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Status Replies posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Nothing like a good feed of bluegills and taters for supper.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Jealous my friend. My next feed of gills probably won't be until May !!!


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Beat the tax man again for the 5 year. New summer tires and some new fishing gear are on the list to buy. ;0)

  3. Broke out the CTS stick today. It did not let me down. Love that thing. No worries, as I forgot my camera,so no cropped pics to share nor back grounds. My SPOT, is safe. ;0) Can,t beat that brown sugar/sea salt cure. It,s candy to them steelhead.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Haven't fished chrome in years Brian....but when I did I always used John Kerrs recipe that had brown sugar in it. Always did as well or mostly better then anyone around me.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. We'll after a summer of training my butt off I ran my second Full Marathon today in a time of 4 hours, 12 minutes and 10 seconds taking 53 minutes and 32 seconds off my time from a year ago

  5. No matter their age, give your kids an extra hug this Christmas!

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Will do Wayne. Heading over there with Presents and coffee now. All our best to you and your clan .


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Got to the bottom of the hill and what did I see,,,,,,,,,87.2 per lt. Just in time for the longweekend. ;0)

  7. I think John F was smiling down on me today, heck, he was probly standing right beside me cheering on every catch. I rigged up the rod I bought from him for todays outing. It still has MOJO.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Thx for sharing that Brian...and I'm sure he was right there.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. LMAO. I get two chiinneys on dime size pieces of shrimp under a float. Pays to listen to the locals. LMAO

    1. crappieperchhunter


      dave524...work awesome for Simcoe winter perch too.....just don't tell anyone.



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Visit to the eye specialist was great. Had an orbital scan. The eye is still good, laser work has done it,s job and I was able to read 2 lines more then last time. The floater thing I have will be there for life,but other then that, it,s good to see.

  10. When I say "I'm leaving exactly at 5pm, if not before" it doesn't mean "let me know at 5:05 that you're about to eat supper, and then take 25 more minutes to do so. It's cool; it's not like we're running out of daylight or anything." Grrrr. After-work fishing trips will have to be solo from now on, I think.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      I give everyone ONE mulligan for tardiness when fishing. After the 2nd incident they get crossed of my fishing partner list. Have only crossed off 2 people so far.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. Dean Blundel is hosting the morning show on the fan 590. Time to switch to TSN 1050.

  12. Man, Father Time must have said a real doosey to Mother Nature, 'cause shes been giving him a veeeerrrry cold shoulder for a loooooooong time.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Thinking the same...he needs to man up and make things right.



  13. Goes out, spends $40 on new ice fishing lures, spends the last 2 outings using the same spoons I've been using for the past 3 years. LOGIC!

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Bought a good pop up...3 WINTERS AGO...and it has only ever been set up in the house. Grandson never showed any interest in winter fishing with grandpa


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)


    1. crappieperchhunter


      Saw lotsa people at an Oshawa course yesterday on the way back home from ice fishing.


  15. Mr,s is back from the cookie swap. Tasteing time. ;0)

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Debbe's is next weekend Brian. I'm fasting until then!!! Enjoy the goodies.


  16. The last couple of days have really pushed my buttons. Walked in and asked for a pack of smokes. Then I remembered my promise. I dont feel stress free,but feel better for saying no,never mind. And walked out.

  17. The last couple of days have really pushed my buttons. Walked in and asked for a pack of smokes. Then I remembered my promise. I dont feel stress free,but feel better for saying no,never mind. And walked out.

  18. Ever have one of those days at work that when you got home and looked at the calender and said to yourself, damit, another 15+ years to go. I need some holiday time.

  19. When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie,thats amore.

  20. It,s true damit. Time flys bye when yer getting older. But hey,it,s 32 years together. Yup,we made another year again my love. Happy 32nd.

  21. I thought I knew what pain was... then I stuck a TIG filler rod up my nostril and tried to find my brain. Anyone got a spare pint of blood..... Stop laughing misfish..

  22. "Slight" pneumonia at age 40... Wow. Now I know how this can kill people especially the elderly.

  23. Safteys are put on machines for a reason. DOH. No fishing for a week or two for this idiot. Nail and tip of index finger gone.

  24. Safteys are put on machines for a reason. DOH. No fishing for a week or two for this idiot. Nail and tip of index finger gone.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Been there done that Brian.Crushed my ring finger knuckle at work being stupid.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  25. Please winter can you stop, i know spring isn't offically for another 9 days but I'm done with you

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