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About chilli

  • Birthday 10/07/1968

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  1. I was going to PM you but apparently my pm privileges have been disabled. This is my first look at this forum since I left and wanted to thank you for asking an important question back in April. I only came to check out bigugli's dog attack thread but then found that when I searched my username. Thanks again for asking and taking the heat so elegantly.

    Dan Andrews


  2. They are trouble for our fishery. The shores used to get covered three feet thick when the die offs occured and they had to stock salmon just to control em. You can't use them as bait dead or alive in Lakes that don't have them because they spread like gobies and zebra muscles. Take as many as you can. Check the guide to eating sport fish though
  3. The Welland River is basically a reservoir for the hydro facilities on the Niagara River. When hydro demands change the river often flows backwards up to a certain elevation.
  4. That's awesome We did the classroom hatchery in Stevensville for the last two years but they died both times. The kids were upset but gained an even greater respect for the environment. They're more determined than ever to keep our streams clean. This year the school is trying a third time but have the tank in the hall instead of the class. This way the whole school gets to watch.
  5. Yup I let my kids shoot it and if one brings a friend they can shoot it too. Amazing to see these tough wannabe gangster whiteboys shake like a leaf when shooting an actual gun for the first time Hey if your pants are hanging down to your crotch it'll be easier if you hold it an inch off your shoulder and lean back - kidding Hey but lets not give the libs any stupid ideas or you'll need a licence just to hold the dam thing. No one new will ever try
  6. Thanks for that RC something new for me to check out. It's never the top hits on an album that resonate with me. Here's one just for fun <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/82e4ijU6cRk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. This ones a moderate everyone can enjoy. It rarely leaves my head anymore and is a favourite to whistle while kayaking <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hTz4MwfPSaA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. Now that was a reasonable argument. Thank you With that said if they could implement it without it costing millions of dollars a year it might be acceptable. That but of coarse they have to be able to keep the information out of the wrong hands.
  9. The money spent on the G*-G20 summit was equally stupid. If you could scrap spending that kind of money on the next summit you'd be all over it. Ya I see a thread about washing machines that better fits a fishing websites description. Lets not talk about politicians who are going to ban the weapons we already use to hunt with. It's a good topic that needs to never die. There are many other examples of government waste and stupid laws that need to be kept alive. If we can't discuss them like gentlemen perhaps we should get kicked off the forums altogether and stay out of public. Come on we're not a bunch of Archie Bunkers here. We should be embarrassed as adults if this thread gets closed.
  10. nice haul of fish Aaron! Here's what the stain looks like today <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid190.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fz252%2Fwildniagara%2FApril18th2011.mp4">
  11. There's still plenty of ice in the Lake although yesterdays strong South wind has it packed up against the shoreline but it's not over yet. Actually that wind probably prevented a clean flush and it will now take a lot longer. In the long run its probably better for the lake as it will keep the temps down longer and the Niagara River will hold the big trout longer
  12. OK no cormorants in the sequel. I think the nasty breaker chased them away If you like my video's please subscribe. BTW the Upper is toast for awhile but it's got a nice stain so if you can find an opening hit it
  13. Did anyone lose a prop out there
  14. http://www.youtube.com/user/wildniagara I'll be adding a video tonight of the river after the first few booms came out. This video was 2 days before that. Just a few cormorants in this video for your pleasure. The Upper Niagara River will be shot for at least a week now.
  15. forget it guys
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