest and taking care of the kids ,there hasn’t been much time for fishing and hunting…


    However I managed to get out a couple of times with Steve (Fishmaster) and the boys.




    Second weekend of Goose Hunting we took the boys hunting to Ridgeway…


    My son Chris managed two Snipe with one shot, he was on cloud nine!

    ( And Mom was very proud, Steve has taught him well)


    I got a goose, while Steve dropped the other one, Not a lot of action however it was the perfect day…




    The walleye season was short lived… Only getting out a couple of times on the boat was a shame… but there were some memorable moments.




    Now with the end of lake fishing we are trying to get the boys out perching again…

    ( How often do we hear this? "Do I have to wear my life jacket MOM?" ) grrr




    The only issue has been minnows and Steve found them, the tanks are full again… finally




    Thanks to the boys for always being helpful and to Fishmaster for going to find bait when his family and customers need it…




    Next will be the pictures of the perch… god willing!


    Happy fishing everyone,


    It is great to be back!





  10. This Summer has been a difficult one to say the least! I have spent the last eight weeks off due to surgery and was thrilled to get back out side, fishing and hunting.


    The weekend started Friday in Ridgeway hunting for geese... The day after opening season they were already flying high and hesitant in landing amoung our decoys, however we did manage two in the couple of hours that we stayed out.



    My First Goose of the Season


    Steve and Zoe, Always great hunting partners


    On Saturday Steve was Running his 3rd Annual Walleye Hunters Tournament... with the way fishing has been on Lake Erie this year the turnout was good, by mid morning we were dealing with a six foot chop, and no fish... Steve decided to head into shallow water where we managed to pick up a couple of fish putting us third in the Tournament...



    We placed third with two fish in Fishmasters Walleye Hunters Tournament on Saturday


    First Fish


    Second Fish


    The weekend was a great one! Thank you so much to Steve for including me not only Friday for Hunting but Saturday as part of his team...




    jen ( Bernadette)

  11. Well I have to say a big "THANK YOU" to many people, Randy, John, Crumby, Mikey, Ryan, Zachary, Christian and Bill for helping Steve ( Fishmaster) build the docks for the marina.


    After many weeks of painstaking labor they are are finally done.


    Buying Lumber, Steel, and hardware was only the beginning! The planning and execution took many hours of time from all involved, from building the wood docks, locating and picking up barrels and steel to cutting and welding all the steel... Guys, it was a job you should all be very proud of...


    14 slips, a boat launch dock and more to come... it is a far cry from a year ago when we started this adventure with naked water...


    Congrats Steve on building what will definately be a fisherman's paradise!


    Here is the finished product...



  12. It was definately a surprise when you showed up standing in front of the shop... Took me a while to place the face... You guys sure came a long way! We were thrilled you chose to come out here to do some fishing. Great seeing both of you and having a chance to meet Ryan.


    Looks like you had an awesome day on Lake Ontario... the pictures and stories will be around for a lifetime I am sure...


    Enjoy every moment, they pass by way too quickly... and to Ryan... (Lake O can make the best of us a little queesy at times, it will not always be that way I assure you)




    Jen ( Bernadette)

  13. Here are some of the Big Cats caught in the last couple of days! Weather has been great other than the wind and the bite is on later in the day...












    Great fishing, yet no update for the leader board there have been some nice fish caught...


    Third place leader weighed in another one ( man in float suit in pictures) tonight weighing 20.60 so they are still around...

  14. You know when you have been asked a million times, can we go fishing it means something. When life gets too busy, too hectic and you forget to sit back and just listen to the little people in your lives you really have to give yourself a kick... Sunday afternoon Christian headed out to the point on his own... and came back smiling ear to ear with this

    (check out the fish for camera hold he has, boy has he learned a lot from the net! ) lol



    Last Night when the boys asked we listened!


    Steve took Christian, Zachary and I out for a couple of hours of down time... to catch Zachary his FIRST Channel Cat and to hopefully beat Christians biggest fish so far.


    The night was beautiful, of course that didn't last long, as soon as Steve said he was going fishing the wind picked up... (I think the wind gods hear the word fishing and start blowing)... So off we went no worries about the wind, the anchors held and we managed 8 or so Cats and one Walleye in the couple of hours we were out.


    Zachary reeled in the first fish, this very old tired looking Walleye and said "Dang it isn't a catfish, I wanted a Catfish!" Steve and I both laughed, in all the time we have fished neither of us have ever caught a walleye while catfishing with cutbait... We were thrilled, he couldn't wait to get it off his line and put his rod back in the water.



    Only to catch this... and you can tell by the picture he was very happy it was the species he was after!





    Then it was Christians turn for a picture



    And a couple more fish with his big brother helping out





    Oh Oh

    Hook stuck in net, Steve steps in





    Last fish dropped in the boat for the day



    and it was time to head home...



    Thanks Steve for taking Me and my boys out fishing, they truly did enjoy every hyper, bouncy, overactive moment!




  15. Welcome to the board, you will find everyone here very helpful..


    Fishmasters Ultimate Charters can get you out for some Salmon fishing... He charters out of Lake Ontario docking at Port Weller... the best month to book a Salmon charter is May definately... if you would like to give him a call for more information Fishmasters Number is 1-866-862-2380.


    Steve also gives a discount to people who are memebers of OFC so that helps out a bit on the costs for the day!








  16. We got out tonight for a fun fish with some friends! The weather has certainly been co operating and so have the fish. The boys had a blast...


    We got a lot of hits, missed some but landed 15 fish of all different sizes.



    They did a great job catching and netting their own fish!




    Even a double header or two:)






    Thanks to Steve for taking us out, it was a great night had by all!





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