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Posts posted by Jen

  1. Ok, I know they won't choke you, and they were really really yummy however it was the idea of eatting an entire fish, skin, bones and all that kept making me a little nervous.


    Yesterday I got out for my first time SMELT fishing. I have heard a lot about it and was looking forward to giving it a try. They are hard little guys to catch... Firstly if you get them on your little tiny hook they have an uncanny ability to squiggle off just as you are lifting them out of the hole and then if you do manage to put them on the ice and are not fast enough they find that doorway back to the water awefully quickly.


    All that said I devised a method of capture which worked rather well. Pole in one hand, line down only far enough to lift out and an ice scoop in the other hand to capture the little guys if they happened to slip back into the hole.


    It was a great couple of hours in Port Colbourne, as we ended up with about 60 smelt, which was enough for dinner.


    Can't wait to get the kids out there trying it once the cold weather returns.


    I see a competition of how many can be caught coming between my boys.





  2. It was a great weekend out here on the Grand. I had the opportunity to meet several people from the board! It was great meeting you today Spiel and Fishfarmer... Remember to introduce yourselves when you come into the shop... Nice putting a face to all the names here.


    Cheers and happy fishing, I know it was tough this weekend, but all I saw even though few fish were caught was smiles...



  3. Being a woman in a mans world more often than not I have found just the opposite. Most men have amazing vocabularies, wives, women, children around or not. Yes there is the odd time when "inappropriate to some" words flow, however in most circumstances it is only in a small group of people. I have never experienced someone being asked to watch their language being disrespectful and not doing just that. Occationally people need to be made aware of voice levels but mostly human nature is to be appropriate in all situations.


    There is a time and a place and most of the wonderful people I have had the opportunity to meet know just that.


    This weekend I probably crossed paths with 100 fishermen, and not one of them was rude... now that says a whole heck of a lot. Good luck seeing that from anyone in Wal Mart at Christmast time!





  4. Headed out with Zac tonight for some walleye ..i lost one and Little Jigger Zac landed 2 and lost a hog at the hole ...fishing is still awesome on the lower Grand get out now before the warm front really kicks in...

    This was Zac's 1st reel trip out ice fishing and did he do well ..now he is even kicken his Mom's Ass and Sonnys ..lol i can see another Fishmaster in the maken ..


  5. I got a shimano gortex suit last year and have absolutely loved it. It keeps me totally dry in the worst weather and with a couple of layers in the winter months very warm.


    It may cost a little more but is well worth the money.


    Just a suggestion, if you check out my posts you will see me wearing it in a couple of them.





  6. Very nice Jen


    Hope to get out there Friday if this rain doesn't screw things up






    Looks like I won't get back on the ice till Friday atleast... so I am keeping my fingers crossed as well.


    Never know with the weather... it didn't take long for the ice to come back though.




  7. I see your little one likes to watch then in the sink when you get home as well. Last year mine kept bringing the perch back to life in the sink before I had to clean them... Can't buy that kind of fun for kids, can't wait to see your post with his first fish!




    Nice catch



  8. The video was from last (Friday) . Is it safe? NO! Obviously not. The ice there froze over last Monday. We checked the ice Wednesday, the day before the guy went through(thursday). We only made it out a few feet before we descided to NOT GO!! Went to innisfil Beach instead where another guy went through just passed where we walked out to . The ice went from 5" to 1" in only a few paces.

    I can see going if you check first but some think that because it has been frozen for a whole week that its OK to walk and sled on. :rolleyes: Well it isnt!!!!! There were at least a dozen guys out there this weekend WALKING :thumbsup_anim: and Sledding!!! :wallbash: I wouldn't walk out there with out a spud......... checking the whole way out.


    Hmmm Salvage rights............going there on friday morning. :whistling: WALKING OUT!!...

    <_< Must bring a chainsaw ,rope and ladder with me. :Gonefishing:


    Bring some gas, some fuel stablilizer and a dry towel to wipe her down when you get her out... LOL...


    Wouldn't it be nice... ??LOL


    Bet that snowmobile owner is a little sad today... and in his defense, we all make choices and sometimes they don't turn out so well... An idiot, nah, an adventurer maybe!





  9. WOW!! Awesome fishing that's for sure!


    It has been awesome fishing out here guys! Hopefully it keeps up until the Walleye tournament we are having here on the 23rd of February.


    I half expected to get a chance to meet you both here this weekend. Maybe before the ice goes out!





  10. Coyotes are in between a fox and a wolf. They are probaly the size of a small lab.


    I have enjoyed watching the wildlife this year and even got to see a coyote up close and personal during the shot gun hunt in December. One of the men in our group took it in to get mounted. It was an amazing creature to see. Their fur is tan, white with speckles of Black and Grey, he weighed probably 60lbs and had the whitest teeth I have ever seen on any dog like animal.


    If you take a look in the fields lately there are a great number of them and wild turkey.


    Take care,



  11. Hey Nauti,


    Been seeing a lot of those as of late from the windows at our place... that is a coyote. The height and length of the animal is too tall and long to be a fox. As well as the fact that a fox would have been mostly sunken into that snow cover...


    They are becoming much more prelevent in our neighborhood as of late.


    Enjoy and look forward to seeing you on the Ice!





  12. Sorry Jen :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: ,


    We don't like sharing our fishing spots, especially when there as good as the river in front of your place.


    Had we known we would have saved our selves a trip to Dog Lake last year.


    Anyways you guys have a great place and we will be back again soon(When I get back on the 23 of Feb)


    I don't mind sharing my fishing spots, it just means more people will have the opportunity to enjoy great moments.


    Thank you for the compliment on our place. Both Steve (fishmaster) and I are enjoying it greatly... a little piece of paradise in an otherwise hectic world.


    Look forward to seeing you again!






    p.s. I got my first walleye through the ice today... I think you will know exactly where that was.

  13. Monday January 28th, I headed on onto the river for the first time to try for some walleye through the ice. What a morning it was, learning how to use the vexlar…yet I did manage one fish for my efforts. It was a great time and the weather was perfect.

    My first Walleye ever through the ice…


    I took these pictures tonight of my boys out their trying their luck. They didn’t catch anything but had a great time watching other people bring in their catches.





    I can not believe the thrill of watching a fish come up to your lure and actually getting it on the ice.



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