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  1. A big dumb suspending jerkbait...look around there are lots of lures that fit this modus operandi. You can still cover a lot of water with long casts AND you are targeting active and inactive fish. Deadly! I can't stress enough though...bolt cutters, bolt cutters, bolt cutters...and lots of spare hooks. I've seen way too many fish that look like a grenade went off in their mouth. Good luck
  2. Now if someone can just start enforcing construction runoff and sediment control we might get somewhere. With about 1 cm of sediment deposition/yr and an average depth of <1 metre you can do the math and see where Cootes is headed...in 50 yrs Wal Mart is going to be looking for a nice dry plot of land for a new store in West Hamilton
  3. DOesn't matter at all....as long as it is red powerpro
  4. Ya not much of a reason to watch...and I get "bassed" out pretty quick. Time for some fresh ideas fellas/ladies. I think I could watch April Vokey on Fly Max forever
  5. The cyanobacteria problem at Bayfront should get better with the wastewater treatment plant and sewer upgrades in Hamilton...then again people keep feeding whole loaves of wonderbread to the geese everytime I turn my head down there so...
  6. Just to clarify are you fishing the Conestoga R or the Conestogo R?
  7. I bought a used 2001 3.0 V6 5 speed Ford Ranger Edge as my tow vehicle. It tows a 16 ft with a 50 horse and lots of gear with ease and the truck is always in control of the boat. The brakes are quite good and no problem with quick stops. Get good tires. If you plan to drive it in winter pick up some Hankook iPikes or similar and the rear wheel drive will be fine in winter. Generally it's a worry free, low maintenance tough little truck.
  8. Ya, all the straps broke, chain snapped and the dog ate my homework.
  9. Nice shore fishing dude. That's a pretty ski
  10. Cool...that was on my list as a kid but never caught one
  11. Ok so it's a little far and not exactly cheap, but the trip of a lifetime. Peak season is...now, with a near guarantee of trophy fish and memories to last a lifetime . I had the trip planned with a friend who unforunately has to bow out to take care of his business, so wanted to see if any avid fishermen on the board are interested. I was in the southern part of Costa Rica this spring and hired a local guide, hooked up maqny and landed a few fish in the 100 - 150 lb class. I'm booking this trip because the tarpon fishing is unbelievable and I thought that a dedicated lodge (Silver King Lodge) would be the best way to go about things this time to ensure the best bang (# of fish) for the buck (plus this is a relatively untouched remote jungle area only accessible by plane). Last time I flew from Detroit to San Juan for about $300 CDN (yes $300 CDN!). Toronto is slightly more expensive. The lodge which includes transportation (plane) to the lodge, all food, booze, english speaking guide, and fishing (jungle fish, open water fish (sailfish, wahoo etc are also available...and of course TARPON up to 200 lbs) is ~ $800 day which doesn't seem all that bad when you consider what you get. If you have fished for tarpon you know what to expect. If you haven't then it isn't a huge learning curve. You may already have much of the equipment and lures you need? Interested? Give me a shout.
  12. I am a long time holder of a Halton Region Conservation annual pass (110$ or so annually) and used to enjoy some very good pike and bass fishing at the reservoir. I am continually ticked off seeing cars parked in the lot that have clearly not payed the 10$ and the near total lack of enforcement, not to mention the garbage and the general sorry state of the shore fishing spots. On top of that I have also: 1) Had my buddy's car broken into and lots of tackle and anything else they could get their hands on stolen. 2) Almost gotten into it with some dude who was clearly cracked out and looking for a fight. Mountsberg has turned into a CIRCUS! I'd advocate writing a short signed petition to HRCA outlining the issues and some potential alternative solutions (E.g. more enforcement, put a kiosk/gate there and charge. close it down for a season?) I don't know why HRCA continues to neglect the reservoir...I think it may be because they are focused on their bird of prey rehab program however they are ignoring a valuable aquatic resource and potentially good source of revenue. Let's keep in mind that this is a public institution (partially paid for by tax dollars handed down from the municipality) and is ultimately publicly accountable. sorry for the rant
  13. I saw the same thing in my favourite fishing hole; a set of bird/duck legs just standing there in shallow water among the tree stumps....creepy. We have seen pike leap from the water for birds but I wouldn't imagine that they would leave the feet, just swallow it all head first. It could have been a big snapping turtle. I know there is a huge one that frequents the spot where I saw my set of feet.
  14. Good job I also bought a kayak a couple of weeks ago and had a chance to get out onto the local res this saturday to fish for some predators...managed to land this 32" pike before the wind got nasty and I called it quits. If you are ever looking for a kayak fishing partner give me a shout. Cheers
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