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Posts posted by Jen

  1. How could Sonny not be doing well .


    When I met him he was doing very very well.


    Nice Hut Sonny.I know when Jen is not around you do well :whistling:



    Wait just one second Mike - ME??? you think I am the jinks... hehehe, ok we will go with that if you insist... just to make my brother feel better.


    See you in May!




  2. Well the other day when we were out crappie fishing, I posted pictures of our fish, two were mine but one was Sonny's ... and because he has been having such a hard time on the ice this year ... catching carp and all, I figured I should atleast post a pic of him with a fish he actually targetted...


    Great time out with my brother, I had a blast!





  3. Weather was warm today to say the least... However I am doubting it does much to the ice as they are calling for a winter storm again tomorrow evening...


    I live in Hamilton and was amazed to find that my driveway for the first time in weeks was not covered in snow... There are some good things that come with rain!


    Have a great evening.




  4. Well Twilight, I will have to say we only caught one smelt... but since my son is just now learning how to fish I wanted to make a big deal about it... I am new to many varieties of fish, how to clean them, how to cook them, and what they taste like. So experimenting in filleting and cooking we do together... And all have been yummy, even the catfish.


    The Sport of fishing always brings a smile to my face, as I never know what I have caught till I get it to the hole or out of the water, and as Sonny will tell you, I will do just about anything to get them on the ice. It seems they always want to spit the hook just as you get them a tad out of the water... hand in, scoop fish out... wooohoo... then you go, oh dang, I got a little wet! All worth it in the long run...


    Had a blast...






    Making memories that will last a lifetime !@!

  5. Well all in all weekends go by rather quickly , from anticipating the approaching Friday to arrival of Sunday Night and it's over already, it seems a little bit of a let down... However, in reflecting back mine was filled with a few good moments...


    I do not often get an opportunity to wander off on my own these days to fish. It just seems as if there is always something that needs to be done... so today I decided to head out onto the marina and see what I could catch.


    The ice was over a foot thick, which meant it took me a while to drill the hole and get all set up, but when I did it was well worth my efforts. The sun was shinning, air was crisp, snow crunched under my feet as I watched my bobber bounce on top of the green tinted water in my hole. I had found peace... and oh what a wonderful feeling that was.


    Zachary (little jigger) joined me for a bit and managed to catch himself a smelt... which of course I insisted on him keeping and cooking... only because he wasn't really thrilled with them last time. This time we removed the bone head and tail and he was much happier, however I don't think I will be cleaning a smelt again for him like that.


    After a little break in fishing to enjoy some company I headed back out to the hut with my brother Sonny... only an hour before dinner would be ready it was a nice little break which yielded me lunch for tomorrow. I have never eaten a crappie, so I figured it was about time I see what all the fuss is about.




    With walleye fishing done for the season we had a blast watching all the fish on the vexlar chasing our minnow tipped jigs...


    Looks like the kids are getting hooked on fishing!


    Hope everyone had a great weekend as well!





  6. I read your reports, on the edge of my chair, wanting to move ahead faster, to see what comes next, my eyes darting forward as quickly as possible... rivetted... Your every word brings your adventures alive.


    Well written, well said and even more importantly well lived.


    Your an inspiration... in so many ways!


    Thank you for sharing




    He will be alive always in you... your friend!

  7. It was awesome meeting both of you 4Reel...


    However I will have to say I am extreamly jealous of your Italy trip even though all there is to catch there are carp.


    It was a pleasure seeing you guys come in with fish everytime you were out. Look forward to seeing you again once the ice melts.


    Cheers and take care of yourselves


    Bernadette aka Jen

  8. This was the first time I have really Helped Steve out when it came to running a Tournament and I have to say , I had no clue about the amount of work that goes into these events, starting months in advance.


    Kudo's to all those that have done this in the past.


    Having an opportunity to be a part of something like this has given me a new insight into the people who make the sport of fishing what it is. From the smiles on everyone's faces in the morning, before dawn, to the comradery on the ice, it was a truly wonderful day!


    My sons , Zachary and Christian had a blast helping out and meeting everyone... From my little Family , thank you for coming out... we had a great time out there!





  9. It was a great turnout for our Tournament. Thank you so much for the compliments. We will have a post up by later today. Was awesome seeing everyone out here yesterday. Had a great time.


    Thanks to all who participated and made our 5th Annual Walleye Ice Fishing Tournament a success.

  10. I have a passport a birth certificate and a drivers licence... yet I left the first 2 at home the other day when I went to take a friend to the airport.


    I was warned by the Guard that he was giving me a warning, the next time I try to cross without proof of citizenship I will be detained, searched, fingerprinted and sent home. They are taking it very seriously.


    Show up prepared , it will save you so much aggrivation.





  11. I was reading your report and smiling the entire time... wishing it were me!


    WOW what a weekend you guys managed to have.


    Not only did you catch fish, you had the opportunity to share stories and time with friends on the ice...Sounds like the perfect way to have spent your time.


    Great Post... I look forward to the next one.





  12. Hey Jamie,


    When I was looking for one for my kids I gave a store manager my card. He called when they came in. They can not hold one for you but often will go that extra mile... specially if you are phoning them everyday looking for one like my children were.


    Good luck... and get the fishing game Fishing Master. It truly is too much fun!




  13. I have seen a lot of walleye coming out of the River lately and it never ceases to amaze me how different each and every one looks.


    The SEASONED fisherman knows all the reasons for this, however being "new to catching fish" (Not new to fishing...;) ) I am forever intrigued.


    Well Done Jeff... you certainly know how to find those fish!





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