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About pikehunters

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    Erie, PA

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  1. Now that's some good fishing!!! WOW
  2. This unfortunate for you is common in 2 strokes. Crank seal dries out & cracks which adds air into cylinder & burns hole in piston. During repair make sure to inspect the seal.
  3. Play the song & read the post's !!!! It'll get ya in the mood Good One!
  4. 158 day's till tomorrow!! ! @ * ~ Lake that is & I better be haulin in the biggins!!!!
  5. Now thats funny I don't care who you are! Sorry dave!
  6. Alum. or Fiberglass ?? Mine was fiberglass cleaned the holes really good with alcohol wipes, bought the best silicone i could find filled the hole & the ran the screws back in. Lasted 10yrs sold the boat & I bet there still in there!
  7. Depends on the state for the boat. In PA as long as the boat is registerd your ok but each state has there own regs. Yes you will need an out of state fishing licence & thats why the pro's have so many sponsors!! More important make sure you have the state & coast gaurd required equipment on your boat PFDS, FLARES, AUDIBLE, THROWABLE CUSHION, EXTINGUSHER YATA YATA YATA & so on!! If you've never been down here you might realize why we love to come up there!!
  8. LOL they've got more snow than us 8hrs from tronto you might think more south west, west virgina or virgina would be in your travel time. FYI WV. border is 3hrs. from Erie & your 3hrs from Erie just for reference!
  9. 8 hrs from where? In Erie you have the lake & bay that have articles in just about every fishing magazine on the market, including a bass masters tourny every year. You also have the options of kinzua resevoir which produces trophy, well every species.
  10. Here is the link on the news last night. Should have posted originally but I made a stupid move & listend to the weather man. 6"-8" of snow overnight 3" - 5" on Sat. So i got the truck & plow already to go anticipating a 20 hr push. Woke up this morning to green grass. http://yourerie.com/...t?nxd_id=218542
  11. Has or is she on
  12. Just on the news the buzz is that The Erie Otters may be making a move to Hamilton. Any news on your end??
  13. Not sure if I could stand inside I'm __' just bring it down & we'll find out, bay & lake have open waters!!! Looks Good enjoy
  14. The price is in- line ,no punt intended, with a 100% gurantee!!!!
  15. The impact is a + & - . Winter services lost but Companies that pay for winter services make out. Environmental impact will yet to be seen. I think it's once every 10 yrs that lake Erie freezes over & the water has been in the low 30's. For the past 20yrs I've worked in the commercial snow removal industry & have had bad years but never this bad. Hopefully the people on the downside will just buckle up & hold on. One thing about mother nature, she has an odd sense of humor!! & we still have along way till we are out of winter. March in Erie can be a brutal month with storms dumping 20" ~ 30" in the belts.
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