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Posts posted by Jen

  1. Driving home late last night was like travelling through a zoo. Raccoons, foxes, deer, bunnies and even what I thought were wolves.. three very beautiful ones... although I have never heard of wolves in the Haldiman area they could just have been very big cayotes... and on a night when I didn't have my camera...


    Be safe out there guys... specially north where the animals get bigger





  2. It is hard to find words to write that will convey what it is that is felt after reading your post... Losing a parent, a mentor a guide ... someone who you loved unconditionally is heart renching... may the memories of every moment you shared fill your heart and balance your loss.


    My condolences to you and your family



  3. It seems I come to this place to document all my firsts... Today was one of those... After dropping my first goose from the sky this week I just had to do a wild game dinner...


    It truly was spectacular...


    The hunting day,



    From a goose that was maybe 6 pounds before it went in the oven. This is what it looked like after a couple of hours.



    I was surprised how easily it came off the bone. The kids totally enjoyed tonights meal, and only found one little piece of steel so no major complaints.



    Now I think I need to get back to fishing this week... Hunting has been my focus but reading all the posts here makes me miss having my line in the water.





  4. Congrats! Glad to see your persistence paid off. I have yet to get out hunting this year but I got my first turkey this fall, sure is a good feeling to get your first.


    I totally agree with you ... knowing that all the hard work you put into learning is paying off makes those cold mornings worth every second...


    congrats on your Turkey...


    Cheers Jen

  5. Well it took me long enough...


    This morning (pretty sure it is Thursday) Steve and I went hunting... He had found this great field and with the farmers permission we set up before dawn... If you read my previous post from the weekend you are aware that I have this thing about learning and watching... when it comes to shooting I wasn't doing so well. This morning changed all that. I figured I had paid enough attention and today , waste of shells or not, I was going to shoot...


    The pictures are not great, but atleast they tell the story.


    Thanks Zoe for fetching so beautifully today! And Thank you to Steve for your patience and being my Guide... I couldn't have picked a more patient person. Although next time do you have to bring so many decoys???LOL






    It is a start and helps with the motivation to have actually managed to drop a bird from the sky...now more practice for me! Squirls maybe??





  6. Great and interesting report Jen, thanks for sharing. So why can't you point your gun while the geese are flying in?




    Supposedly Joey the geese are very smart and see it... However I am not really certain about this it did seem that everytime I moved my gun to early they flew off before landing.

  7. Nice report Jen it looks more like you caught up on some sleep.Had the men cook for you .What a great read and nice photos. :thumbsup_anim: MTP



    It may appear that there was sleeping involved in this hunting weekend , but that was not the case for me. Sara, who has really no interest in the sport found that catching up was worth while for her. I on the other hand never once took my eyes off the sky and water... you can't hunt for something while sleeping.


    In regards to Gerritt's comments, I didn't catch anything while fishing. I decided to stay back at camp with Sara shooting skeet and targets rather than fish where I didn't think the fish were biting. (boy was I wrong :()

  8. This past weekend Steve and I took a couple of friends up North for duck/goose hunting. Since he and Brandon do this on a regular basis learning from them was going to be easy... nope , learning doesn't happen unless the Birds co operate, which of course they did not. (Although me not firing at them might have contributed to the freezer being empty at the end of the weekend... )


    Here is my little picture story of how Duck/Goose hunting went ...


    We arrived at my place late on Friday night, set up camp and then headed down to the lakefront to set our decoys. Brandon and Steve headed off in the 12 foot tinny in the dark while Sara and I stood on the makeshift dock holding flashlights listening to all the animals moving around us and laughing at the guys as they debated proper placement techniques.


    Up at 5:30 am, grab a quick cup of coffee, and then off to sit and wait for the birds to come in. Sara opted to stay in bed for this little adventure and I forgot my camera sooo, the picture tale will start with the afternoon hunt.


    First you get on your matching clothes... and drink your Timmies Coffee!




    Then you chop wood to get ready for arriving back after dark! Thanks Brandon for all your hard work on that one!




    Preparation of dinner - mmm it was good , thanks Steve.




    Then we all sneak down to the waterfront to see if birds have landed in amoungst our decoys...






    Dogs don't do well at sneaking, so Sara took care of that. ( Both Zoe and Dugan retrieved ducks this weekend...their patience was amazing)




    Once establishing that the geese swimming with our decoys would have to come back, they were too far to shoot, Steve and Brandon made the trip to the island with all our gear.




    Then it was Sara and I's turn , and what a laugh that was. None of us got wet but she did spend some time lounging in the boat.




    All settled in to wait for the birds... don't we all look comfy!








    The afternoon was long, and I learned many things... like not to point your gun while the geese are flying in and that if the birds are not co operating you will have a very long evening...




    All and all the weekend was a huge learning experience. Not only did we hunt, we shot skeet and targets. By the end of the three days I would say both Sara and I had greatly improved when it came to aiming.




    Altogether we managed to drop two ducks out of the sky, and I missed (or didn't shoot) at several more. Being my first time out hunting I was concentrating more on watching both Brandon and Steve to learn as much as I could about timing and lining up your targets... Hunting with that many people is rather difficult, specially for a beginner, as you don't know which bird to aim for. All of these skills will come in time. Thanks so much to the guys for putting up with both Sara and I ... although in saying that, one of these days, we may, with practice be good hunting partners.


    Sunday came and the WMU we are in does not allow hunting, so Brandon and Steve headed out to fish Mountain Lake. I have owned that property for ten years and never managed to get a bass to bite. You can see them but they are just never interested in anything you throw at them. I know this because I have emptied my tackle box, as has Sonny and Easton trying to catch one of these guys... and Steve managed a couple... thank goodness Brandon snapped the pictures showing what he caught them on, or I am sure it would have remained a well kept secret.







    It was an awesome weekend, thanks to a group of really wonderful people...


    Maybe next time I will actually manage to shoot my gun at a bird! lol


    Sorry for the long read, there was a lot to share.






    (If anyone wants to buy 70acres with 1600 feet of lakefront, I have it for sale!:()

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